Story Nine: Cecilia: Part 2

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Alex sat at his desk when he heard a knock at the door. He got up and walked over to the door, he became worried. He opened it to see Jane and Cecilia standing there "Jane." he said trying not to sound worried "Come in." Jane stepped in and said "Yeah, so this is cecilia." She brought cecilia over who greeted herself. "H-hi, nice to meet you." Alex nodded "Nice to meet you too. Come I'll show you your room" Cecilia nodded and followed Alex.

"Here, now get some rest I bet you're tired." Cecilia smiled and said "Thank you." Alex left the room and went back to his office and said to jane "Why didn't you tell me?" Jane sighed "I thought If I told you as we got here that maybe you'd be more inclined to take care of her." Alex facepalmed. "Idiot, I would have done it anyway. But fine how was she found?" Jane smiled "In the forbidden area she was just lying there. So what the kid said. When I saw her the first time I knew that you were the best option. you knew her the longest right?" Alex sighed "Not exactly, while i knew her when she was young, I never actually talked to her until she became a b rank. We became good friends until she went missing, I wasn't worried though, she is tough and although she didn't have experience outside of the schicksal walls I knew."

Cecilia was listening to the duo's  conversation and thought "Huh, what was I, b rank, Missing Schicksal? More importantly did he know me? I must find out. but Keep it from him." She then heard a name "I told Seigfried as well. He said he doesn't know what to do yet, so he'll help if he needs it." Cecilia then thought "Seigfried, Seigfreid, do I know him? I should head back to my room before they find me out here."

A few hours went by and Cecilia said goodbye to Jane and saw Alex begin to make dinner. She then asked "Can I help?" Alex looked to cecilia and smiled "If you want. I was just gonna make a pasta dish." Cecilia chuckled "Sounds nice."

After a little while the two made the dish and Alex said "Thanks for helping, It's not often I have people around, I mostly live alone so when I found out Jane was coming to bring you around I was happy. " Cecilia gave a chuckled "Aww that's nice, do you mind that I ask what your past is?" Alex nodded "Yeah, I was a hunter, hunting something that shouldn't exist. I did what I needed to do and stopped it. Once that happened I settled down and rented out condos to people." Cecilia then looked outside "Woah, that sounds nice." Alex rubbed the back of his head and said "yeah, I just wonder if my friends are doing ok, I haven't seen them in over 16 years, I heard one runs a school now." Cecilia then got close to Alex "Well I'm sure they are fine wherever they are."

As the weeks went by Alex and Cecilia began getting closer, Alex was looking after the condos Cecilia stayed when Alex had to go out after a while she decided to make dinners as a sort of appreciation for him to let her stay. Alex sometimes says though "You don't need to do anything, you're my guest." She however did it anyway

it was late at night and Cecilia was fast asleep, Alex however was still partially awake. He thought to himself for a while thinking "How to help her remember? It's been weeks and I still haven't found a way." He looked around the place for a bit when his phone began to vibrate. He looked at it and saw the name of someone he hadn't seen in a while.

Theresa was pacing around the place hoping that Alex would pick up. She then heard a "Hello?" Theresa then said "Is this Alex?" She then head the boy say "yeah, this better be important though, it's late." Theresa then took a deep breath "Yeah, a big one. It me, Theresa, I need some help." Alex shot up "What with?" Theresa then sighed "Remember when you took down project end and said when you came by to watch out for some of it's goo?" Alex nodded "Yeah, Why?" Theresa sighed "Some students consumed some. it got into their food and now they are acting weird?" Alex looked to the clock "I'll be there by the end of tomorrow, I need to sleep right now as it's already late." Theresa chuckled "I see, well I'll try to do what I can from here before you show up." Alex then said "I also have a... guest here, I'll be bringing her with me but she'll stay at my place there." Theresa smiled "Ok. Sounds good."

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