3|| Quidditch Cup

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3|| Quidditch Cup

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3|| Quidditch Cup

"Nessie get up, Bloody hell" Ron's grumpy voice pulling her from her subconscious. "Oh sod off Ronald" She groaned turning over trying to ran back to her dreams. "I'll get Mum, she's in a bad mood" He threaten but it a threat worth not risking.

"Ok ok! I'm up" She mumbled hitting Ron with her pillow as she pull herself from her bed. Blinking a few times taking in that Harry was sat by her window and Hermione at her mirror fixing her hair, she was the last one up.

"You could have woke me up earlier Ron! I'm gonna make us late" She hissed quickly scrambling picking out an outfit. "We did!! Harry tried to wake you but you simple told him to F-off" Ron said making her stop in her rush. "Sorry Potter" She cringed as she knew she wasn't the easiest to wake up.

"Don't worry it's better then when you throw your alarm clock at me" He smiled remember how bad she felt after that. Wizzing into the bathroom and changing to a pair of thigh high boots that covered the holes in her tights, a loose skater yellow and red tauten skirt that used to be part of one of her mums dresses and a dark red long sleeve turtleneck jumper that didn't fit one of her brothers anymore.

Rushing out of the bathroom, Harry was shocked at how fast you change. Taking a look at her appearance she had definitely grown up a lot over the summer. Tucking the jumper into skirt Hermione was quick on her feet brushing through her bed head hair.

"Girls can't live with them but can't live without them" Ron smirked earning a dirty look thrown his way. "Shut up Weasel you're annoying me already today" She shot back earning Harry to laugh.

"Come on Princess, Mum is about to pull you down the stairs by your ear again" Fred laughed with George not far behind him.

"Okay okay I'm done let's go"


As the four walked up the hill to the portkey, Hermione links her arm with Vanessa. "Thanks for doing my hair this morning, because if you didn't I think my ears would be really sore" She giggled her very contagious giggle. "No problem your hair is definitely easier to do than mine" She smiled.

"You have really grown up Nessa since last year" Harry smiles earning a glare from Ron. Even though it was a friendly compliment anyone that came poking around his sister was an instant target. No boy was worthy of her, he always thought.

"Aww Harold, careful with the compliment Ron will have your tongue if you say anymore" She giggled as Harry looked back at Ron seeing the death stare earning the group to chuckle. A few more jokes were thrown about between the four until she saw a familiar figure in the distance.

"Cedric" She whispered breaking away from the group running towards the boy. Now Cedric had definitely grown over the summer gaining a few inches in height and a few more muscles.

She rans pass the group before throwing herself in his strong arms. "Hello beautiful" Cedric laughed picking her up from the group spin her around. Taking in her familiar sweet smell of Lavender and chamomile and a touch of the expensive perfume he gifted to her last Christmas,

He saw the difference in her that all the others had seen. She was breathtaking. Still locking in his arms she pulled her head back looking to his eyes. "Been working out I see?" She smirked as he slowly placed her on her feet.

"Well someone has to beat potter again at Quidditch again this year" He returned she smirked as they didn't bother to listen to the adults talking. "God I've missed you" He smiled swinging an arm around her shoulder, and it was true he really did miss his best friend.

They chatted away as they made their way over to the group gathering around the Portkey. Taking her place next to Ron, he wiggled his brows at the boys. "Shut up" She laughed link her arm into his. "You still really don't like this do you?" He questioned.

When ever she was nervous she would always reach for Ron in need of reassurances. She shook her head gripping harder. "Hey you will be fine, I'm here" He smirked earning her to roll her eyes. "Don't flutter yourself Ronald"




"Here we go!!!"


As they land, Vanessa grip Ron trying to gain her balance. "God i hate that" She moaned quickly popping her ears, Ron laughed at his sister and her weird hates.

Hermione ran to her quickly pulling her arm. "Look at that, oh my god!" She gasped point over at the hundreds of tent set outside the the main stadium all striking different colours, bring a real happy feeling to the place. With the flags of the two teams flying about Vanessa pointed to the Irish flag slapping Harry's chest. "That's who is win tonight" She smirked as he shook his head. Him and Ron where rooting for Bulgarian team.

"Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup Kids, right come one let's get you all set up in the tent, stay close" Mr Wesley explained, taking hold of Ron's arms as they weaves in and out of the crowd. She felt as if she didn't hold on she would lose her way, god knows why she picked Ron to lead the way.

Once upon entering the tent, the girl made way to the top bunks. Crashing down into the pillow ready to have a nap that was quickly distorted by her Dad.

"Nessie don't you fall asleep you can get the jerseys for us tonight and Ron get out the kitchen we're all hungry!"

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