Story Six: Kiana: Part one

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It was a nice summer day. Kiana was sitting at the beach with absolutely nothing to do. Mei was preparing for a concert that Kiana, Mei and Bronya will be performing at. Theresa was busy looking at a Homu shop. Bronya was god knows where. Kiana did play some coop arcade games with fu Hua but left because fu Hua was getting a little too competitive. That left Himeko who was getting beers and soda for the two of them.

Kiana was in the shade sighing. It was nearing the end of summer and Kiana didn't know what to do. She would go back to school soon and resume her training of being a valkyrie. She knew that the anti entropy were in the area doing their thing, but she was told not to worry about them and to just relax. Kiana then heard rumbling coming from the ocean.

The rumbling continued to grow and grow causing Kiana to be concerned. The rumbling then stopped causing Kiana to panic. Then a beast came out of the water causing panic for all of the civilians. Kiana then picked up her guns and went into the water. The water was quite shallow as Kiana sprinted for the beast. She noticed another person run into the water. His eyes looked like they had the intent to defeat this beast. Kiana grinned to the boy and said "Want to take on this beast together?" The boy smiled at her and said "Yeah, teamwork is good. Do you have a plan?" Kiana smiled "I just need to get a clear shot from above." The boy nodded "Alright then, I'll distract and hold it down for you." The boy then grabbed his shotgun and fired a shot at the beast to get it attention. 

Kiana watched as the boy pulled the beast down and gestured for Kiana to do her thing. Kiana then jumped in the air, the boy was amazed by this and Kiana grabbed her gungnir and yelled out "GUNGNIR EXECUTION." She fired it and the resulting blast destroyed the beast. Kiana then went down to the water to greet the boy. "We work well as a team. I'm Kiana, nice to meet you." The boy smiled and said "yeah, nice to meet you too, I'm Alex. I just moved here." Kiana chuckled "Well again it is nice to meet you. Do you want to hang around for a bit." Alex smiled at Kiana "Sure, sounds like fun."

back on the beach Himeko was wondering where Kiana was while drinking a beer "Kiana, did you kill that beast?" Kiana chucked "I had help." she smiled to Alex. "This is Alex" Himeko after taking a big sip of her beer said "You helped my student?" Alex nodded "Yeah, we work well as a team." Himeko saw kiana blush and laughed "I can see that happening." Himeko knew that Kiana liked Alex. "How long have you lived in soukai for Alex?" Said Himeko and Alex said "I moved here yesterday for work. I start in a few days" Himeko grinned "Maybe Kiana here can take you to see the sights some time or a date?" Kiana became embarrassed and said "Auntie, why me, you did say I have to study harder." Himeko chuckled and said "Ah, it's fine, I'm sure we can find time. What do you think Alex?" Alex shrugged "I'll see if I have time after summer ends. I have got to prepare for my new job." Himeko then said "In that case, I do hope we meet again, we live at st freya, so if you see Kiana around go talk to her" "Cool." He turned to Kiana and said "Nice to meet you" before he left and Kiana said "Did you essentially ask him out on a date for me?" Himeko grinned "You two are perfect for each other. I could see it." Kiana blushed "What if he doesn't like me like that though?" Himeko smiled "You just have to ask when he comes by."

Alex got home to his new place and put the paper on the table. He looked over it "So they work for the schicksal huh, I'm sure I'll surprise Kiana when she Finds out that I will be working there." He went to his room and browsed the web for a bit until he got a call. It was his new boss, theresa. "Hey Alex, I was hoping you could come in tomorrow, you could set up your office before the students come back?" Alex said "Sure, I'll do that, Where should we meet again?" Theresa laughed "the front of the school, 9 am tomorrow. That should be when the last of the student leave for the day." Alex replied with "Alright see you then." He then hung up looked around and went to sleep.

That night Mei with the help from kiana made dinner. The four valkyries (Kiana, Mei, Himeko and Bronya) sat down for the meal. "How was your day Mei?" Kiana said. mei chuckled and said "Good the concert is going well, I hope tomorrow that you could come and maybe do a rehearsal with me, I need a confidence boost." Kiana smiled "Sounds good. What about your day bronya?" Bronya looked At Kiana and said "My work is classified." Kiana sighed "I guess that's all we are going to get out of you." Mei then looked at Kiana and said "How about your day?" Kiana sighed "I was lying at the beach, a beast appeared. I killed it and that was my day." Kiana then finished her bowl. Himeko was chuckling "And the boy." Kiana blushed "Oh yeah, I had help Killing the beast. He held it down While I used my gungnir to kill it. he was very nice. Then Himeko came back as we got the shore and she basically asked him on a date for me." Himeko then chuckled "I could see it in your eyes Kiana." Kiana was now completely red "AHH, stop. I feel embarrassed now." Himeko then said "Alright, I'll stop." Kiana looked over to mei who was smiling "Kiana, it's fine if you like this boy. It does not matter." This caused Kiana to 

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