Story Five: Mei: Part Three

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Alex woke up to the darkness of the car. He was in the trunk or was it boot. There was a small light and Mei was lying there next to him she looked like she had been crying due to tear stains on her cheeks. Mei muffled "MMPH." Alex reached for the tape on mei's mouth and ripped it off. "Thank you Alex." She said "Here let me get yours." She ripped off the tape that was on Alex mouth. He smiled to mei and said "It looks like we've been captured. I'm sorry." mei was shocked "It's not your fault, we didn't know that they would do it then. I just wish they left you. I don't want them to hurt you." Alex with a smile fot closer to mei and said "It's ok, I am here with you and that's all that matters." He then put his bound arms over mei's head and pulled himself to Kiss mei. Mei was shocked and kept the kiss alive for as long as humanly possible.

Himeko was walking back and forth saying to Theresa "How the hell are we going to save Mei and Alex with just the two of us. We still don't know the status of Kiana and the others." Himeko kept pacing while theresa sat on the couch trying to get in contact with Kiana again. Theresa eventually gave up when they heard a knock on the door. Theresa sighed and yelled "Come in." The door opened and the away team yelled out "Surprise." They then saw only Himeko and Theresa. "Where is Mei, any your brother?" Kiana said with a confused look. Himeko gulped "They were Kidnapped." Kiana became pissed and walked to her room to grab a pair of guns when she walked out she said in a deep voice "Where did they go?"

Alex and Mei saw the trunk open and the leader said "Good, you're awake, Take them to the rooms we discussed earlier." They then cut the ropes and pulled mei and Alex out of the car and into the building. The two were split off and Mei was put in a room with just a chair and large closet. Alex was just taken to a small room and his legs now tied up again. The door was then shut and locked. Alex was worried, he knew that they were trying to bring out project end. Alex fear they may break her to make it easier.

Mei was in the chair and the leader of the group said "Hello miss mei." She was bound to the chair and said "What do you want?" The man just laughed "I think you know why. To tell you that your boyfriend is a hunter and he is hunting you." mei was shocked "No, your ly--" She then realized that she was project end "I am project end aren't I?" The person grinned "Yes, and I guess you boyfriend didn't say anything. You Know he knew right?" Mei just sighed "I guess he didn't like me like that after all, he was just using me just to kill me. Am I wrong." The man then said "everything you said was 100% true." Mei was so dejected. She thought that Alex actually loved her. During her crying the group leader opened up a cabinet filled with bondage gear. He grabbed a gag and put it on mei. She didn't even realize it. 

Kiana and Fu Hua rushed past guards Killing them if they got in their way. once at the building Kiana said "Auntie Himeko are you sure that this is the right location." Himeko laughed "Of course, I would never leave my little brother alone without a tracker. That I secretly put in him." Kiana chuckled "Well, if so then we should go in, right Fu hua?" Kiana looked over to the door an ran for it. There were three guard that were there. Kiana shot them all.

Alex undid his leg binds and was nibbling at the rope around His hands. He sighed and said to himself "Mei, I'm sorry I never told you the truth. I was just worried that if you knew that, that you would become project end. I will always love you through thick and thin."

Mei was too distracted to realize that she was unbound , She then felt anger, not towards the people who took her but towards Alex. The lies the manipulation, it all came to her. Suddenly Kiana with Fu Hua rushed in and promptly shot the guy that lead the group. He was Killed instantly. Mei Felt calmer but she still Was mad At Alex. Kiana undid the gag and said to Mei "Jesus Mei. Did this man hurt you?" Mei shook her head. "No, But I do want some of the items he had in that closet, I can find a use for them." Kiana then opened the closet and realized what mei wanted and just took all of it for her. Mei just sad said "I have to find Alex first."

Mei walked through the building looking for Alex with Fu Hua and Kiana following. Sh opened the door to find Alex breaking free from His binds. Alex smiled at mei and went to hug her. As he went to her she slapped him. HARD. "Mei what was that for?" He said in a calm voice still shocked. "YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WAS FOR YOU FUCKING LIAR!" Mei shouted and in tears "YOU KNEW THAT I WAS PROJECT END AND LIED TO MY FACE ABOUT IT!" Alex looked like he was about to cry but Kept his cool "I didn-" He said before mei interrupted him "I don't care about your excuses, You lied and that doesn't excuse you. You can follow us back to the school, but after that, you can go." Alex sigh "Ok."

The walk back was quiet Mei was in front Kiana and Fu Hua were carrying Mei's things and Alex just kept his distance. Once they entered soukai Alex said "I'll leave now. Say goodbye to Himeko for me" in a sad voice. They then watched as he walked off. Kiana and Fu Hua said "Bye" While Mei just kept walking. 

Half an hour later the three of them got back to the dorms. Mei had a look of being upset and angry. Kiana just sighed and put Mei's new things in her room. Himeko then asked "What happened to Alex?" Mei went to her room and Kiana said "Mei and Alex, they broke up." Himeko then asked "Where is he?" Fu Hua then replied with "He left after we got to the city." Himeko then ran out the door "I'll go look for him, be back soon."

Himeko looked around shouting out "Alex, where are you." She was getting worried until she heard "here, Sis." From behind. Himeko turned to See Alex eating something. "Alex what happened between you and Mei?" Alex stopped eating and sighed "She is project end. I didn't want her to Know." Himeko looked around "Why didn't you want her to know?" Alex shut his eyes and said "It could activate project end if she was known about it. It's why I kept it from her. " Himeko chuckled "Well, that seems like you were doing the right thing." Suddenly Himeko's phone rang and it was Kiana "Hi-Himeko, Mei is attacking us. She already Hurt Bronya and Fu Hua. Theresa is holding her off. Come back please and help us." Himeko was shocked "Alex, I think mei is now activating project end like you said." Alex gulped "Ok then, I need to remove it. Lets go."

Mei knocked back theresa into a wall and was now looking at Kiana. She grinned and said "Kiana, Kiana, Kiana. you were the one to rescue me from my fate a couple years ago. I won't kill you, not yet at least, but I'll ask you this. Do you Join me?" Kiana grinned and said "You know, I would. But, I think I am just going to stop you here and now" Kiana's eyes went golden and she said "for this is my world and I will not let you destroy it." She let out the nightmare that has been taunting her for many years. Mei was surprised and said "Oh, the herrscher of the void. It must be a real emergency if you are coming out."

Alex and Himeko returned to the dorm to find the place broken and two figures flying around. Mei had every advantage in the fight and struck Kiana down next to Alex and Himeko. Kiana was knocked unconscious. Alex was mad, Project end would destroy the would if Alex could not absorb the power. This was the last ditch effort, the final confrontation. He walked up to Mei, every strike she threw at him he just shook it off. She knew she couldn't win with project end power alone so she used the third herrscher power and struck him. The strike left a mark on his chest. She went in for another strike but he dodged it and grabbed Mei. Absorbing the energy from Mei's chest he said "I'm sorry I lied." To Mei and Kissed her as he removed the energy. mei fell asleep and Alex returned the energy to his boss. Himeko then helped Kiana up and She said "That's my Brother." Alex smiled and looked at how peaceful Mei was.

A few days went by and Mei, theresa, Bronya, and Fu hua were taken to the infirmary. Everyone expect for Mei woke up within the first 24 hours. Mei is still asleep. Alex stayed by her side at all times. While waiting he decided to think about what he would say to apologize to Mei. 

Mei was squirming. Alex looked at Mei about to open her eyes. Mei groaned as she opened her eyes. It was blurry for her and she could only see someones head. "Oh, what happened, I went to bed upset and then Something told me to destroy it all?" Her vision cleared up to see Alex smiling at her. "You're okay." Said Alex going in to hug Mei. Mei didn't know why but her anger subsided and She started crying "Alex, I am sorry for yelling at you and breaking up with you. The truth was I was not myself and I do hope you can forgive me?" Alex smiled "I do, but only if we never speak about project end again." Mei smiled "Of course. I love you." Kiana then came in and she brought a bag and said "me and Fu Hua made this for you two." Mei opened the bag and saw two boxes with Their names on them. Kiana left and said "Enjoy." In the box was some food that was neatly packed in. "This looks nice." Said mei. She took a bite and said "Woah, it tastes good to." The two then smiled and Alex said "being with you is one of the best experiences of my life." The two Kissed as night came.

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