19|| Nighttime Adventures

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19|| Nighttime Adventures

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19|| Nighttime Adventures

That night Vanessa found sleep easily, her body was exhausted from confronting Moody. She hadn't felt exhaustion like this before, her body ached and groaned when her head hit the pillow that night.

Her subconscious willingly opened his arms indulging her into a deep sleep, trying to heal her body from aching.

However this was cut shorter than expected reality came quickly ripping her away from his arms, she put up a fight to in his arms but it was not use.

"Vanessa get up" Harry's voice filled her eyes. Groaning slightly she opened her eyes to see nothing but a dark dormitory. Thinking she had just dreaming his voice she crashed back down into her pillow again.

"Nessa for god sake" the boy spat taking off his invisibility cloak and shaking her furiously again. She opened her eyes for a second time coming face-to-face what time.

"Harry go away, this is the only time i get to myself" she hissed harshly closing her eyes again. But the boy wasn't giving up so easily he was desperate, he needed her to come with him.

Pulling her from her bed, she hit the cold and hard floor. Annoyance and anger feeling her blood, she stared back up to the boy realising how desperate he looked.

"I'm up what do you want" She whispered. "Get changed we are going out to meet Hagrid" He said quickly leaving the dormitory so she couldn't protest and go back to bed.

Pulling her legging and Draco's jumper, she search for her converse trying now to wake the others.

Running down the steps Harry was waiting for her in the common room. "Harold what the hell?" She whispered slightly pissed. "Quick get under, we are already late" He quickly pulled his cloak over her.

They walked through the halls of the school and then out into the open. "Harry what is going on!" She said pulling the cloak off her head.

"I don't know Hagrid told me to meet him with here with you, he wants to show us something" He was just as confused as her.

"Why the hell does it have to be this late? I haven't been that dead to the world since summer" She groaned rubbing her tired eyes. He looked at his very annoyed friends and raised his brows.

"You haven't been sleeping?" He questioned slightly concerned. "Of course not!! Not with this stupid tournament" She muttered walking closer to Hagrid's hut.

"You bring your cloak like i asked?" Hagrid stepped out of his hut making Vanessa jump slightly. "Yeah but Hagrid what are we going" Harry asked. "You'll see soon enough" He said looking around as if we were waiting on one more person.

Vanessa looked him up and down wondering why he looked different. "Your flower isn't straight" She whispered walking up to him to fix it. "And your hair looks nice, who else is coming" She hummed backing away, nodded at him once perfect.

Before he could respond a women called out his name. Quickly Harry pulled the cloak over the two. It was Madam Maxine, the headmistress of the Beauxbatons school.

"Ooo someone's got a crush" she whispered to Harry making him hit her arm as held his laughter in. They followed the pair into the forbidden forest. After walking for a while and listening to their conversation, they came into a clearing.

Suddenly a growl was heard and Harry and Vanessa looked onto a dragons, four of them in cages. "Bloody hell" She whispered looking to Harry but he was in complete shock.

"This is the first task" He finally whispered. That sent a chill down her spine as she looked back to the creatures. They look dangerous and deadly. She gulped.

"Well good luck with that" She whispered trying to bring some humour to the situation but even her, herself was scared.

"I think you need to tell Cedric"


The next morning she rushed through the crowds of people trying to find Cedric. Looking at everyone with yellow robes, she finally found his face.

"Oh my god there you are!!! Oh my god" She gasped for her breathe. He quickly pulled her to the side, immediate terror fill his body as he thought she was having one of her moments again.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" She smiled knowing what he was think. "Jesus Ness Don't do that to me" He sigh putting a hand to his chest as his heart rate jumped a few digits.

"It's about the first task" She said making him roll his eyes. "Ness i told you I'm going to fine you-" But she quickly slapped her hand over his mouth. "Would you shut up and listen, I'm already late to Charms"

He nodded she removed her hand and sighed. "I know what the first task is, it's dragons, it's something to do with these very big and dangerous creatures" She said as his eyes widened. "How do you know?" He asked wondering where she had got the information from.

"Me and Harry saw them last night!! There is four them and there is four of you guys so it's the first task trust me. You need to have a game plan Ced" She whispered obviously very nervous as her eyes were filled with nerves and worry. She didn't want her friends to get hurt.

He wrapped his arms around her picking her up so her feet where no longer touching the ground. "Thanks Nessie and don't worry I'll be fine" He whispered into her hair knowing this would make her giggle as she was really ticklish.

However Draco saw this exchange and didn't like the looks of it. He knew Cedric wanted more than just a friendship from Vanessa. He wanted that perfect relationship that he knew they could have, if she just loved him back the way he felt about her.

Draco watched as she pulled away with a very sweet and attractive smile that he wanted to give her. Only if he could find a way.

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