17|| Apology

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17|| Apology

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17|| Apology

Walking into the common room, people were sat around the fire talking, reading or working. The sun had set and it was nearer curfew. Making her way up to the girls dorms, a slight chill swept through the door.

Walking in, she saw Hermione sat at the window with Jet on the window ledge. "He won't give me your letters" She glared at the owl. Jet was just as stubborn at Vanessa. She smirked careful stroking the top of his head, taking the letters and giving him a few treats.

"Good boy" She grin as he took off. "He's just like you" Hermione sighed sitting at the end of Nessa's bed. Throwing the letter onto the bed, she grabbed a pair of leggings and Draco's jumper. Not matter how mad she was at him right now, his jumper brought her comfort and it smelt so good.

In the bathroom she heard Hermione call. "Um Ness one of your letters, it's different" confused at her statement she walked out taking the letter from her.

"Reading my letters are we?" She smirked looking down at the strange cursive writing she didn't recognise. "No of course not! I just didn't recognise the handwriting, normally it's your parents or Cedric writing" She watched as she opened the letter.

"Hermione when did you get nosey?" Vanessa giggles pulling open the fancy paper.

'Tutor tonight, causal time, causal room - DM'

" I got nosey when you have Draco Malfoy taking an interest in you. I may accept whatever you have but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna pick an eye on him" She smirked wiggling her brows.

"Oh shut up" Nessa laugh pushing her into the end of her own bed. "And you're wearing his jumper, oh it's true love" She teased making Vanessa's gasp.

"Hermione Granger what has gotten into you?" She was shocked at her friends sudden belief in 'true love'. "I don't know, i think I've been reading too many stories" She sighed handing her, her converses.

"You can do the rest of my homework for me if you want"

"In your dreams"


Stepping into the room, Draco's eye immediately snapped of to hers. Not break the eye contact she walked closer putting her books on the table.

"Vanessa, I'm so sorry for what i said, i shouldn't of had said that" He whispered taking her hands into his. "No you shouldn't have" She replied looking into his eyes to see he was in fact being honest.

"I just don't like Potter and i never will, no matter how much I like you" He said. She froze at his slight confession but smiled lightly. "I'm not asking you to be friends with him, just stop talking about him, it will make you hate him more" She sighed giving his hand a light squeeze.

"So this doesn't mean you're mad at me anymore?" He smirked very cheekily. She grin and shook her head. "Good so now that's over we can start studying" He took a seat next to her. She groaned and opened her book.

"Vanessa it's not even that hard" He laughed scooting closer to her. His rest his arm on the back of her and lightly with his finger he drew circles into her back. She blushed slightly but carried on listening to him break down each potion step by step.

This time she was actually understanding what was doing on. "But it says cut it not crash it?" She pointed to line in the book. He took her hand into his intertwining their fingers together.

Her small hand fit perfectly into his. Looking back up to him, he smiled as she seemed to enjoy the contact. "I know Bambi but trust me, it's better to crush it" he spoke so softly it's seemed as if they had never had an argument during the day. Everything seemed just perfect in that very moment.

She nodded before crossing out the word cut and writing crush underneath. "Why are your brothers so protective of you?" That question was meant to be a thought and not said aloud.

She slightly chuckled before looking back up to his gorgeous grey eyes. "Really i don't know? The twins say i can have a boyfriend when i turn 25 and Ron says he knows and hears what boys think about me so he doesn't think anyone is good enough for me" She smiled realising how special Ron really is.

"Harry even liked me at one point but Ron was quick to cut that thought straight out of his head" Draco's face hardened he didn't like that Potter wanted her before.

She giggled and roll her eyes at him. "Don't worry, he doesn't look at me like that anymore" She whispered, he let his features relax but kept his hand in hers.

"Well that give me another reason to hate him" he smirked earning her to roll her eyes. "You like cute in my clothes" He smirked down at his huge jumper on her small frame. She giggled fiddling with the sleeves.

"Hey look at me" he whispered lifting her chin. Once her eyes connected with his. All she wanted to do was close the space between them. He looked down at her lips slowly leaning in. He had been wanting to do this from the moment she bumped into him.

However has he got closer, he knocked the book they had been studying to the floor make the pair jump, ruining the moment.

They both sighed and he rested his head on her shoulder as she let out a giggle. "Maybe next time" She whispered running her fingers through his hair. He wanted to stay like this for a lifetime, the feeling of her fingers in his hair made his eyes heavy.

"We should go it's getting late" She whispered. He slowly stood to his feet taking her hand into his. "Come on I'll walk you back".

Hand in hand, it was the first time they had left a classroom showing what they were. Even if it was night time and no one was about, it felt special.

She let out a small giggle catching his attention. "What?" He smiled down at her. " i like this" She smiled up to him making his heart flutter. "I wish we could do this" she added.

"One day"

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