Chapter 8 - Admittance

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Storm's POV:

"Nng.. Nn.. Hnguh?.. Where.. Am.. I.."

Guess I'm finally awake.. I feel so tired but I don't feel pain.. Too much..

"Where's.. Nashi.. Where.." I don't see her. I need to see her. The nurse comes up to me with a hot towel, putting it on my head. "Don't worry about her for a moment. Focus on yourself. Your body is exhausted, so I'd suggest getting some rest." I recognise that voice.

"Wendy..?" I open my eyes more and look at her, she's so tiny it's unbelievable! "What are you..-" I'm cut off by her voice. She hasn't really aged much since she was about 13/20. I only say that because I don't think anyone ever figured out whether they gained their missing seven years or not, considering they looked exactly the same when they came back.

"I'm the stand-in nurse. Your regular nurse is off sick, but I'm here! I'm just as good!" She looks away and starts preparing another hot towel for me. I guess it's because my temperature went below 0° when I changed. "I need to see Nashi." I sit up. "Please.."

Nashi's POV:

"Dad, I.. I'm sorry I never told you.."

He knows everything. Every tiny detail. I couldn't keep it from him anymore, especially when Storm just released his demon because of it. Questions were bound to be asked. I hug him tightly, as tears start forming and my voice starts breaking. "It's okay, Nashi. It's not your fault. Just tell someone from now on." My dad has never sounded so calm. I thought he'd be a raging monster, like he's known to be. That's why I never told anyone about Talia.

I want to see Storm. Even if he's still asleep I need to see him. I want to be there. "Dad, can I-" I'm cut off. "Obviously you can. Go to him and be there at his side. We will talk more about it later, if there's more to talk about." I have never been so relieved in my life. I hug him once more, tight as hell, and I run to the nurses office. From my house. Somehow I managed to get here faster than I do when I'm late. Doesn't matter. Storm does.

Storm's POV:

She won't let me out of my bed. Why not?! I thought you were meant to try and walk around after something like this.. "It's too soon for you to be moving aro-" I cut her off. "I'm fine!" I need to see Nashi. Not want. Need.

I put my feet on the floor, not so I can get up but just so I'm not lying down. The door bursts open, unannounced and it makes me jump out of my skin. What the hell?! I look up to see what the commotion is, and I've never been happier in my life.

I run to Nashi, nearly, and give her the biggest hug ever. My arms, wrapping around her neck, pulling her into my chest. My heart is racing from happiness. Or.. Maybe.. Yeah.. I don't think this is just happiness.. It's love. There's no denying it anymore. I'm in love with you.. Bad.. I'm not leaving your side.. You can't hear my thoughts but I'm making this promise to you..

Nashi's POV:

I swing the door open, unintentionally. I'm just in a rush to see him, obviously. I just hope he's okay. I take a step forward. There he is, sitti- Oh he's not sitting now, he's running at me! Crap, did I do something? Is something wrong?

His arms are warm, soft. They're pulling me into him, without warning. Not that I can complain, I'm happy he's able to.. No.. I'm happy I'm in his arms. He's holding me tight, so I put my arms around his waist and pull him even closer to me. I don't think we could ever be closer than this. This is like heaven for me right now, loving him and whatnot.. I just can't forget he's already admitted he doesn't like me to my face.. This isn't going to last..

"Storm.. I.." He stops me from talking with the gentle voice of his own words. "Don't you dare apologize. It hurts to hear you apologize for something like this. Something that isn't your fault. So don't you dare." My face turns a little red but I don't care. I stop talking. I let him hold me close because I know soon I'll have to let go.

"Promise me you're okay.. Please.." Those are the only words I can worm out. Obviously it's my fault. If I didn't let her do what she did then I never would have gotten to this. Storm would never have lost control because of me. He's better off without me around..

I look at Wendy and ask if I can take him home. She nods at me after a short blank stare. "Come on, let's go to my place." I help him get changed and I take him to my house. I help him up the stairs, and lie on my bed. He's obviously tired. "You okay..?"

Storm's POV:

Nashi helps me to her room, not that I can really refuse the help. I mean my body goes through a physical change, it's painful for me. It's also exhausting, that's why I black out and wake up in pain. So I'm in no position to do stuff myself. I sit up in her bed, it's weird being in here. I haven't been here in a while so it's a strange feeling. Plus.. It's her room.. My gut is scrambling again..

"You okay..?" I look at her face, a lock of beautiful pink hair dividing it. I reach for it, and move it behind her ear, looking at those rosy cheeks of hers. Her soft skin, her baby blue eyes, the tiny nose. She's amazing. "I'm perfectly okay, Nashi."

We lock eyes. She's so beautiful. How anything could ever happen to her is beyond me. Her kindness, intelligence, clumsiness, is what attracts me to her. Now that I've admitted to myself that I have these feelings for her, I can't concentrate on anything else. Her face is all I see. And it's so amazing. I have no other words.

Nashi's POV:

He's looking at me. I'm looking at him. His hand, moving slowly behind my neck, through my hair. He's so close to me. His beautiful eyes, his amazing jaw line, his black hair, everything about him is perfect to me. It's mesmerizing. I'm so in love with him, but now that he's right here, so close to me, all of his features are bulging out at me. He's so hot, cute, all the words in the world.

His hand is pulling my face close to him. It's weird, this feeling I'm getting. I recognise it as love, but it's so much stronger now. It's like the butterflies I've had are multiplying by the millions. His lips are scraping mine, he's breathing heavy, I can hear his heartbeat from here. It's strong, its fast. I close my eyes. Not a second later, his face is pressed harshly against mine, lips against lips, kissing me deeply.

Nashi and Storm's POV:

This is my admittance to you. I'm in love with you. I don't need to say it to show it. My heart's going insane, rightfully so.

I'll never leave your side. This is my promise to you.

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