Daniel turned off his new phone and set it aside. "We talked."

Emma spoke up. "And?"

Daniel nodded as he thought about it, playing the scene in his head like a gif. "I think we're both on the same page. I think."

Gabriel furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Connor screeched when Emma absentmindedly pulled on his hair which was still in her hands.

"I'm sorry!" she whispered to him and patted his head softly as if it'd change a thing,

Daniel proceeded, "I believe we both have a great interest in each other."

"You sound so formal," Connor blurted. "Just spit everything the fuck out."

Daniel sighed and played with a strand of his hair that fell on his forehead.

"I don't know if we'll be something. Maybe boyfriend and boyfriend or if something else will come to mind. But I think we want the same thing."

He wasn't sure at this point. Something was trying to get his attention in his mind, but he ignored it; afraid it was already the end.

"And what is that?" Emma asked.

"Maybe . . . we'll be an official thing." He shrugged like inside he wasn't using his heart as a punching bag.

"Ah!" Emma shrieked, like, girly shrieked.

Brian jumped. "What in the Barbie world . . ."

Emma stood off the bed, letting go of Connor's hair, and pulled Daniel up so he can jump with her.

"Hey, my braids!" Connor pulled her back.

Emma turned to him, apologetically rested a hand on his lap, and caressed his head. "Don't worry. I was just playing with your hair. I don't know how to braid."

She turned back around and Connor fumed in the background.

"You're acting like a girl," Daniel pointed out.

"I know!" she said with so much enthusiasm. "I just can't believe it! I've been dreaming about your guys' wedding since you told me you were in love with him. And I just can't believe this is happening!" She jumped into Connor's bed, bouncing on it like a child.

Daniel's smile dropped. "Oh, shit," he whispered, reality dawning on him.

"What?" Emma stopped jumping on the bed and looked at him worriedly.

Daniel started sweating, fanning his face like a damsel in distress while huffing. "It's just that you're right. This is happening, me and Xavier kissed . . . me and Xavier kissed! Oh, my fucking chicken noodle shit!"

He began pacing whit an occasional leap here and there as a smile widened on his face. "I need to talk to him."

Emma jumped off the bed and landed on her feet.

"You do," Brian said.

"I have to kiss him. I have to."

Gabriel scrunched up his nose. "Ew, don't tell us that, I'm still innocent."

"I have to see him."

They got him all riled up that Daniel was already gathering up his stuff to leave. "Good thing I have a phone now." He kissed the phone case.

They followed him out of the room, down the stairs, and stayed behind when he reached the front doors.

"Bye!" They held the double doors open as they watched him get in his car and drive off the property.

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