I moaned uncontrollably and now she didn't cover my mouth. Maybe she realized that no one was around since it was lunch time. My hand pushed her head to suck deeper and she grunted in pleasure. Her tongue playing with my nipple. I stroked her hair and massaged her head, I knew she liked it when I did that to her because it turned her on.

Jordan groaned, she pushed me until my back touched the edge of her desk, then she laid me on my back on her desk. Jordan moved the files on her desk carelessly because she was focus on kept kissing all over my body.

But before she could unbutton my jeans, the door opened. "Oh my god, I'm sorry!"

We both turned our head to see who barged in. Well, shit. I felt my face reddened in embarrassment.

"Ma?!" Jordan said.

I struggled to get up and Jordan helped me. The door closed again and I took the chance to straighten my shirt even though it was no avail. Jordan took her files again, she pulled her hair up in a ponytail, I took the food container and placed it on the coffee table and sat there, waiting for Alex to come in again.

Damn, it was the most awkward thing I had ever felt. I thought it was like a karma. I caught Allie when she was about to go further with Becca and now Alex caught me right on the same position as Allie. I covered my face with the palm of my hands, Jordan kissed my head before she walked to the door and opened it up.

I heard she greeted Alex awkwardly and Alex brushed it off. I greeted Alex and she just grinned like nothing happened.

"Alright, I didn't mean to interrupt you guys but I need to talk to Jordan." Alex said.

"You could've knocked, Ma." Jordan pinched the bridge of her nose, then she looked at me shyly.

"I did." Alex replied. "But I guess you guys were busy." Alex faked a cough when she said the word 'busy'.

I rubbed the back of my neck. I wished I could get out of this awkward situation. I mentally groaned, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard they talked and it was pretty clear, but there was no major problem and I was glad Jordan could take care of her moms' company perfectly.

About thirty minutes later, Alex bid me a goodbye. Jordan sat next to me, opening the food container and started to eat. She looked so hungry though, I guess she didn't have dinner last night.

I wiped something from the corner of her mouth, she mouthed a 'thank you' before continuing to chew her food. We both in silence, I still felt a little bit awkward and she seemed like she had a very big problem.

"Hey, what's up?" I grabbed her hand, she interlocked our fingers and sighed hard.

"Mommy wanted me to take care of her gallery too." She replied.

"The one in Northville?" I asked, Jordan nodded. "Then why aren't you happy?"

Jordan placed her head on my shoulder. "I'll be very busy and I'm afraid I can't have enough time to spend it with you."

I smiled. "Take care of your parents first, Jordan. It's fine, I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled sadly. "Thank you."

I nodded and kissed her forehead.


Well that was bullshit.

Jordan was not only busy, but she technically disappeared from my daily life. She was never home, she went to Northville back and forth, never once she stopped by at my house. Allie didn't feel like she 'lost' Jordan since she mostly spent her time with Becca, but I did. I did feel lost Jordan as a partner.

My mood changed drastically, I knew I was the one who told her to agree but damn, I needed her too though. I had so much in mind and I had no one to share. She didn't pick up the phone, she gave me very late reply, even my phone calls went straight to her voicemail.

Tomorrow was a Valentine Day and Allie asked my permission to sleep over at Becca's. I wanted to say no, but knowing she was so happy when she was with Becca, I didn't have a heart to stop her.

And here I was, sitting alone in the living room, sipping the wine Jordan had given to me awhile ago, waiting for her to at least reply my messages but none. Nothing happened.

I sighed, 1am. I had to sleep, I had work a couple hours later. The bar had a special thing, it was Anne's idea and the owner agreed on that. Oh lord, I couldn't imagine what would happen tonight. Anne was a smartass crazy woman, I wished her idea could make me forgot about what happened between Jordan and I.

I faintly heard the front door opened, but my eyes wouldn't cooperate with me tonight. Maybe it was Allie, maybe she forgot to bring something so I shrugged it off. I let the darkness consumed me fully.

I awoke at eight in the morning and my body was sore. Damn, I fell asleep on the couch apparently. I couldn't move, so I laid there for another fifteen minutes then I sat to stretch my body.

My eyes caught something on the coffee table. I furrowed my brows, there was a small note saying : Good Morning, Beautiful. and there was another note written : follow me.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, but I followed it anyway. And to my surprise, I stepped on roses on the floor. It led me to none other than my room.

My heart pounded, right at the door, there was another note saying : Open it up, but my hand was too afraid of what I was going to face. I took a deep breath before I opened it up slowly.

There she was, standing beautifully in the middle of my room, holding a bucket of flowers, grinning from ear to ear, still wearing her work attire and her baggy eyes were too obvious. Nevertheless, she was still beautiful as always.

"Hi." Jordan smiled. "Happy Valentine's Day."

I forgot that I already gave her the spare key of my house. But after what had happened for the past month, I didn't want to deal with her just yet. I needed to be on my own before I faced her, but here we were, standing face to face and I knew she was tired judging by the look on her face.

"Hey." I didn't mean to sound nonchalant but I couldn't help it.

Jordan's face fell once she heard the sound of my voice that didn't welcome her warmly. She took a step forward, trying to reach my hand. "What's wrong, babe?"

I shook my head. "I gotta go to work."

Her hands fell to the side of her body, her face full of concerned and I knew she cared a lot about me. "Baby, talk to me."

"Later." I told her, then I walked to my bathroom and washed my face, brushed my teeth and stayed inside for thirty minutes.

I didn't hear anything from my room, maybe Jordan had left. I sighed heavily, I knew I missed her so much but when she suddenly appeared in front of me when I wasn't ready was making me couldn't think straight.

I opened the door and surprised that Jordan fell asleep on my bed with such an awkward position. She still held the flowers, her body bent to the side and her head was on the headboard of the bed. She looked like her energy was gone.

I took the flowers slowly, adjusting her body so she could sleep perfectly. There was a note on the flowers saying : I'm sorry, then I opened the card and a question popped up : Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?

I covered my mouth, feeling the butterflies in my stomach. Then I averted my gaze from the note to her. I sat on the edge of the bed, caressing her cheek carefully not to wake her up because I knew she needed sleep. Then I whispered in her ear even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

"I'm still mad at you." I said. "But thank you for the surprise. I love it. And yes, I'd like to go on a date with you."

Then I kissed her forehead, saying that I had to go to work. I still kept those three words because I waited for the right time to tell her.

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