Blue Buttons

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There once was a knobby, wicked old tree
That sat all alone with its falling leaves
As it laid in wait for a day to come
When it could spook and scare a naive soul for fun.
Each day that passed saw the evil tree's growth,
It's hunger and craving to inflict fear something to loathe.

Then, one day, as it sits in wait,
A young boy comes and takes its bait.
He is short, petite, and scrawny,
Tiny hands fisted and expression jolly
As he sits under the tree's long branches,
Falling snowflakes in his hand he catches.

The malicious oak's haunting smirk can be seen
As he watches the child through the cold snow sheen.
It stares at the child as he pulls and tugs
At his blue-buttoned coat while he plays with some bugs.
The tree reaches out a gnarled branch slowly as ever
Determined to chill the child, for a second chance he would get never.
It's branch suddenly shoots out, harshly poking the boy,
Delighted as the child's face rids itself of joy.
The toddler looks up and stares at the oak,
Pondering why him it decided to poke.

After a moment of silence, the boy's face lights up,
And from his mouth a bubbly giggle erupts.
The tree leans back and stares in shock,
Startled as to why the boy's smile did not drop.
It reaches out and jabs him again and again,
Growing enraged when the child responds with, "Hello, friend!"
At that point, resentment fills the oak,
For dread and horror it did not provoke.
Acting out of pure anger and hate,
The tree picks up the child, and the boy it ate.

After it calms down and comes to its wits,
The tree gasps in horror at what it did to the kid.
Guilt and shame spread through its bark
As it cries over what it did in the dark.

Years passed but the wicked tree never forgot,
Shame destined to stay with it 'til the day it rot.
From then on, it never looked the same way at a child,
Dreading their presence 'cuz of its actions that were wild.
After that fateful night its leaves it has shed,
Growing in their place blue buttons instead
As its way to remind itself of its heart-wrenching grief
For the blue-buttoned coat boy to whose life it was a thief.
Still, to this day, if you walk by the malicious tree
You'll see azure tokens of its depressing memories
As the oak sobs in distress for the life it did destroy,
Telling the tale of the blue-buttoned coat boy.

I showed this one to my mom and she called me morbid. :(( What can I say, my mind's an oddly dark place.

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