Other world problems

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Sarah was on the bridge going through her listing for valkyries when Alex walked in with Jax and said "Hey, Alex, Jax you're here finally here, just finishing my morning tasks then we can get on to training Jax." Sarah then went back to her task at hand and said to herself "Kiana, Fu hua and Rita, good trio, Send Mei to the arena with Seele and Theresa, and tell dundral to meet the scientists down somewhere, and that's it. Alright, time for training." Just as the trio was about to leave the door locked and Sarah said "oh hell, not her, not now." Alex then said "who?" Sarah sighed "AI chan."

"Hello, master Jax, I am Ai chan I will be your helper." Said a voice Alex looked around "where is that coming from?" Sarah pinched her nose and said "She's the hyperion's 'Helper' so to speak, I'm not saying she's bad, I'm just saying she's annoying and I hate the advice she gives." Jax then said "I don't know, she seems nice to me?" Sarah sighed "get back to me after your first week with her, you'll understand why." Alex then said "do we continue with the training?" Ai chan then chimed in with "nope, I've got it from here." Sarah then said "Oh no you don't you little shit, this is my job." Ai chan then appeared on a screen and poked her tongue out "Nope, in fact for the rest of the day you are locked out of the bridge, goodbye." 

Sarah and Alex left the bridge and Alex could tell that Sarah's temper was rising that happened until "That, that, that little fucking shit, I hate her so goddamn much." Alex then said "deep breaths sarah, we should tell theresa, does she know about her?" Sarah nodded "Who'd you think put her in the ship?" Sarah then looked to the side "Then again, she did look like she did regret doing it too."

Sarah walked to the dining area and saw theresa eating her food Sarah sat next to her and said "Theresa, we have a problem regarding a certain cabbage." Theresa sighed "did she remove herself from isolation again?" Sarah gave a nod "Yeah, she kicked me out of the bridge and decided to train Jax for herself." Theresa face palmed "god dammit, i need himeko to help me so for today just rest. Alex Then said "are you sure you've got this?" Theresa nodded "yeah, this has happened before, just gotta wait for himeko for the override."

Sarah walked back to her room with Alex who said "so about this AI chan, other than today why do you hate her?" Sarah gave a sighed and stopped walking "because, she is the most self absorbed little shit. She even believes she has another 'form.' Enough about her though. Lets just do something wild, I wanna go see the other crew, can we do that?" Alex gave a small nod "Yeah, we can go, as long as they are ok with it. But they should be good to let us in. I'll go talk to them real quick." Alex then ran off and sarah smiled "Soon, Soon you'll know my feelings for you Alex. I just hope you'll accept them."

Sarah and Alex were by the small portal with Kiana and she said "so Alex, sarah, remember to be back tomorrow, and trust me Ai chan will be isolated tomorrow." Sarah helped Alex with some last minute packing and said "right, well take care, and hope you don't get screwed over by the little cabbage." Kiana gave a nod "yeah."ry

Alex and sarah were going through the portal and sarah asked Alex a question "what do you think of Jax?" Alex then shut his eyes and said "He's nice, but he's no Zach, maybe more interactions with him could change that." sarah gave a quaint smile and said "right, Zach." Alex then said "oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" Sarah looked at Alex and said "it's fine, I'm slowly getting over losing him, but err, I have alcohol to help, not a good outlook but it's usually fine when I'm alone."

The portal opened and alarms were blaring and Alex said to delta "What?" Delta sighed and said "captain needs you, right now, get there, sarah, you're coming with me."

Alex got to the bridge and said to the captain "what the hell is going on here?" The captain scratched his head and said "well, we are in a bit of trouble, of the herrscher kind." He then pointed to the window "That's the herrscher of domination, well it's home at least, for the past 12 hours they have been non stop attacking us, by putting pressure on the hyperion, I've sent sarah down to the reactor for defence, and since you two use project end energy, I was thinking that you might be able to go on the offence and get us outta here?" Alex looked outside and sighed "might be a long shot, but I'll do my best. but first I gotta get some of these puppets gone. any spare canisters of project end energy would be greatly appreciated."

Sarah was fighting the puppets in the reactor with Delta when a string of the puppet wrapped around her arm, but it snapped as it did so. Sarah looked at the string and sayin "eh, what the hell?" before a puppet jumped on her and delta. The two could feel something before more came.

Alex went to the deck and ruptured a few of the canisters creating a large field of project end energy, he was gonna make the hyperion teleport with ease, but he needed the place to be clear first, and with the puppets coming from everywhere he would have to block them from access. He looked back to Zhuge kongming and said "get me some more, all hell is gonna break loose soon and- woah." a puppet swept Alex off of his feet to the point to where he could see a large entity, he stood up and one of the puppets said "there is so many, would be a big shame if you failed." Suddenly more came down and Alex said "don't judge a book by it's cover, I ain't done yet."

drained, if sarah could describe what the puppets were doing in one word, that would be it. Unfortunately, this would make her go on a rampage soon regardless of her choice. Suddenly she felt faint and soon she would pass out.

Alex was surrounded by puppets and smiled "so who's first? what, all of you. If you say so." Alex began charging up a pulse that would hopefully engulf the entire hyperion destabilizing the part of imaginary space they were in bringing them back to normal space. Alex could feel the energy flow into him. He looked down and saw that he started to melt the hull.

Sarah's eyes shot open, her teeth gritted and pupils dilated, she knocked the puppets off of her and yelled "YOU WANT SOME, COME GET SOME, I AIN'T GOING DOWN TO SOME TOYS!!!"Delta looked at her and Sarah was breathing heavily. Delta then said "miss sarah?" Sarah looked to her and said "S-SOORRRY, T-THHIIISSS, FORMMM ISS REALLLLYYY TAXINGG." Sarah then left the reactor with the lifeless puppets in pieces.

Alex attacked the herrscher melting it's puppets into slag, The captain watched in amazement as he took in energy while fighting, it would be a miracle if he would even survive this pulse. For the records he's been shown to almost die from the three he's had. Alex melted a few more and said "I'm almost done. Just get the engine up and running again, before I do my thing." The captain nodded and said to a crew member "get those engines online now, this will be our best chance." He then got a call from delta and she said "Catain, no mean to alarm you but sarah has left, gone, psycho." The captain knew what she was talking about and said "don't worry, just focus on the defence of the reactor. We'll need everything we've got." Bronya then said "The bronya has finished the repair effort of the engine, the hyperion is ready to fly." The captain nodded "thank you bronya. Alex is just taking care of the puppets right now."

Alex had finished the last puppet off and said "so long you massive hunk of metal." Before a flash came from him and the hyperion disappeared, Alex kneeled down and took deep breaths before he heard sarah break the door down. She ran to Alex and grabbed him saying "Alex, are you ok?" Alex smiled "I'm fine, however I've just teleported a fucking battleship. I feel accomplished" Sarah gave a smile saying "that's good." before holding Alex chin and she got closer to him than ever saying "I'm not gonna lie Alex, I've wanted to do this for a while." Alex then asked "do wh-" he was then interrupted by sarah Kissing him, he was shocked for a second before returning to his neutral look and kissed back. Sarah's original plans of confessing went right into this moment and as soon as she broke off the kiss she said "Alex, I love you"

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