6|| Second Home

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6|| Second Home

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6|| Second Home

When the four woke in the morning, they sat in Vanessa's room while she was yet again the last to wake and the last to pack. Pairing a pair of washed up blue jeans and a navy tight v neck knitted jumper her mum knitted her for last Christmas.

Piling clothes into her trunk getting Ron to sit on top to close it. "Bloody hell Nessa you don't need all these clothes!!" Ron whined as they pair jumped to close it.

"Oh stop whining" She hissed finally clipping it shut and sitting on it taking it as a sign of victory. Earning a few laughs from the group she tucked in her jumper and started tying her laces to her classic beat up Vans.

"Guys I haven't told you something" Harry spoke up, sitting up quickly letting her wavy hair flick Ron in the face. "Ouch"

"Is it about the Dark Mark?" She whispered, her mind had been actively playing over the events that happened last night. "Something like that" He mumbled curious how her mind got there.

"Why are you thinking about that?" Hermione sighed thinking back to how quite she was at the quidditch game last night. As I said Vanessa is dangerous when she overthinks.

"I had a dream about.....him" Harry whispered almost feeling ashamed to think about him. "Voldemort" Vanessa said blankly. She never understood why people are too scared to say his name. Just say it, hiding around his name makes it worse.

"Don't say his name!" Ron hissed getting off her trunk. He didn't like that she didn't have a lot of fears. If there was danger she would always run towards it.

"Oh grow up, he won't magically appear if we say it, that's what he wants isn't it? To fear him to the point that we can't if say his name. Don't give him that satisfaction" She rolled her eyes looking at her reflection in the mirror, rooting her fingers through her hair fixing any fly aways.

"Carry on Harry" She smiled. Hermione silently giggled at her because she was getting under Ron's skin and she knew it. He went into further description of the dream, installing a fear into the group.

"Maybe that's why the death eaters where there yesterday" Hermione spoke up. "Yeah maybe" Ron whispered quietly looking over at his sister, her mind was elsewhere, no form of fear on her face.

That worried him.

"Right come on you lot we better get going" Fred entered pulling Vanessa trunk from underneath her but Hermione was quick to catch her. "You prick" she laughed at her brother.


"Please be safe, remember to write to me" Mrs Wesley smiled tears forming in her eyes as she still had a tight grip on Vanessa. "You know i always do mum but you have to let me go" She smiled placing a small kiss on her cheek.

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