13|| Tutor Malfoy

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13|| Tutor Malfoy

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

13|| Tutor Malfoy

Sleep and Vanessa had recently had a falling out because she couldn't find it well. Tossing and turning all night she was sure sleep was watching her, laughing.

I guess she had Draco to thank for that. She couldn't understand why he was so jealous of Cedric. Cedric was her best friend, her person, not her lover. Draco had infatuated her her mind, twisting his way into the centre of her brain and was refusing to leave.

Giving up with begging sleep for forgiveness, she got up, and changed, catching her reflection in the mirror, she was lacking sleep and it was obvious. Draco was keeping her awake in ways that she hated.

Picking up her boots and walking into the common room, it was empty. Collapsing down into the sofa, she slipped her boots on casting a spell to light the fire. It came roaring to life, watching the dancing flames, her mind was driving her insane.

Groaning with frustration she picked up her books, taking the secret passage way down to the lake for some air.

They were well onto their way into winter, Vanessa's favourite season. Wrapping her arms around her body, she slumped down against a tree taking a few breathe.

In, out.

She repeated herself, she wanted a clear mind before going to potions. That was her only lesson with Draco that they had alone.


Stepping into the classroom she found an empty table to herself in the back. Taking her seat she removed her robe as potions was always a messy subject and a subject she wasn't great at.

Flicking her book open, she felt a presence sit next to her. She knew who exactly it was. "Hello Bambi" He spoke watching her choose to ignore him. "Oh come on, you've been ignoring since the other schools arrive" He whined leaning in closer to her.

She could smell his strong minty breath and feeling it hot on her neck, sending tingles down her spine. She was stubborn, too stubborn for Draco's liking.

"Bambi please talk to me" He whispered softly it was going to be impossible to ignore him. Giving up she turn to face him, not realise how close he had been sitting her legs in between his she looked up at him.

"Why were you giving me dirty look about Cedric, I told you he's just my friend" She whispered not wanting to bring attention to how close they were.

He took in her strong but very sweet lavender smell, inhaling and closing his eyes taking it all in. He hated how close the Diggory was to her. He knew what Cedric really wanted. They always start of as 'just friends'.

Opening his eyes they land sharply upon her dark eyes. She hadn't been sleeping, it annoyed him how he couldn't ask why. "It didn't look like just friends to me. Plus he wants you it's not hard to see" He replied as she rolled her eyes and pouting her lips.

"Aww are you jealous?" She teased. "Of Diggory? Absolutely not!" He laughed bitterly. "Well get over it, it's not like that and plus he doesn't like me like that I would know if he did" she smirked going to move but he trapped her legs with his.

"Oh and those Durmstrang boys, bad news Bambi" He smirked watching her devilish smirk grow. Placing a hand on his thigh, his lips parted slightly in shock.

"You can't tell me what to do Malfoy" She whispered before turning to face the front of the class, fixing back onto her book.

Professor Snape entered the room, explaining today's lesson and what they had to do. Getting up to get their ingredients, Draco took notice of how glorious her legs were watching her behind walking around gathering up the stuff he couldn't help but smirk.

Placing the ingredients down he realised what they were doing, he looked at her in disbelief. "Vanessa are you blind? These aren't even the right ingredients?" Draco laughed as her head snapped in his direction.

"Yes it is look" she pointed at her book looking the receipt. "Oh darling that's the wrong one look here" He laughed pulling her chair close to him, taking her by surprise she let out a gasp as she was particularly sat on his lap.

As he spoke away showing her what to do, she was too transfixed on his lips. They were perfect. The right shape and size.

He placed a hand on her knees bring her eyes down to the action. "Vanessa did you listen to a word i said?" He hummed quietly in her ear.

"Mmhmm" She murmured very softly. He smirked lightly know she was lying and that he was driving her crazy with the very same move she pulled on him earlier.

He quickly looked around the room everyone was busy working away, he took his chance. Leaning closer to her ear.

She could feel his hot breath against her shoulder. "I think that's 1 Weasley 1 Malfoy" He smirked letting her nodded slight because he was right, she was stuck under his spell, he was controlling her.

"Now come one let me show you what to do" He whispered patting her knee before the pair started to work away. Attracting the attention of Snape, he watch the pair carefully. He couldn't belief what he was seeing, Draco was letting her in slowly but surely.

The Weasley witch was very bad at potions but she was a very valuable person to have. He would remember that.

Making his way over, the pair became aware he was watching them. "Miss Weasley I would advice you to get a tutor, your grade in this particular subject has been slipping" He spoke up making her eyes flutter up to him. Releasing an eye roll she laughed.

"Yeah well potions isn't all that exciting professor so excuse me for my lack of interest" She hummed making him raise is brows.

"Miss Weasley you need this grade to finish school I suggest you think wisely about getting a tutor" He spoke sternly catching the attention of Draco. "I'll do it professor snape seeing I'm top of the class" He smirked every smugly for his liking but before Vanessa could object Snape nodded.

"Okay report back to me regularly about her progress"

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