
27 11 6

Yesterday, I went to the doctor,
And he said that I have a disease.
"What kind?" I asked him,
"The Grossnessesities."

"What symptoms will I have?"
"I'll tell you all I know,"
He replied in a worried tone,
"It's a very rare disease, but first your hair will go."

"You'll grow another eyeball,
Then the world will turn red and green,
Your saliva'll get all yellow
And there will be a pain in your spleen."

"Your nose will grow ten times its size,
Your feet will get sticky and wet,
And your sides will gave in, and 
Out of your mouth will come a water jet."

"Your skin will turn purple and stretchy 
While your nails get long and sharp,
Your fingers will get plump and short,
And puberty will suddenly start."

"Your arms will be over two feet long,
Your toes will by then be long gone-"
Suddenly something crashed through the door,
This thing didn't look right- it was all wrong.

This monster had three eyes
And stretchy purple skin-
"Oops, it's not you who has the Grossnessesities,
It's actually supposed to be him!"

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