8|| Warning And Threats

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8|| Warnings And Threats

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8|| Warnings And Threats

As his speech ending the student rise from their seats. The sea of student flooded for the main doors however Vanessa wasn't so fast to get up. Thinking about the tournament and Cedric.

It was a bad mix she knew he was a thrill seeker, he always wanted that adventure and so did she but not when you can't control the situation or what is happening.

Biting her nail anxiously, a piece of hair fell in her eye line but it didn't bother her she needed to talk to him. Watching the girl internally tear herself up over something Ron looked to Harry for proof that she needs to be worried about.

Harry watched her eyes as she was flicking through possible solutions and remedies in her mind. She was dangerous.

"Ness you coming?" Hermione spoke up knocking her out of her trance. Forcefully pulling a smile onto her lips she stood from her chair linking arms with her.

"What were you thinking about?" She whispered to her, looking back at her brother than to her if she said it allowed Ron would worry. "I'll tell you tonight" nodding at her answer they exited the hall.

However Draco and group stood around talking as they exited, catching a glimpse of her he started to check her out, his brow shot up as his eyes trailed up her legs. Catching him she carried on walking.

"Anyone told you it's rude to stare Malfoy" She yelled not bothering to turn to know his reaction. His famous smirk.

But Ron also witnessed this.

"Back off Malfoy" He threatened causing for his group to laugh at his sudden urge of courage. The girls stop in their tracks and looked each other. "Oh no" they whispered before turning to see Draco take a few steps closer to Ron.

"And what if i don't want too?" He raised the question. The two glaring at each other intensely. "Harry grab him" Vanessa whispered walking closer to the pair.

"Touch her and i will seriously hurt you in many ways" Ron puffed his chest and he only did that when he was ready to fight. Quickly standing in between the pair place her hands on their chests. 

"Woah there big guy, i can handle Malfoy I think it's time we leave, you're tired and still hungry, i had snacks in my trunk" She smiled at her overprotective brother pushing him slightly to Harry.

His eyes narrowed at his sister to see if she was lying about the snacks. But gave her a nod before stepping down.

As Draco was about to tease Ron for back down, she snapped her head in his direction, her eyes turning jet black holding him in her threatening gaze, he could only back down too.

Tilting her head making her more threatening, his group quickly made a swift exit. "Step up to my brother like that again-" She ruffly grabbed his tie pulling him inches away from her face. He hesitated to put his hands on her waist but needed to for support.

"I won't hesitate to use my tiny hand to rip your even tinier balls off and feed them to the first years" She smiled bitterly but he found it ten times more attractive. "Yes boss" he whispered looking down at her lips then back to her dark eyes.

Raising an eyebrow he discreetly squeezes her waist as she pulled away link arms back with Hermione. "Oh my god Nessa" She laughed in shock as the four disappeared down the hallway. But she was quick to throw a smirk over her shoulder at Draco, she had got his little message loud and clear.

He was super turned on. He smirked back before walking away feeling a little light headed from their encounter.


As the girls sat on Hermione's bed with a hot mug of steaming hot chocolate. They sat in silence as Hermione was reading through a book for a class the next day and Vanessa, Well Vanessa was looking at all the pictures in her fashion magazine.

They usually did this when the boys were off being boys. "So are you going to tell me what you were thinking about?" Hermione whispered not looking up from her book.

Vanessa numbly fixated on the top of her magazine before looking up at Hermione. "I'm just worried that's all I have a bad feeling back this tournament. First the death eaters, Harry's dream and now this. Everything is changing too suspiciously for me" She mumbled holding her mug to her chest in need of more warmth.

Hermione has been thinking the same thing but wouldn't allow herself to think like that. "I get what you mean but everything changes here, I guess what we all have been through makes us overthink things that shouldn't need overthinking for" Hermione said as Vanessa nodded in agreement.

Hear the boys footsteps enter the room, Ron had a little grin on his lips at he raised his brow at Vanessa. He was after his snacks.

Rolling her eyes and laughing she nodded to her bed where she had laid them out. Quickly both him and Harry took what they wanted and started to tuck in.

"Jesus you would think you don't get feed" Hermione laughed. "Ron probably gets feed more here than at home. Mum thinks if he eats too much he will get fat" Vanessa chuckled as Ron nodded in agreement.

"It's like going on a diet when we go home so may as well stock up now" He said with his mouthful. "Pig" the girls said in unison making them all laugh.

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