Chapter 5 - Love Hurts

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Nashi's POV:

Storm looks like his nose is about to explode. I mean, I get that 17 year old boys tend to be perverted, but this is Storm we are talking about. "You okay there? You seem a little.. Flustered.." Maybe it's because these clothes have become a little small for me now.. They've been there for the last 2 years. I hear a "Y-Yeah I'm completely fine!" from him, and I smile.

Since class is over, maybe we should go for some food. I'm hungry, with no time for breakfast this morning. Obviously. I rushed here like a maniac! "Shall we go to the cafeteria then? I'm hungry! Plus I heard they got garlic bread in today~".

Storm's POV:

"I heard they got garlic bread-"
She had me at garlic. I'm a weirdo, but I do love me some garlic. Especially garlic bread. "Let's go then, short stuff." I tease her like I normally do, before grabbing her hand and practically dragging her to the cafeteria.

I'll be happy to get the first 10 slices of garlic bread, because I'm a little weird. She might be the only person in the world that doesn't judge me for wanting to smell like vampire killer. That's what makes her special to me.. She understands me more than anyone here.. B-But that does NOT mean I like her.. I think..

Nashi's POV:

Short stuff?! Before I could even begin to reply, my hand is tugged and I'm being dragged away like a child. Only he is in such a rush that my arm feels like it's being pulled off! "Storm, calm down! And who are yo-" I'm cut off by what feels like thousands of eyes, staring at me, voices laughing at me. It seems like people are talking about what happened..

I'm being dragged by the hand again, to an empty table far in the corner. Storm's guy friends keep a table open for him, in case he just wants to be alone or just wants some privacy. Like I said, he's the popular one. He has people who understands him.. And then there's me, getting picked on for existing, pretty much. Nobody gets me, with Storm as the only exception.. That's why I love him so much, but I will never be able to say that to his face. He's already admitted he doesn't like me.. To my face..

I finally break out from the anxiety that everyone is staring at me and talking about me. Nobody was, except maybe the She-Devil herself, Talia. Actually, that's an offence to Mirajane. She has been targeting me for years and not once have I escaped it. All of her attacks are either toward me or indirectly toward me.

Anyway, back to reality. I walk with Storm to the table in the back and we sit down, but I don't feel like talking much after what happened with the paint in the classroom, especially after I just thought everyone was talking about me. Storm knows that I suffer with anxiety because of her, because of the years of torment, so I grab his hand, hoping he will realize what is going on with me right now.

Storm's POV:

We are sitting in my usual corner, when Nashi is suddenly grabbing my hand. I'm confused, and I blush slightly. Stupid body, why do I have to blush?! She's not my girlfriend, or crush, much.. NO! Forget the 'much' part! I think.. I think my feelings are messed up.. I.. Don't exactly know what I'm feeling.. I'll admit, I've never been the best boyfriend to anyone, but because of that I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.. Maybe she has picked up on it? Maybe she can help me decipher this.. But.. She's not exactly looking at me right now.. I look over to her. Her soft face, red eyes from the crying, the tears filling up in her eyes as I'm thinking this.. Wait.. Tears?!

Oh crap, this entire time I've been thinking about how I'm supposed to feel, I forgot about paying attention to her! I think she's having an anxiety attack.. She always holds my hand when she is stressed or when she is about to cry. Damn it!

"Hey, it's okay, you know that right? I'm here." I try to tell her this as if I have been paying attention the whole time, which I haven't. Stupid idiot! I tighten my grip on her hand to reassure her, and I move slightly closer. Thankfully she hasn't completely lost it, which I know from the nod she is giving me right now. "Good. You're safe with me here. We can go get some food if you want?" I stand up, still holding her hand. I try to pull her up, and she comes with me easily. I lead her to the food part of the cafeteria when Talia shows up. I think she decided not to say anything after all, considering the fact my eyes are glaring at her right now, in the exact same way as when the incident happened.

I help Nashi get some food together on a tray, and I lead her back to the table. I help her sit back down, when suddenly, there's this HUGE farting noise!

Nashi's POV:

Storm is the only person in the world who understands what I go through during an anxiety attack. He knows I'm not fully there, he knows that it is difficult for me to relax and stay strong, especially in a public place. This is proven by the fact that someone snuck over here and put a whoopee cushion on my seat, loud enough for the whole student body to hear when I sit down. I thought I was out of the woods with my anxiety attack, I thought I was ok. Until I sat down. The whole room burst out in laughter, some even taking videos of the entire prank. Everyone is laughing at me, mocking me, calling me names and sending me into a complete meltdown.

I can't take this. Humiliation once a week at the very least is bad enough. Having to suffer because of her is all too common for me. But twice in the SAME DAY? That's too far. I don't care how pathetic the prank is, my mental health isn't built for this. I hear some people through the laughter, shouting things like "Go on, run away and cry like the baby you are!" I hate this. Suddenly, just as I go into complete shutdown, a figure stands in front of me, it's Storm. His back is turned to me but I know exactly what he is doing.

Nashi and Storm's POV:

I cannot watch her suffer. I'm always being defended. Why does this happen? By Talia, no less?! Why?! I'm going to protect you!

I'm going to protect the person I care about most in this world!

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