Story Eight: Arc city: part Two

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"The base should be around here somewhere?" Alex said as he grabbed his shotgun. To fight the surrounding beasts "huh, so you want to fight. Come get some then." The first beast rushed him but Alex shot the beast twice before it got to him, the next flew towards him but he grabbed it and ripped it to shreds. 

As more beasts came Alex became more and more aggressive to the point where he would use a living beast to destroy them all. As the last of the beasts scattered he turned, but in the corner of his eye he saw a girl in the rain, he knew exactly who it was when he saw her.

"Kiana." He said. She fired a shot at him which he dodged instantly. "Ha, ready then." Kiana kept firing at him while Alex was closing the distance by dodging each shot. He was doing well until one shot hit him sending him back. Rain drops hit his face and drenched his hair he looked up to see Kiana holding her pistol to his head. "Why are you here. Did auntie send you?" Alex sat up and just smiled "Nah, I'm here on my mission. The leaked info has one more target for me to find. His name, Kevin Kaslana." Kiana holstered her gun and put her hand out "Fine, here let me help you." Alex took Kiana's hand and stood up.  "Thanks I thi*Achoo*" Kiana looked a little worried and said "You seem to be sick, Let's get you back to my safehouse. I think my unconventional ally is there. She tried to capture me, but instead I had to save her ass."  

Alex and Kiana entered the safe house and Alex smiled "Cozy." Kiana laughed a little and said "Ah, I'm not here often so I don't really maintain it. Now once you get better, I'll let you go and do your thing." Alex shook his head "It's cool, I just need to plant some explosives on a few  concrete pillars and the entire place will come tumbling down, kind of like jenga." Kiana sighed "Not until you feel better, I don't want you to get worse." Alex shook his head "I'm fi*Achoo.*" Kiana grinned "You're not. Now, let's get you to bed."

Alex was fast asleep when he suddenly began to see something. He was standing in the snow it was red all around him and his blood slowly leaving his body. He then saw a white haired man walk closer to him. He lifted Alex up "You, prick." Alex said "Project end was my responsibility, you *cough* had no right to interfere." The white haired man then dropped Alex. "Then you should've taken her out sooner." He held the flaming sword and swung it. Causing Alex to wake up.

The next morning Alex sat on one of the chairs relaying the nightmare he had over and over again. "Snow, why were we in snow, and that sword." Rita looked at Alex and said "Is everything ok, Alex? you seem to be troubled?" Alex looked to rita and sighed "Just thinking about something that happened, I think I'm going to die. The white hair, I'm sure it was Kevin. I need to process this."

A few hours went by and Alex successfully infiltrated the facility. The problem now is how the hell he was going to get to the pillars he designated without alerting anyone. He then saw a gap where there was absolutely no one so he took the chance and bolted it over to the hole in the center of the room. Jumping down onto a pillar.

He slid down the pillar all the way to the foundations of the base. Alex went to the first spot he labeled on his copy of the blueprints and pulled out a hammer drill and a bit to place in the drill. He placed the bit into the drill and started to Drill into the concrete pillar.

A few minutes of drilling later, Alex successfully created a hole in the pillar and placed a modified bangalore torpedo into the hole and synced it to his remote. Alex then moved onto the another pillar and did the exact same thing as before.

After a while Alex had done all the the pillars he need to in order to destroy the place. Now he needed to get out of there. He made his way over to the group of pillars he started with and he began to climb it.

Raven was walking past the hole when she heard grunting. like someone is climbing something. As the grunting became louder she became confused and looked around eventually looking in the hole. When looking down said hole she saw a figure. rather than go tell someone she watched as the figure climbed out and to he shock she found out it was someone she knew.

Alex looked at Ravens face looking completely dumbstruck "So, uh... Hi." Raven just helped him up and said "So, I assume you were down there for a reason?" Alex just shrugged "Eh, I was doing things. My question is that why are you here?" Raven was now shocked "I... Uh, work here." Alex now became shocked and pulled his gun on Raven. "So you work for 'him' don't you." He said. Raven just walked towards Alex while he walked back "Listen, what has he done to you?" Alex kept walking back until he hit a wall "He's trying to kill project end, and without removing the power first. That'll do more than kill everyone. I'm here to slow him so I can remove the power of whoever she is first. Then everything is fine." Raven then stopped and said "And by slowing him down... Are you the one who blew up our bases?" Alex stood up and sighed "Yeah, sorry about that. Like I said, he can't know." He then realized that he had active explosives. "Shit we uh, have to leave, like right now." Alex said as he ran of to the exit. Raven was confused for a second but then realized why Alex was running. "Asshole." She said as she caught up to him. Alex just laughed and said "Yeah, at least I'm not the one who found out and leaked private information." Raven laughed a little before saying "Yeah, I guess you're right. Who did it anyway?" Alex just shrugged "I dunno, I guess someone who wanted to prematurely active her destructive cabiblitys."

Alex and Raven exited the building and the two began to head for a safe place. "So Alex, who is project end." Alex just shrugged "I don't know just yet. She needs to develop a little longer before I can find out." Raven then remembered other people who she saw that were project end. "Is there more than one per universe?" She said which Alex shook his head to "Nah, just one. Where did you get that Idea?" Raven sighed "I saw multiple people who were project end but I wondered how many were going to turn hostile again." Alex stopped "They were from other universes. The reason we have the files is to have a better chance at beating them and to become more efficient in finding them and eventually stopping them before they become threats." Raven almost smiled "That's, a cool plan. I would've never guessed that would be an ultimate goal."

The two reached Kiana's place and Alex said "Look, My friend said she knew that bad people work there so I'll vouch for you." Raven nodded "I see." Alex opened the the door to see Kiana sit there. "Hey Alex, nice friend you got there." She pulled out her gun and began to hold it towards raven when Alex walked up to Kiana and put her arm down. "What are you doing?" She said. Alex just sighed "She a friend." Kiana then holstered her gun and said "Alright, but I don't trust her."

Alex was looking at his device when it started to go crazy. "What the- project end is here?" Kiana looked at the device in shock "Doe-does that mean?" Alex looked at Raven and Rita "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Alex pointed it to rita with no additional reaction. Then he pointed it to raven with the device now going crazy. "Oh shit, Raven. You're project end."

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