1 - My Angel

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1 - My Angel

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick—

Throwing his watch hastily and violently to the ground, the pure, innocent angel crushed the time detecting device with the bottom of his booted foot.

Looking desperately around into the dark surroundings, he was ultimately and utterly scared. It was four minutes until the clock struck 3 A.M. and he would be in the smack middle of a blood bath, surrounded in by monsters and murderers alike.

Continuing his way through the woods, he wanted to just cry out and give up on his never ending mission of making it back home. Heaven was his home, but he was cursed away and sent to fend for himself. Being an angel out of Heaven's gate was dangerous and if he didn't figure out what it was that he was going to do to get back, he was going to end up in a fate worse than death.

Angels are the purity of goodness—the opposite of evil—and they are a perfect target for the evil monsters.

Hearing a twig snap from behind him, Michael jumped at the sudden noise as he looked behind him in fear. With widened eyes, a rapidly beating heart rate, and an increase of his breathe, Michael was consumed with feelings of worry and paranoia.

He didn't see anyone out there, but he knew that he wasn't alone. There was a predator out there and he was the prey, and he was always going to be the prey during this one hour of chaos.

Hearing another twig snap, Michael quickly turned around again, since the noise kept changing directions and this time it was from another.

"P-Please..." He whimpered out into the cold, desolate air, "I can't do this anymore."

It was his fifth day of being cursed away and his fifth hour of chaos, and the never ending running and hiding was getting too much for him. All he's known is purity and light, and Michael couldn't take this new evilness.

From his pleads, he heard a dark chuckle coming from the direction ahead of him. Hearing footsteps, he could now see the outline of a man coming into his view.

"You're already begging and I haven't even started with you, pretty angel."

Michael was already on the verge of tears and seeing a tall, bloodied, blonde man step in front of him didn't make it any better.

This monster raised his hand up, making Michael flinch back. But the touch wasn't what the angel had expected because the monster instead softly placed his hand onto his cheek while he peered into the innocent eyes.

"The word of a lost angel running around the woods has spread like a pool of blood...I just had to see you for myself."

The monster continued to stare down at the angel in front of him, eventually humming when he saw how truly scared and petrified the angel was.

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