Return trip

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Kiana had just woken up and got herself refreshed and said to her captain "morning, anything new to report today?" The captain shook his head and said "nope, however these engines though, by now we'd normally be at 90% after this much flying, these new ones have kept us at 99.9% and everytime Alex goes on one of his missions, it's going to maximise it. It's so great." just then the alert went off and Kiana said "that was fast for Alex, call seele in." She then grabbed her key from around her neck and waited for Seele.

Seele rushed in and said "is it time?" Kiana nodded and said "Let's let him in." Kiana then placed her key in the slot and so did Seele and they both turned at the same time. The portal then opened and Alex flew out tumbling a few times and hitting his head on the glass of the bridge before falling back down and yelling "AH, SON OF A BITCH." as he hit the deck. Kiana and Seele ran out after closing the portal and went to go greet Alex, who was holding his back saying "That was painful." Kiana then said "you good?" Alex looked at the two girls and said "Yeah, just my back. Maybe a concussion too." Seele then said "That was fast?" Alex nodded "Yeah, project end didn't get a chance to put up a fight and the person who helped me, betrayed me on the walk back, I barely escaped without using the energy to get back." Kiana then said "well you should get some rest, you don't know when you'll get another assignment." Alex then said "gotta, urg, I gotta get some meds and then write my report, then I can rest." the two nodded and Kiana said "alright, we'll get some medication for you, you write your report."

"Captain, did you read the last report Alex wrote?" Said theresa the captain nodded "Yeah, everything matched up with what happened. He didn't attempt to cover anything up and he redacted names when requested. Why do you ask?" Theresa then said "no reason, I was just curious, I do want you to read his next report as well, If he redacts names then so be it, if not, tell me who was mentioned." The captain nodded and said "Definitely ma'am."

Alex sat at his desk writing about his encounter and drinking some water hoping his back doesn't begin to hurt again. The pain stopped shortly after he was given the medication. As he wrote the report he began to scribble out the names of the woman he met, before realizing that it would be beneficial for him to keep it in and starting over.

Upon finishing the report Alex wrote down a couple of notes saying "Portal ejects humans at high speeds which can result in injuries and possible death." and "I will be bringing a parachute on the next assignments, It's a good play as I can easily not hurt myself while being ejected hundreds of feet into the air." and the final one "I want to address the fact that there was another portal in that universe, I didn't mention it to anyone and I forgot about it until just writing this, whoever used it and for what purpose it served. I hope whatever caused it wasn't part of my portal, then we'll have an even bigger problem on our hands." As Alex Set the report aside he said "Well, it seems to be night, and I am feeling a little tired." He then looked at his bag and said "I guess I should take everything out."

Alex placed his M4 in a cabinet along with the spare magazines he then looked and realized he forgot something, the detector from zhuge kongming universe. Alex then bit his finger and said "not good, if she knows how to use it she could find enough project end particles and open a portal to here, or even worse enough energy to have project end's powers." As Alex laid in bed he thought "Not going to bring this up, probably the best play right now."

Kiana looked out the bridge and the captain said "what do you think she'll think about Alex?" Kiana shrugged "a bit surprised that the hyperion looks different, and confused as to why there is a new thing on the ship." The captain then said "I'm more worried about her strangling Alex when he breaks something." Kiana chuckled "oh he hasn't broken anything, except for, the err, Glass."

Alex awoke the next morning and was immedatly called out to the main deck by himeko who said "Alex, I'm gonna need you out here, oh and bring your rocket launcher." Alex sighed and grabbed it out of his closet and a few rockets from a case by his bed. He went onto the deck and said to the major "I got my launcher, what's up?" Himeko then pointed up and said "that mech's been following us for a few days now, shoot it down." Alex nodded loading a rocket into the launcher and kneeling down. He looked down the sight and said "it's locking on, and, FIRING." he launched the rocket and it flew straight into the mech.

Tesla was riding her Mech when she got an alert "huh, a Rocket, Headed straight for me!? UH OH." as the rocket collided she began to fall and she knew where she was falling, straight into the hyperion deck.

Alex was sent back as the mech crashed into the ground and Himeko said "that's one hell of a fall she had. not that it matters." Himeko kicked the mech and lifted the hatch to see another red haired woman. Alex then said "who the hell is that?" The woman then jumped out and viggorlessly introduced herself "I am dr nikola Tesla, a scientist who works on mechs." Alex then said "neat, himeko, have you met her before, or is she new to everyone?" Himeko then said "Oh I know her, made her way to our new years." Alex then said "ah, got it." He then turned to Tesla and said "Why are you here anyway?" Tesla then said "well, I've been monitoring the new signatures. especially the one that appeared above the hyperion." Alex then said "oh are you talking about me, the portals that are opening?" Tesla nodded "yes, yes precisely. Oh and you must be the guy who came through one, may I have mophead examine you?" Alex shook his head "sure, if you can bring her here, I shouldn't leave this place due to my duties." Tesla nodded and said "Oh yeah, I can do that."

Alex waited in the medbay with Tesla poking at him and prodding him. Alex then said "so uh, what do you do in your free time?" Tesla got a bit annoyed "science has no time for 'free time' I have a strict schedule to stay on, and since it is you, I don't care." Alex nodded before he got poked again and A blue haired girl entered saying "alright tesla step aside and work on your specialty, I'll check on him."

Alex stared intensely at the blue haired girl and she stared back. She then said "what's your name?" Alex then responded with "Alex." "age?" "1 week." "occupation?" "hunter." "background?" "none." "birthplace" "another dimension." She then away and said "you are interesting, you know that right?" Alex nodded "What do you want?" Einstein then said "are you behind the massive energy signatures appearing around the globe?" Alex shook his head "no, that would be my creator. the portals appearing on the hyperion are me though but I go through them and come back out." Einstein then said "and what about the other one. The one that let off a bunch of energy. before dispersing into the hyperion?" Alex looked confused before saying "Oh you mean project end? Yeah, that was just the energy I couldn't take all of it in before, however the hyperion was compatible. Luckily this energy is the type required to open the portals needed for me to take down projet end in other universes as well." Einstein then said "interesting, may I see this portal in action?" Alex nodded "you'll have to wait until I get an assignment, but sure."

As Alex was about to leave when the medbay assistant said " your back is still sore right?" Alex nodded "Yeah, why?" The assistant then gave Alex some pills and said "take these any time your back hurts." Alex nodded "got it, thank you." As he left Einstein said "injured?" Alex nodded "yeah, the portal has a slight tendency to, err, spit me out at a high velocity." He then looked embarrassed "I hit my back on the deck after hitting the window. The first time I came through a portal I smashed the glass on the bridge. knocking me out for a day. the second time also knocked me out but only for a few hours. The third time was the one that injured my back. I may be good at fighting project end, but falling out of portals at a high velocity, not really good at doing that." Einstein then said "interesting."

"Zhuge is that a-"bronnie said before being interrupted by Zhuge kongming  "Yes bronnie that is something Alex left behind, something to detect project end, or whatever he calls it, If you think about it it'll be quite easy to repair and we could possibly redirect an instance to another world if you think about it. With the right materials of course." Bronnie then said "I would like to observe him, it would make for good scouting. See his skills, because you said that he didn't fight it at all right?" Zhuge nodded "Yeah, and considering how he got away, he's cunning, he's smart, and he won't let anything get in the way of his goals." Bronnie then took the device and said "I'll be back soon, I'll repair this and enhance it too."

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