sarah's first assignment

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Alex was practicing using his abilities when the alert went off, it had been a week since he was cleared and ready for duty again and he was now allowed to take sarah with him. As he walked to the deck he got cold feet, first mission since the incident and he didn't know how to think about it. He had given sarah a sort of understanding of the portal and how it works. as she rushed out onto the deck with the biggest smile on her face as the wind flowed through her long red hair she said "is it time, is it time?" Alex nodded "yeah, we're just waiting on the others to open up." They both then heard Zach say "take care you two." Over the comms and Alex said "We'll be fine, I'll keep an eye on her." Kiana then said "it's opening now." As the frame rose Alex said to Sarah "follow my lead, and be prepared for an exit."

The traveling two looked around and sarah said "I can see other universes." Alex then said "Yeah, I chose not to as it distracts me from the exit and how we'll be shot out of it like a cannon." Sarah then said "is that why you never stick the landing when returning?" Alex sighed "yup, and it hurts a lot more  going to the the other universe as we are propelled quite high up, which is why I gave you the parachute." Sarah gulped "what about you?" Alex then said "I'll be fine, I'll recover."

The portal opened and as Alex and sarah went through, something felt off they were flying in a space that was not normal, they were in some sort of subspace, as they landed on a platform Sarah said "where are we?" Alex looked around and said "no clue, this has never come up in my notes before." As the two walked along they saw a woman, looked like Mei but different. They walked along and were Sarah was spooked by something and Alex shot it with a shotgun blast. The thing fell like a sack of potatoes and Alex said "something strange is going on here." Alex cocked the shotgun and the woman turned to them and said "how did you two enter here?" Alex then said "we just fell through a portal, but first, hi I'm Alex, and this is Sarah, we're here looking for something we call project end. It must be here though because of how my portal works." The woman then said "well I'm mei, and what you are staring at is the theatre of domination."

Alex looked at the floating theater and said "what the hell, what is going on here?" Mei then said "my main issue is getting into it, if you can, then have fun I'm sure the puppets in there would love to taunt you." Sarah then said "is project end in there?" Alex shrugged "maybe." Alex then said "wait puppets?" Mei nodded "they're the 10th herrscher and there is 1000 of them." As she began to walk again she said "they are tricksters able to do what they want, seen it myself. Anything this space is their reality, they control everything, and I want a piece of them. They've got something important of mine here and I would like to stop them from using it." Alex then said  "we'll follow you as far as we can but once we see Project end I'm gunning for him or her." Mei nodded "understood."

Alex, Sarah and Mei got closer to the theater all the while the puppets were practically screaming at them, Alex shot one or two before Mei said "it's pointless, they'll come back." Alex then cracked his knuckles and said "well if they get really annoying then I'll just beat their faces in." Mei then said "you act like her a bit, I wonder why." Sarah then looked at her hands and said "I feel tingles, Is that normal?" Alex looked at Mei and asked "I'm guessing that place has honkai energy?" Mei nodded "Yeah, it's a herrschers home, so this place is literally a conduit for it." Alex then said "of course, conversion. Sarah we may have to release project end energy if possible I never told anyone this but we can convert honkai energy." Sarah then said "Oh, so we might do a pulse?" Alex nodded "just let of some if needed."

As they walked Mei asked "so how long have you been doing this for?" Alex then said "I've been doing it for a while now, I had an injury before that caused me to not be able to do anything like this, but now I'm back. Sarah here is on her first assignment, I'm just teaching her the ropes." Sarah nodded and Mei said "I see, sounds quite simple?" Alex shrugged "well it's different each time, I enjoy the tougher fights but sometimes an easy fight is good too."

They got close to the theater and many puppets appeared and Mei said "Move on ahead, I'll take care of these." Alex nodded and said to sarah "we're gonna have to jump for it." Sarah gulped and said "is it safe?" looking down Alex nodded "if you're not confident I can carry you over." Sarah nodded "I think that may be a good Idea." Alex then turned to Mei and said "Goodbye." Mei nodded "good luck to you then."

Alex and Sarah jumped the gap and The two reached the theater safe Sarah then said "thanks." Alex nodded "no pressure, now come on project end doesn't wait for anything." The two entered the theater and the place looked like it was in a state of disrepair, Sarah kept close to Alex and the two kept an eye out However she began to Feel uneasy and eventually lost sight of Alex.

As Alex moved along not realizing Sarah was not longer with him he felt a sense of dread wash over him. As he turned he saw an agent, dead as a spear penetrated his chest, one next to him seconds from distigrating, Alex saw something fly towards him however it was just an illusion and the thing that flew past was another spear who hit sarah right in the chest and he head the voice say "so you're willing to let your partner die just to live?" Alex then said "trying to rile me up, it won't work."

Sarah was afraid, the atmosphere kept her worried for a while until she saw someone, it was Zach, who had been shot, She looked horrified, he then returned to normal and Said "Sarah I'm worried about you, I feel as if you don't like me anymore. You seem more interested in Alex anyway" Zach began to run away and Sarah began to chase after him.

Alex looked around and focused thinking "a good burst should make them lose control and give us a bit of freedom from them." So Alex shut his eyes and thought, as he converted more honkai energy preparing to release he said "are you finished?" Before making a large blast which created a bubble of project end energy in this space. He saw Sarah looked shocked as a tear streamed down her face Alex said "what did you see?" Sarah looked at Alex and Blinked "i-is this real now?" Alex nodded "yeah, using some project end energy I was able to create a blast that gives us a temporary safe space." Sarah then said "woah, awesome!" Alex smiled "let's get a move on."

Alex and Sarah moved through the theatre and found some stairs "it's up there, I can see project end." Sarah then asked "how far up?" Alex then said "Rough estimate of about 50 meters? keep moving." The two began running up the stairs. Alex kept a rough eye on project end's location and said "it's not moving but it's doing something, and I don't like it." Sarah then said "how can you tell?" Alex kept his eyes on the location of project end and said "I am using a sense, try it out if you can. It'll help in the tracking of project end and corrupted energy too." Sarah concentrated and said "I'm trying. how can I tell when it works." Alex then said "you'll know, just don't force it. If you can't do it I'll make something that'll help out until you can."

Alex and Sarah reached the project end subject and saw it was a male Alex then said "Project end!" The male turned and said "an agent, my lucky day, this world just sucks doesn't it?" Alex then said "maybe for you, but I don't see it that way, what are you planning?" The man then said "I can give the powers of project end to these puppets and let them deal with this universe." Sarah walked to the other side of the man. Alex looked into the man's eyes and said "you're delusional." The man laughed and said "well it's my job after all?" was about to jump when Sarah grabbed ahold of him and said "Where are you going." The man grinned but felt the energy drain and he said "no, NO i-it can't be, she is also an agent." Alex nodded "yeah, and she is quite new to this. I'd watch out." The remainder of the energy was sucked away and the man tumbled off of the stairs into the abyss. 

Alex and Sarah were walking down the stairs and chatting "Did I do good?" sarah asked for Alex to nod and smiled "you did fine, that man has likely died though, we'll pass it off as a suicide though." Sarah then said "oh." Alex then said "regardless, I think you should do the honors and open the portal." Sarah then said "h-how do I do it?" Alex smiled "take a deep breath, and use project end energy to imagine a portal." Sarah nodded and did what Alex said, she took a deep breath and imagined a portal. Sparks occurred and a portal opened.  Alex smiled at Sarah who looked proud of herself and Alex said "jump in, we don't have to much time."

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