Jordan laughed, I pouted. "That's because I love you, Gabby. I don't like anyone else. And I want you, for ten years I hold this feelings for you and it never fades away. What have you done to me, Gabby? Why can't I move on to someone else? Why did I keep searching for you even though you didn't want to be with me at first?"

"Because I still love you too, idiot." Jordan giggled. "I was just too stubborn to admit it."

Jordan grinned. "So, you know the answer. Don't ever ask that question again, okay? We love each other, we're meant to be together."

I looked at Jordan lovingly. "Thank you for not giving up on me."

"You're worth the wait, baby."


Day four. And Jordan wasn't home. Believe me when I said that? It happened. Again. Oh god. I was tired with this shit. Her job made her forget everything, especially me. The first two days she kept her promises, but last night she suddenly disappeared like a wind.

"What's with the long face?" Anne asked me.

I sighed. "It happened again."

Anne snorted. "Come on, since when you are this clingy?"

"Shut up." I hissed at her, Anne put her hands up in surrender. "I am not. But what do you expect when you just made up and she did this shit again? You know how I am."

Anne shrugged. "I don't know who you are when you are with her, Gab. Never heard of her either before."

I closed my eyes, feeling the emptiness when Jordan wasn't here with me. Day by day I got attached to her and I felt the same towards her and this thing killed me slowly.

I wasn't like this before, not even when I was with Thomas and Steven. But she could make me feel like I couldn't live without her.

"Go get her a surprise." Anne suggested, I raised my brows. "Go to Northville. You know where she stays, right?"

I nodded. I knew she stayed at the gallery because it had a room inside it. "I will disturb her when she is working, Anne. Don't be ridiculous."

"She'll be glad when you come, darling." Anne smiled. "In a relationship you need to make the same effort. If she has made it to you, then don't wait for her to make a new one because you, too, need to make a move. Show her you want her as much as she wants you."

I thought about that and she was right. I had to make my own move to her. And I had decided. I told Allie that I'd go to Northville and she said she invited Becca to sleepover. It took few hours to get there, I bought some flowers on the way there and I was beyond excited to see her. I didn't text her because I wanted to surprise her.

It was almost 5pm which meant the gallery was about to close. I walked rapidly before it closed. The last employee raised her brows when she saw me walked into the gallery.

"Jordan." I said shortly.

"Oh, right." She smiled, she moved to the side and let me in.

Then she left, leaving me dumbfounded because I didn't know where the office was. I walked to the center of the gallery and my brows raised. I saw a picture and it was amazing. I looked at the note, Alexandra Miller.

Whoa, is this the young Alex? I thought to myself. It was beautiful. I caressed the picture until my eyes saw who had taken it. Logan Hadwick. Oh good lord, they were together all this time. I smiled, their love to each other was unbearable for sure.

Then I walked to almost the end of the gallery but I averted my gaze when I saw a sign written 'office' above the door. I grinned from ear to ear, finally I met the love of my life after four days of being away from her.

I was about to open the door and surprised her when I heard at least two people inside and one of them was Jordan, she was pretty loud though. And I swore to god I'd kill her right now.

Someone was moaning!

My body froze. My face turned so pale. My hands fell down to the side of my body.

"Ouch! That hurt. Don't push too hard." Someone said.

"Shut up." It was Jordan.

Does she cheat on me? I was about to cry right now. Was this the reason she didn't come home yesterday because she kept her fucking slut in here? What the fuck was she thinking?

Now I regretted the day I said yes when I gave her a second chance.

She fucking betrayed me.

I opened the door harshly, tears streamed down my face, and what I saw was enough proof. Jordan kneeled down, she was buttoning a jeans from whoever she was, and the other person was half naked.

Jordan was surprised, but the other woman was just looking at the both of us back and forth. "G-Gabby?"

"Oh, sorry for interrupting." I smiled between my tears, throwing the flowers. "Enjoy the rest of your day."

I stormed out from the office, running to my car. I heard Jordan ran after me but my vision was blur and I didn't turn back. She shouted some words but I couldn't hear anything.

I hopped in my car, turned on the engine and drove back home with a disappointment.

Jordan cheated on me. She betrayed me.

She tried to call me but I ignored it, she texted me bunch of messages saying that she could explain it and it wasn't what I thought it was.

Why my life was just in a circle full of people cheated on me everytime I was in a relationship? Was I not good enough? Was I easy to get cheated on? Was I stupid?

First of, Steven. He cheated on me with his coworker very long time ago. Then Thomas. He cheated on me when I was about to settle down with him. And now Jordan, the one who I expected my life to get settle with, cheated on me too.

Yes, she was over my sister. But I didn't know she would do something like this and it hurt me more than anything, more than when she told me she still loved my sister ten years ago.

"I'm so fucking stupid." I said to myself, crying like an idiot in the middle of the road. "We just fucking met again for god's sake."

Maybe I was too soon to believe in her again. She had changed. And her change was too much for me.

Alright. I told myself. If she cheated on me, then I'll do the same. She hurt me once, I hurt her twice.

I didn't think about anything else when I ended up in some apartment and a red head woman was sleeping naked next to me.

Wait. Did I really do this, and with a woman?

I couldn't remember anything except when I was on my way back home when I stopped by at a bar and drank so many shots.

Then I looked at my body, I was naked too. Hell, I didn't even remember her name though. But why this felt so wrong? Why did I cheat on Jordan too? My stupidity took over me when I was mad and now I regretted it.

Oh my god. I really didn't deserve Jordan after all. I wasn't good enough for her. And now I cheated on her even though I was drunk. My clothes were everywhere, the red head was still sleeping and I tip-toed to get my clothes then I left her apartment.

In my car, I cried again. If I wasn't enough for her, she could've just told me. No matter how many flaws your partner were, cheating wasn't the answer. It was the worst thing human could do.

And I just did that.

No, we just did that.

She cheated on me.

I cheated on her.

And once again, we were even.

But why I felt that this was so goddamn wrong?

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