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Vanessa Wesley.

She is a force to be reckon with. Mysteriously smart which got her in trouble all the time , illuminating beauty getting boys to stop in their paths and an incredible stubbornness that put people on edge.

Growing up with 8 siblings and 2 loving parents had its pros and cons but it's where her deadly witty and strong personality came from. Being extremely loved and treasured by her parents some would say she was the favourite.

But the sibling who loved her the most was Ron. Being twins they become each other's best friends. Anywhere Vanessa was, there was Ron close behind. They both teased and terrorised each other but deep down they couldn't live without the other.

She was well liked with a bubbly nature she could simply get on with a brick wall. Having many friends she was never alone. Hermione is someone she held dear to heart, complete polar opposites but they fit like a puzzle. Knowing each other's deep and darkest secrets is what keep them close.

She is definitely a catch, Harry Potter took a liking to her when they first met but Ron and the twins were quick to swash those ideas. Like brothers are they like protect her at all cost, especially Ron. So Harry simply become another brother to her, always protecting him from the evil coming his way.

But a friendship she was always teased about, was Cedric Diggory.

The pair had been friends since the start of their school life, relied on one another, helped when in trouble and were really the ideal couple if they looked pasted being just friend, which never happened for them.

And a relationship that would surprise her the most was Draco Malfoy.

The pair never troubled the other, were simply strangers. But that was about to change. Very much to everyone's unliking.



Sleep was something Vanessa found easily, her dreams always consisted of holidays, travelling and the obvious magic. That why her heart was so pure and bright she only ever saw the best in life. There was no time for negative with her. She despised the thing.

With everything she had been through with her friends, the dark moments and the unknown monsters lurking in the dark she put place them in a box in the back of her mind never to be touched. But that didn't mean she didn't have a dark and sassy sense of humour.

"Nessa" a small and light voice whispered. The voice dragging her from her subconscious kicking and screaming. Letting a quiet groan escape her lips was a signal for the person trying to ruin her sleep to sod off.

Trying to fall back in the arms of her dreams again the small voice spoke just a little louder. "Nessa, don't make me get your mother" and with those words spoken her dark brown sparkling eyes fluttered open.

Being woken up by her mother was a nightmare in itself. You would be pulled from your bed or the bed pulled from underneath you.

Once focusing her eyes they landed on the gorgeous face of the Granger witch in the making. They hadn't seen each other since the start of summer. The pair hated being away from one another almost as if a part of them was missing.

"Hermione!" She squealed pulling her down into the bed wrapping her in a sight cuddle was Hermione herself returned. She missed the warmth of her best friend.

"Oh Merlin, I've missed you" Vanessa giggled pulling back and admiring her friends face. She had definitely matured over the summer, wasn't a little girl anymore she was growing into a fantastic woman.

Hermione reflected the same smile and thoughts. Vanessa was definitely growing breathtakingly stunning every year, even with a bit of morning breath. "I've missed you but not your morning breath Nessa, bloody hell what did you eat last night" she laugh jumping at the bed fanning the air.

Laughing at her friend dramatic nature she jumped out the other side scrambling to make her bed. "Mum's famous spicy chicken curry, you should have seen Ron the greedy pig went back for thirds!" She laughed.

Ron heading the insult came into her room, eyebrows pulled together. "Hey at least i get out of bed to greet my friends unlike someone little miss rude" he fired back earning the group to laugh.

Holding her hands up in defeat, gathering up on outfit for the day, she left the two to discuss their summer while she changed.

Something about Vanessa was her killer fashion sense. Even with the hand downs from her brothers and her mum, she was smart to turn them into something stylish. Stepping out in one of her dads crisp white work shirt that she had fitted tightly around her small figure and a pair of white beaten up converses.

Ron was always impressed that his sister could pull off anything even hand downs. Vanessa was never body confident even at her age but with the love and hard work she was happy, which made Ron happy even if she was already perfect to him in his eyes.

Quickly brushing out her bed hair and tying it up in to a messy ponytail, not forgetting to pull out the baby hairs. The family always found it strange how her luscious brown hair was never a perfect match to theirs.

The group exited her room rambling on about all the things they have missed over the summer. "About time Nessie, mum almost let Ron eat the rest of the bacon" Fred mumbled through the bits of toast he had jammed in his mouth.

Shooting a playful glare at Ron before taking her place between the two old twins of the family. "Now now, i would never ever let you without breakfast, even if i had to hide it from Ron" Mrs Wesley smiles kissing the top of her daughter head placing her breakfast in front of her.

"Hey! You guys make me out to be a pig!" Ron frown taking his place at the table, Hermione joining him. "You are a pig" the family said in sync, earning a few grins from the siblings.

"What time are we going to get Harry?" George spoke up finishing his last bit of toast, the rest of the jam sitting on his chin which Nessa was quick to wipe off.

"Wait we are picking up Harry today?" She giggled as George contained to pull funny faces as she wiped the jam. "We are, you are not" George rolled his eyes, not agreeing with the reason why she wasn't allowed.

"Not after last time, you gave Mum the fright of her life when you came back with a nose bleed because of Ron being too over excited about Harry to realise you were just getting out the car before he slammed the door" Fred laughed recalling how much trouble his younger brother got into.

"Yeah thanks for that Ron" She rolled her eyes as she buttered her toast. "But if that was me you would have laughed" He mumbled snatching the butter from his sister. "Yeah because she's the favourite that's why" Ginny chuckled winking at her sister which Vanessa returned.

"Sorry Ron" She smiled sticking out her tongue at him. "Right come on boys, we need to hurry up and get the Potter" Mr Wesley came running the kitchen kissing the top of Vanessa head "morning Nessie" he smiled quickly walking over to the fireplace.

"Morning Dad, be careful don't come back with a bloody nose or Mum won't let you out the house for a week" She yelled earning a pool of laughter from the boys.

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