9|| Curses

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9|| Curses

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9|| Curses

Vanessa hardly slept last night, something playing on her mind, it was driving her insane and she couldn't figure out why. Normally she won't let things like this get to her.

He wasn't scared when she had threatened him, in fact he had never looked more alive in that moment she had him inches away from her face and all she could think of was the slight glint in his mischievous eyes, he wanted more.

Pulling herself from her bed she quickly changed, picking her boots up and making her way down into the common room where to her surprise she was met a very sleepy Harry.

"Harry what are you doing up this early?" She spoke softly and quietly not wanting to be loud as everyone was still asleep. He jumped slightly at her sudden appearance but gave her a friendly smile.

"I couldn't sleep" He replied with light sleepy rings around his eyes. She nodded falling into seat next to him. "What about you? Normally a mission to get you up" He chuckled snapping a breakfast bar in half giving her a piece. She gladly accepted but kept it in her hand.

"Just thinking" She whispered popping the bar in her mouth and slipping her feet into her docs. Rising an eyebrow at her he wanted more than two words from her. Rolling her eyes she let out a sigh turning to face him.

"You can't tell Ron, he's worrying too much about me at the moment" She whispered flash a desperate but threaten glare which he quickly nodded, holding out his pinky finger something they used to do as kids.

Smiling, they shook on it. "Draco" She whispered warmly, Harry to look at her in shock. "He has taken a sudden interest and i don't know how to act. I Understand you all don't like him but I'm entitled to my own opinion so I really don't know what to make of him" She whispered looking up at Potter through her long lashes.

"Well I agree, but he hasn't just taken a sudden like towards you. He's always walked on egg shells around you i guess now he's just testing where he can push his luck. But promise me one thing?" He asked holding a finger up to her face.

"Don't let him control you because he will hurt you" He whispered searching her eyes for any sign of hesitation. But she simply broke out into a smirk.

"Oh potter i can't be controlled"


Walking into DADA, her arm linked with Hermione's, she felt a pair of eyes flickering up to her. She didn't want to give him that control he already had over her body. He made her nervous, she moved differently, spoke differently when he was around.

He knew he had a slight control on her, he knew he made her nervous but hell, she made him a nervous stuttering wreak, if she tried she could control him without lifting a finger.

They both had met their match.

Choosing to ignore him, she sat at the front in between Hermione and Harry placing her books on the table. "I wonder what this lesson will be like" Hermione whispered to the group.

"I hope it's good, i don't think anything can beat Lopins lessons last year" Harry spoke up as they all agreed. Vanessa sat perfectly still feeling his stare burning into the back of her head.

She remember last years lesson, learning how to cast Patronus charms and fighting off dementors. She was never really good at it. Of course she had happy memories but nothing that made her extremely happy.

She thought if she just stayed still that Draco would lose interest and stop what ever he was doing to her. Her mind was driving her crazy she need an escape, an out.

Draco sat wondering why she hadn't turned around yet, why she hadn't thrown one of her little smirks over her shoulder yet. He wanted, craved her attention.

Suddenly Professor Moody came into the room, catching everyone's attention, everyone's but Vanessa. He spoke introducing himself but her attention was looking out the window, at the peaceful nature. Draco followed her gaze wondering what was going on in that pretty little head of hers.

"But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Mad-eye spoke a little louder bring her attention back into the class, he eyed her suspiciously why she's wasn't like the others, why she didn't jump at the change of listening.

"Three sir" Hermione answered proudly. "And they are so named?" He questioned looking at Nessa for an answer but she just stared blankly.

She was having flash backs of dementors. A cold chilling feeling spread across her body, Ron noticed her slight fidget.

"Because they are unforgivable. Use of any one of them will..." Hermione was quick to be cut off by Mad-eye.

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct. Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared" He finished looking at the sea of student he looked back towards Vanessa again lost in her own mind.

Remembering when they had to face the Boggart, it turned into their worst fears. Hers took longer to transform and when it did, it was a version of Ron struggling, struggling to live. She couldn't perform the charm.

"So, which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!" He shouted but only gained the attention of Ron. Vanessa was so deep in thought that she completely missed out on half of his lesson. And the only person to notice was Draco.

She thought of many other things too. Mainly Draco and the up coming tournament too. She knew Cedric too well he was going for it without hesitation. She was scared, she knew the death toll, but she push her selfishness down trying to involve herself back into reality.

"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Weasley" Feeling Harry stiffen next to him she knew what curse he was asking for. "The Killing Curse" She spoke watching as He casts a spell and the spider disintegrates. She didn't flinch or get angry at his sudden act of unkindness like Hermione.

She studied the professor, he was different but honest to the harsh realities of life. Now the Mad eye wasn't a man to be easily intimidated but her stare was something else. Breaking away from it, he turned looking at Harry.

"The killing curse. Only one person is known to have survived it. And he's sitting in this room." As he finished his sentence she took note of his sudden interest into the subject of curse and Harry. Something was doing on, she couldn't her finger on it.

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