28|| Sibling Panic

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28|| Sibling Panic

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28|| Sibling Panic

The day of the second task came and Harry was starting to worry that he hadn't seen Ron, Hermione or Vanessa anywhere.

This was unlike them to go missing right before something like this. As Potter walked through the halls of the castles he spot Fred, George and Cedric having a heated conversation.

Quick on his feet, he walked over. "What do you mean you haven't seen her since you go back?" Cedric hissed. He was clearly on edge. He thought of all the worst possible things that could happen to Vanessa, after all she was a magnet for danger.

"You were the last to see her!! Plus you two are glue to each other's side" Fred hissed back. He had notice their younger pair of twins to go missing and when they both from missing they where either up to something bad or something bad happened to them.

"Guys Hermione is missing too" Harry spoke up causing the panic to rise. Only meters away Draco was listening in onto the conversation he had spent the night trying to find Vanessa. He went looking for Hermione to see if she was with her.

But when someone said she was missing he felt a tremendous amount of fear lay heavy on his chest. His last result was asking her brothers but he know they don't have a clue, the panic became real.

Cedric caught eyes like Draco and knew he was involved somehow. But decided against shouting at him in front of her brothers because she would kill him if they knew.

"Maybe they have already gone down to the task, we need to go Cedric" Harry said as they all split up walking to the boats. Angrily Draco got onto a boat and started to search the crowd of people stood on the dock watching the task.

Once they had arrived her brothers were quick to search the crowd and so was Draco pushing people out the way, he spotted his friends and he had to act if nothing was wrong. They talked for a while until Dumbledore spoke.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own." He finished.

Draco's heart stopped beating he looked down at the water. She was in there. She was laying at the bottom of that lake, slowly drowning. He was quick to sprint to the deck where the champions were.

Grabbing Cedric's arms the boys shared an unfriendly glare. "Get her back or god so help me i will end you" He threaten as Cedric pulled his arm away in rage.

"I will get her back in more than just from this lake Malfoy. I will get her back" He hissed. And there it was, his confession. He wanted her. He wanted what was Draco's. What Draco treasured the most.

He did something evil something that Vanessa may hate him for later. He wanted to hurt Diggory. "Cedric she doesn't love you, not like that. She never has and never will" He hissed evilly as Cedric felt his stomach turn. Because in some ways he knew he was right.

Pushing him away the twins took and notice and pulled Draco away from the crowd. "What do you want from our sister?" George spat. "You have been around her non stop, i thought you would back off" Fred added as Draco crosses his arms.

He wanted to tell them he really did but he knew he would lose Vanessa if he did. "She has something of mine and i need it back" He glared before hearing the bang and the champions were off.


It was coming up to an hour. The twins were beginning to panic. "What about her heart Fred?" And that installed a fear like no other into the boys. Quickly pushing through the towards their head master.

"Professor!!!" The twins yelled earning his attention. "Yes yes your siblings with be fine" He smiled looking back at water. This only angered the twins even more. "No, Vanessa she can't take this, her heart is too weak, her body wouldn't be able to take on something like this" And getting fear installed its self into the professors mind.

Widening his eyes they look back at the water to hear gasps for breaths. It was Vanessa and Cedric.

She felt as if her lungs were collapsing. She gripped to Cedric not feeling strong enough to swim. He held her for dear life, screaming demands from the water to get her out.

Draco jump to his feet running to the edge but the twins pushed him back. "Come near her and you won't live to see another day" Fred hissed. All he could do was sit back and watch her in fear.

"Ced" She reached for breaths. But he shook his head. "Don't speak, I've got you" He said lifting her out of the water.

Still in her clothes from the night before, her body shaking furiously from the cold. Snape and Dumbledore were there in seconds as the twins wrapped her body in towels and blankets.

Her hands around her throat, she lost her sense of balance, her knees buckling hitting the floor she let out a scream as she felt the hard wood ripping through her flesh.

Fred caught her in his arms. Everyone crowding round her, as her body begged for air. She couldn't hear the yells or the pleads, all she could hear was her gags for air.

The professors watched as the girl was going through torture, her body was pulsating. They shared a look of horror from the blood staining her jeans at an alarming rate.

Draco could watch from aside anymore pushing through, he came into her view.

"Vanessa Breathe!!" He yelled as her lips started to turn blue. But she couldn't, she griped to the towels around her. Snape was quick to pull the blonde away from more than one reason.

By then Ron and Hermione had emerged from the water. Ron didn't bother with a towel he run to Vanessa's side.

He felt a wave of emotions hit his body listening to his sister struggle to breathe. He quickly pulled her into his grip making eyes contact with her.

Everyone around them watched in horror as the girl had dropped from her normal sun kissed skin to almost light blue. Their hearts ached as they watch her brother let out a sob.

"Vanessa let go, don't fight it, let go" He whispered as she felt her struggling become weaker and weaker until her eyes rolled shut.

Dangerous Affection || Draco Malfoy [1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant