Zach's dream world

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Zach eye's fluttered open, he looked around and heard the sound of an elevator moving and said "what the, wh-where am I? Is this, the hyperion?" Zach looked around once more and saw that he was on elevator to the bridge. "The hyperion elevator, I haven't used this is so long." As it reached the top he saw the bridge, the workers and "Kiana?" 

The elevator doors opened and he heard someone say "captain on Bridge!" This prompted the girl who looked like Kiana to turn around. She looked at Zach smiling while he was looking around. Zach then saw Kiana and said "w-what happened, where am I, where is everyone?" Kiana then said something that made Zach's heart drop "Don't you remember Zach, I killed you."

"What? how?" Zach Said and Kiana just smiled weakly "We were supposed to get married, remember." Zach thought hard and said "I, I don't remember, I remember that we broke up a year ago?" Kiana shook her head "I'm not 'that' Kiana Zach, I'm a different one." Zach looked confused "Huh, wh-what are you talking about?" Kiana then said "Your mind had told you to forget memories of your past. This is why you saw me with those orange eyes, that was how 'I' killed you. Your mind however decided to move you to a different world, one where you could try to stay alive for as long as possible. Unfortunately that never happened. Of course the world I killed you was not your first."

Alex exited the portal and everyone on the bridge looked at him. Alex looked up and saw all of them and immedatly they all knew, Zach was not coming back. Alex walked to the bridge and Theresa said "What happened Alex, where is Zach?" Alex sighed and without saying a word, he pulled out the pin in is pocket. Theresa covered her mouth, Kiana and Seele were shocked and Sarah ran off. Alex looked away and said "I'm sorry." Theresa nodded "It's ok Alex."

Kiana went to Sarah's room and knocked on the door. She heard sobs before saying "Sarah, can I come in?" Kiana then heard a "yes" in-between the sobs and opened the door. When Kiana entered It all went quiet and Sarah said "why are you here, why do you care." Kiana sighed "Before we met you, me and Zach were more than friends." Sarah then said "y-you dated him?" Kiana nodded "yeah, and before you ask, me and him were thinking of breaking up a while before you joined up." Sarah then said "why are you saying this?" Kiana smiled "well..."

Zach Shut his eyes and when opened he saw a rainy city the same one from one of his nightmares, but this time it was in third person, he could see himself, but not interact. Kiana then said "You remember this place?" Zach shook his head "no, should I?" Kiana then said "This was your first death." Zach's heart sunk and he said "I, I died here?" Kiana nodded "Yes, these visions you said you had are memories trying to surface. Now they're here." Zach looked at himself just as he was shot. Blood and brain matter was everywhere and Kiana said "This was the first of many."

Alex was sitting down and Theresa said "He gave this to you, right?" Alex nodded which made theresa sigh "This is a pin we give to every officer, if on a mission and they cannot continue for any reason, they'll give someone this to hand to another officer like myself. Thank you for bringing it to me." Alex nodded "I see, what happens now?" Theresa then said "well we need to hold a memorial for him, just something done at night." Alex nodded "I got it, I'm going to check on the captain now, and hopefully get him to his crew before the end of the day." Theresa then said "good, Zhuge kongming has been getting worried."

Alex arrived at the med bay and Saw the captain and Fallen rosemary the captain noticed him first and said "Hey, Alex, I've heard a lot of good things from you, from Zach and Rita here." Alex then said "I see, how are you feeling?" The captain smiled "Free, I feel free now, from the personality that controlled me." Alex then asked "how long till you think you're ready to go." The captain looked at his body and said "my best guess, in about an hour, my body needs time to recover. How's Zach?" Alex gave a sigh "He's gone." The captain looked down "I'm... sorry, must be hard?" Alex nodded "not as much for me, but Sarah is more affected by it." The captain nodded.

Zach was now on a cliff the entire world still grey meaning he is having another memory, Kiana walked up to him and said "This way, follow me. There's something of importance I need to show you." Zach nodded and he walked with Kiana. The two then saw each other and Kiana said "That's me I was from that universe originally." She bit her finger. "this is where you died." Time went on again and Kiana watched as the wedding unfolded between the two and after two minutes, he knew why Kiana was worried.

The wedding had been hijacked everyone who showed up was killed before anything could happen, the only people left were Zach and Kiana. Zach cowered in fear while Kiana summoned void lances to attack the attackers. Zach watched on as it happened and Kiana became even more nervous. 

Multiple lances struck the attackers Zach was confused to why Kiana was so nervous, then the reason she was hit him like a truck. Zach was caught in the crossfire. A few lances impaled Zach just before the fight finished. Kiana was now looking away but the memory Kiana couldn't look away. She has tears and Kiana said "what I did next. You'll see why I'm here." The memory Picked Zach up and kissed him one last time she then removed something from her body, it was a core, she gave it to Zach and the two fell to the floor. "I gave you my herrscher core to help make you survive, I-I didn't know you died until we woke up in the next world." She sighed "I stayed out of sight, became a part of your mind. This happened constantly you would get into a bad situation and die, and I would be the one who could remember all of it. I even saw your past lives meaning that this has happened hundreds of times before and you didn't remember them."

Alex met up with the captain outside of the portal room and said "you're finally here, this room will take you back to your world." The captain nodded "and what of my augments how will they be affected?" Alex then said "your augments are fried, there is no chance of them being reactivated, although surgery is recommended just as a precaution against getting lead poisoning, Which your augments have." The captain nodded "I'll keep that in mind for when I begin to get sick."

Theresa paced back and forth waiting for major Himeko to answer. She was nervous, upset, she had lost someone who had been in relations with her niece. Because although they tried to hide it, Kiana slipped up. Not that it mattered, she didn't care as long as he didn't hurt Kiana. As the major came on the line she said "Theresa I just got done with marking papers, what has happened?" Theresa gave a long sigh and said "Z-Zach he's, err, umm, Zach's gone." Himeko looked confused "huh, is he-" Theresa nodded "Yeah he's dead." Himeko's expression shifted, giving off an "Oh, I understand now." She then said "How did he die?" Theresa gave a sigh "Alex reported major internal bleeding, shattered collarbone and blunt force trauma, even if he could've come home, it's likely that he would've died before exiting the portal." Himeko then said "what will happen now?" Theresa gave a small smile "well I was thinking we hold a little event, I don't think the schickal would allow us to pull resources for a funeral right now." Himeko then said "I see, well should I come on up?" Theresa nodded "no, I have yet to tell a lot of people, then we're coming back to Souaki. Then there's the question of a replacement, since sarah became an agent we need a new captain." Himeko nodded once again "ask the overseer, I've got too much on my plate right now and I still only have just enough space to come up." Theresa gave one last nod "right, I got it."

Zach returned to the bridge and looked out the window again "So why now?" Kiana looked confused and said "Huh, what do you mean?" Zach then said "why have you only came up now?" Kiana sighed "you don't think I've Tried? Since you met Alex I have slowly been able to reach out to you, which is why you saw the Kiana from Alex's world change in front of your eyes, I was communicating with you, albeit not for long, I did try to get into your memories to communicate but that didn't work. But you died so we can talk anyway, shame really, I wanted you to live."

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