Story 12: Female captain: Part One

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"Captain!" Yelled Himeko as she ran down the hall catching up to The captain. The captain looked groggy and said "Y-yeah, what's up?" Himeko then handed her a folder and said "Here, read this when you have time. preferby today. He should be here soon." The captain then suddenly fully woke up and said "He, who's he?" Himeko then said "Read the file, it's got all the information you'll need." The captain nodded and said "Alright."

After her talk with Himeko the captain went to the bridge and said to Theresa on the deck "Morning." Theresa looked at the captain with a smile "Morning captain, have a nice sleep?" The captain nodded before looking at the folder. "I gotta read this, himeko said it's important." Theresa nodded "Alright, oh and select a squad for today's mission too." The captain nodded "Yah, I got it." She said while reading the file. 

"You're here, good" Said Himeko to the male. He looked around and said "it's nice, perfect for what I have planned." Himeko nodded "Yes, the facilities here should be perfect for you you, and it can be customized. but before we can do that, we should met up with the woman in charge." The boy nodded "I see. well lead me to her."

The captain finished reading the file and said "interesting, if this is true then we can drive them back faster and harder." She then heard the door to the bridge open and saw himeko and a male walk in, "This him?" She said "I noticed that is name was redacted on the file, what reason." The male looked at himeko and said "You redacted my name?" Himeko chuckled and said "well, I did it by the protocol." Theresa then said "That's only for new schicksal operatives for the first week, not this merc. Buuttt, it doesn't hurt to do it anyway. Besides I've met him before." Himeko then said "I see, well Introduce yourself to the captain." the male looked at the female who immedatly looked back at him before thinking to herself "Damm, he's quite- wait what am I thinking." The male then said " I'm Alex, someone who just popped into existence. I try not to look too professional, due to what happened before coming here." The captain then said "Nice to meet you Alex, I hope you'll be a good addition." Alex smiled "Thanks ma'am, I hope you'll be a good boss."

Alex was in a room setting up his things when he heard a knock on the door. He then said "It's open." Th captain walked in and looked around saying "So Uh, we are going to the mission you wanted to do now, but uh, I just, uh, uh wanted to know, wanted to know." Alex noticed she was fumbling with her words and he said "Is everything ok?" The captain then said "oh, uh yeah, I just forgot what what I was talking about." She then perked up and said "oh that's right. Did you want to head there now or...." Alex then said "Whenever you're ready. You can do what you need to do. I've still got some setting up to do." The captain smiled before leaving. Alex chuckled and said "What a funny girl."

The captain ran to the bridge red in the face Thinking to herself "did I really just do that, in front of our new member. I am such an idiot." As she got into the bridge Theresa said "Woah, what happened, you looker redder than normal, is everything good?" The captain nodded without saying a word and looked down onto her workstation.

A few hours passed and Alex had set up his Room fully, as he left he bumped into the captain and she said "ah Alex, I was just on my way to give you this." She handed Alex a card "It's your uh, room keycard, I forgot to give it to you earlier." Alex smiled and said "many thanks captain."

Kiana was looking at the captain and chuckled "It seems like she likes him." Mei then said "Who likes who?" Kiana then said "It's obvious that the captain likes the new guy." Bronya then said "You mean Alex?" Kiana then shot a look to bronya and said "So that's his name. Auntie just said he was someone new. How'd you get his name?" Bronya then said "overheard it when going by the bridge." Mei then said "I wonder what Alex is here for anyway." Kiana then sat up "Well whatever it is. It's gonna be cold." She then held up the mission briefing.

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