Chapter 3: 7 Years Later...

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Nashi POV:

I wake up in bed with a massive headache. A hangover? Cana practically dragged me into that bar last night.. She wouldn't stop giving me drinks! Mom and dad will understand.. Right? Hopefully..

I get up and look at the time, it's 07:15! Dammit I'm gonna be late for school! I rush to get ready for school and I rush out of the door before I even get to say good morning to my parents. I don't have the time right now! I arrive at school. I got lucky this time, 5 minutes early. How fast did I run?!

I walk around, still clinging to that hangover, and I bump into someone. I look at them to apologise, then I see It's Storm. "Hey Storm, good morning" I say to him cheerfully. But as I talk to him I get a chilling stare from all the girls around. Storm was always the popular one, I was always the one they wanted out of the way for his attention.

Storm POV:

I bump into Nashi on accident, definitely my fault. "Hey Storm, good morning". I stood up straight and I smile at her. "Good morning Nashi, late again?" I felt the need to ask. She looked so out of breath. She only got to school 5 minutes ago. I looked around and saw all the boys glaring at me. Nashi was always the popular, "sexy" girl that all of the girls wanted to be. So naturally, all of the boys wanted her as their girlfriend.

I despise the thought of her with anyone else. Wait why do I care?! "Yeah... Late again. That obvious?" I heard her reply and she laughed nervously. "Come on, let's get to class." I say to her before she nods in agreement and we start to walk.

Talia POV:

I see Storm and Nashi walk together, as usual. I hate her! Doesn't she know he's mine?! I scowl at her behind her back. She is such a slut. Any other guy she could have gone for but noooo. I walk up to Storm and I grab him by the arm, pushing in between them.

"Hey Storm, is she bothering you again? You know, you could always forget about Nashi and come and sit with me at lunch today." He goes to open his mouth, but before a word even comes out of his mouth, I say "Oh great, you agree! I can see it in your eyes, Storm. Meet you at lunch!" and I walk away before he gets to argue. Maybe he will actually start to forget her now.

Storm POV:

I look at Talia. She is so freaking creepy! I guess she still doesn't respect my damn privacy! She offers me to sit by her at lunch, I didn't hear what she had said before that because I had a earphone in. Something about sushi? I go to say that I already made plans with Nashi, but she walks off before I get to tell her no.

I look at Nashi who I know is upset from always being her target, no idea why. "Hey Nashi, are you ok? You do know that there is no way I'll ditch you for a girl like her right?" I say to her. And then she looked at me with a hurtful look on her face and tried to fake smile at me. I wasn't taking that.

Nashi POV:

It's obvious that she likes him. Why should I care, It's not like I like him... Much. All the same, it made me really hurt when she said that he should just forget about me. I try not to show how hurt I am in front of Storm, which obviously doesn't work. "You do know that there is no way I will ditch you for a girl like her right?" I looked at him and forced a smile. "Yeah I know. Let's go to class".

We both walk to Control of Forms class, as we were both part demon and needed to learn how to control it. I enter the room, only to feel a huge dose of paint splash all over my clothes, books, hair. There were girls taking videos of this and laughing. I knew who it was. It was Talia.

She has hated me ever since she saw me with Storm the first day of school. I give a quick look at him, and he looks horrified. I run out, crying, hoping that no one will follow. Storm doesn't need to see me like this, the best thing for him is for me to leave him behind and go on my own.

Talia POV:

It actually worked! For the first time in a long time, one of my pranks worked! On NASHI!! Soon he will forget about her and come to me. I see her run and I laugh. I see Storm giving me the death glare and I shudder and stop laughing. I watch him run off after Nashi, so I sit down and sigh, realizing it didn't work and he is still more concerned about her than me.

Storm POV:

How could Talia do that to Nashi?! I look at Nashi, smeared with paint all over, not noticing how my face looks. I'm horrified by this. How could she.. I go to speak, but it was too late. She was gone. I heard Talia laugh and I look at her as if I was about to tear her a new one. She will PAY for this!!

I run off after Nashi, looking for her. I come across the girls bathroom, which had paint smeared across the door. I knew Nashi was in there. I take a deep breath and I walk in to the girls bathrooms, blushing like hell,  shouting for her.

"Nashi! I know you're in here!!". Luckily no other girls were in there. I walk around and I see a door covered with paint, she was in there. I could hear her crying. I gently pushed open the door and I said softly, "Nashi?"

Nashi and Storm POV:

Why did this happen? What's wrong with me? I'm getting this strange feeling again.....

No! I do not like him! I do not like her! Leave me alone stupid feelings!!!

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