22|| Dress Robes

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22|| Dress Robes

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22|| Dress Robes

Walking into the hall for breakfast, Vanessa was still half asleep as Ron dragged her. "Sorry we are late. Vanessa was being an arse" He glared as they sat at the table and food magically appearing in front of them.

Ron's eyes light up with excitement and he dove straight in. "Yeah will at least I'm not a pig" She muttered in disbelief at how much her brother had eaten already.

Hermione and Harry laughed at the twins. Their special bond was always something they didn't quite understand. "Hey i had to pour water all over you this morning and I will happily do it again" He said with a mouth full. "Firstly gross-" she closed his mouth. "And secondly I will happily take you to the floor again" She smiled buttering her toast.

The group started to break off in their own conversations. She felt as if she was being watched and she in fact was. Meeting the grey eyes staring at her, he let a small smirk form on his lips.

Remembering what happened a few nights ago the pair couldn't deny they didn't have feeling for one another. I guess they were trying to push it down as they both were to stubborn and proud to show vulnerability.

"Nessa!" Harry yelled kicking her from under the table. "Ow! Harry!" She whined grabbing her leg. "Have you studied for the potions exam?" He asked rolling his eyes as he didn't kick her that hard.

"Of course she has" Hermione wiggled her brows grabbing the suspicions of the boys. Widening her eyes Hermione realised what she did.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Ron said looking at his sister who's expression changed from shocked to playing it of very cooly. "Oh Hermione has been tutoring me, obviously too proud of herself" She laughed biting the inside of her cheeks.

Ron simply rolled his eyes but Harry narrowed his at her. He turned to see who she had been staring at before he caught her attention. Draco.

He widened his eyes at her as she very subtly shook her head. He got the hint and looked back down at his book. "Hi Harry" The Parvati twin wiggled their fingers very flirtatiously at Harry.

Ron and Vanessa shared a look before looking at Hermione who was just as confused as them. "Uh Ness, 3'o clock" Hermione coughed. Ron turned faster than Vanessa could seeing a few boys from Durmstrang making their way over, with hungry eyes.

"Oh sod off!! She's my sister" Ron sighed trying to usher the boys away but they simply just ignored him. Draco almost stood from his seat at how close and how hungry they were looking at her.

She turned in her seat, facing them. A sweet smile pulled on her face before she pulled her wand from her usually hiding place - her boot- and simply whispered the words "Slugulus Eructo".

It was the charm Ron had used on or tried to use on Draco in their second year. The boys were quick to back away and run out of the hall. "Oh" Ron said clearly too shocked. "Well I took care of that easily" Ron smiled getting a chuckle from the group.

Looking back up at Draco, he was impressed and happy that she didn't want the attention from other boys.

Ask they carried on eating Hermione angrily sigh putting the newspaper under Vanessa's nose. "Look at this! I can't believe it she's done it again. Miss Granger a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey sources report is none other than the Bulgarian bon-bon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow".

"Hey don't worry about it, no one really reads or believes that stuff" She said hating her friend was getting upset. A young boy walks up holding a package he smiled at Vanessa who recognised him as Nigel. "Hi Nigel" She smiled back as he dropped a parcel on the table.

"Parcel for you Mr Weasley" He said looking to Harry gazing at him. "Thank you Nigel"
Ron said with mouthful of food again, notching Nigel was staring Ron rolls his eyes "Not now Nigel. Later. Go on." Frowning at her brother, he looked up to her.

"I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph." He grinned at her. "Jesus Ron" she laughed as Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh look mum's sent me something" He wiggled his brows, she frowned when nothing had come for her. "Aha not the favourite child now" He laughed ripping open the package. "Yeah yeah" She laughed looking down at the monstrosity sat in front of them.

"Mum sent me a dress??" He said standing holding the god awful rag to his chests. Vanessa doubled over laughing. "Who's the favourite?" She screamed with laughter hold her hand to her ear.

"Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" Harry laughed holding up the ugly bonnet making Nessa contagious laugh ring even louder, with tears streaming down her face. Draco couldn't help but smile at the sound and her face.

"Ginny these must be for you." Ron turned looking down the table at their younger sister, he knew his mum would never dare send this to Vanessa, she would pick it apart and make it into the latest fashion piece.

        "I'm not wearing that it's ghastly." Ginny smiled at her older sisters laugh. She had missed her too much. She missed everything about her but with them being in different years they never found the time to catch up.

Even Hermione was now laughing. "Oh my god!!! I can't breathe" Vanessa shrieked hold her stomach, "What are you on about?" Ron looked so worried that he had missed something. Looking at Hermione because his twin was no way in the right state to give him an decent answer.

      They're not for Ginny they're for you! They are Dress robes" She snickered as Vanessa's laugh was the only thing to be heard in the hall.

"Dress robes? for what?"

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