Story Six: Kiana: Part 2

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They days went by and summer vacation eventually ended. It turns out Himeko followed Alex and Kiana and saw Kiana ask out Alex. Kiana confronted himeko and the conversation went "Himeko. Please don't tell anyone what you heard. Well not yet at least." Himeko chuckled and winked at Kiana "OK, Ok. But in exchange, I have to get you ready for the date." Kiana pouted "Fine, but if you tell a single soul about this, you'll regret it." Himeko then put her arm around Kiana and rubbed her head. "Ah don't be such a grump. If you keep doing that you'll turn out like me." Kiana then gave a short smile "What, a drunk?" Himeko chuckled loudly. "Yeah, that and Other things. I'll keep your secret for you."

Alex was in his office doing some work, he looked up from time to time thinking about Kiana. He chuckled and kept working. He was in love and he began to show it during the day. For a few days, Kiana bagan to go to Alex's office everyday to see him. One time she entered once at the end of the day and found him passed out at his desk. She chuckled and put him on his couch. He later questioned Kiana about it and they both had a laugh.

It was getting close to the weekend and Alex had finally thought of a good time to ask if Kiana wanted to go out that saturday. It was getting close to the end of the day and Alex was about to head home when he saw Kiana waiting near the exit. "Kiana?" he said. Kiana looked over and said "Hey I want to talk to you." Alex then walked over and said "What's up?" Kiana chuckled and said "I was hoping that we could go on our date tomorrow?" Alex smiled and said "Sounds nice, I was going to ask the exact same thing. When did you want to do it though? I can't go in the morning because I have a few errands I need to do, and they're a bit odd." Kiana smiled and said "That's fine, I was hoping we could go out in the afternoon anyway." Alex chuckled and said "Alright then I'll see you tomorrow." He then gave Kiana a hug then left.

Alex got home and placed his work bag down. For him it had been an exhausting week for him, but being with Kiana was worth it to him and now he had a date with her. He then cooked up something and ate it before going to bed.

It was quite late and Kiana was asleep. She began to dream. It was of her, Mei and Alex. Like her previous dreams mei was being strangled but off to the side she saw Alex. Kiana threw mei to the side and went over to Alex. He was bleeding, some sort of lance piercing him. Kiana couldn't stop grinning. She wanted to but she couldn't. She looked him in the eyes and before she could say anything  she found herself in her bed, awake and sweating. "What the hell was that?" She said trying to catch her breath. "What's going on."

Kiana looked at her clock and saw that is was around 4 am. "Oh well, I'm awake now I should get up and ready for the day." Kiana then grabbed her gear and went for some extra training. On the way out of her room she saw fu Hua. "Fu Hua, Why are you awake?" Fu Hua turned and saw Kiana holding her gear with a battlesuit on. "I should be asking you that Kiana, why do you have a battle suit on anyway? Are you doing some training? It's the weekend you never train then. I am oddly proud, and scared at the same time." Kiana gave a chuckle "I am feeling a little stressed, I have a date today and I woke up from a weird nightmare." Fu Hua looked shocked "Himeko told me you were going on a date. I didn't believe her at first. I am guessing it is with that Alex person." Kiana blushed "Yeah, We decided to go out this afternoon." Fu Hua then rubbed her chin and said "All right, but be careful. I don't trust him, not yet." Kiana smiled "Ok then fu hua. I'll be careful." Kiana left and Fu Hua sighed as she pulled out a picture of Alex. He was fighting someone. "What are you Alex." She said studying the picture.

kiana was on the outskirts of the city. She heard that some beasts were around there and she decided to go and train against them. She started to hear rustling noises and a beast crashed through the trees. She got ready to attack and saw herself surrounded by them. She gulped and a beast rushed her. "KIANA!" she heard a male voice yell as she shut her eyes bracing for the attack. Kiana opened her eyes to see Alex struggling against the beast that was about to attack her "A-Alex, why are you here." Alex threw the beast back and smiled "I was called out here to fight some beasts. Didn't think I'd see you here. You want to help." Kiana smiled and said "Hell yeah, I came here to train, but why are you here?" Alex looked around "I just felt like I needed to. And now I see why. Let's waste them." The two looked at each other and nodded.

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