"Gay guys kiss girls day"

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-Skip to New Years eve-

It was 7:30pm and I had 45 minutes to get ready before everyone came over. The boys decided to have a huge new years eve party, and invited practically all of California to it, which is kind of alot of people.

I walked into my closet and picked out a strapless black cocktail dress with black wedges. You can tell I like the color black... Alot.

I then went into the bathroom and curled my hair into loose curls, and did my make up which was like a smokey eye. I looked in the mirror, and made sure every single detail was perfect, because a perfect night needs a perfect look.

"LEX COME DOWNSTAIRS PEOPLE ARE COMING" I heard Connor yell, so I grabbed my phone and rushed downstairs.


Andrea, Jenn, and Jack just arrived, and Connor called for Lexi. I looked and Jenn and Andrea and exaimed their outfits.

Jenn was wearing a strapless white dress with black heels, and her hair was curled. Andrea was wearing  a strapless blue dress that cut off right before her knee cap, and her hair was in a braid.

I heard Lexi coming down the stairs, so I looked over. I looked at her in awe as I exaimied her, she was wearing a simple black dress, but she made it look so sexy, and she had her hair in curls which looked amazing, she looked amazing.

"Close your mouth" Sam says as he nudges me, which caused me to look down at my shoes. "Hi girls!" Lexi said as she walked over to Jenn and Andrea hugging them both.


Soon everyone had arrived, and it was packed. People were scattered everywhere from in the backyard to upstairs, and everyone inbetween. It was currently 9:30, and I was changing the song on the speakers to Trevor's new EP.

I started walking off, but a hand pulled me back causing me to stumble. "Kiikiiiii" I heard Lexi say in a singsong voice. I turned around to see Lexi still holding my arm and giggling, and she had a red solo cup in her hand. God dammit someone must have given it to her saying it was water. I thought to my self.

I grabbed her drink and sniffed it, and the smell of vodka lingered in my nose. I put to solo cup on a table, only to hear Lexi whine. "But Kiki I wanted thattt" She said as she clumsly wrapped her arms around me.

"Lexi how many of those did you drink?" I asked as I tried leading her some where less crowded. "I dunno 2?" She she said as if it was a question. "Ugh you get drunk fast" I mumbled as I grabbed a water bottle for her. 

"Drunk am I not my good sir" She said illetiratly. "Lex it's going to be midnight soon, do you really want to be drunk for that?" I asked, she gasped "WOAH NO" She yelled "I shall not let this drunk guy be me! Because I already have a boyfriend named Kiki" She said, which made no sense. 

She gulped down her water as I thought, drunk people are unflitered... I could ask her some questions and she will honestly answer. I thought, but that would be taking advantage of her...

I decided to just ask her one question, "Hey Lex tell me how you feel about your boyfriend" I asked as I sat down next to her. "Who Kiki? I love him more then I love Kiki!" She said which made me laugh. "He makes everything feel as if it's ok to be, I just feel safe around him, ya know?" She continued, which made me smile.

"What about you? How do you feel about your boyfriend?" She asked, which made me burst out into laughter. "Ok I'm going to take you to our room and bring you back down 10 minutes before the ball drops, ok?" I asked as I walked her upstairs, "As long as I can sleep" was her only response.



I woke up less drunk then earlier, I checked the time to see it was 11:40, which ment the ball was going to drop soon. I slowly stood up and tried to walk straight, I'm only 19 who the fuck gave me alcohol. I thought to myself as I fixed my hair and adjusted my dress.

I was now able to once again speak proper sentances, and walk straight, so I must have not been that drunk. The door swung open to reveal Kian. "Babe you're awake! And not drunk?" He asked, "Not drunk am I" I repsonded giggling.

He sighed and laughed along, "The balls about to drop and I want a new years kiss so come on" He said as he wrapped his arms around me and led me back down stairs. Everyone was trying to crowd around the huge tv, but we were able to make our way to the front.

" 5 more minutes!!" I said jumping up and down, "It's going to be another fucking amazing year because I have the best friends it the world, and the hottest girlfriend in the universe" He said, which earned him a slap on the arm.

"Hot, perfect, and amazing" He said with a wink, which caused me to blush.

Soon, everyone started counting down from 10.










"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone screamed, and Kian pulled me in and connected our lips. I wrapped my arms around neck as he kept his arms on my lower waist. We finally pulled away, and I hugged him. 

"Happy new year!" Connor says as he hugs me from behind, "Happy new year!" I replied and gave him a quick peck on the lips, which caused Kian to furrow his eyebrows. Connor and I to burst out in laughter. 

"Hun he's gay, giving him a peck on the lips isnt going to make him go straight again" I joked, "Well who knows, you're amazing so anyone would want to go out with you" Kian replied, which makes me blush.

"I actually am now straight for Lexi" Connor says as he grabs my waist and dips me, kissing the side of my cheek which looks to Kian as if he is kissing my lips. 

"CONNOR DUDE!" Kian yells as I burst out into laughter till my sides hurt "He kissed my cheek Ki, calm your balls" I said, which earned me an eye roll from Kian.

"Is it gay guys kiss girls day?" Tyler asks as he walked over "I guess" Kian replied. "Well I gotta follow the rule of the day!" He says before he gives me a peck on the lips. Which made us all laugh again.

"Woah whats happening here?" Troye asks, "It's gay guys kiss girls day" Connor says, "Well I gotta do what I gotta do" Troye says as he also gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Guys it's not even 5 minutes into this new year and I have already kissed four men, 3 of them may I mention are gay" I said as I leaned on Kian, everyone laughed and we all eventually went back to our own thing. 

Kian didn't seem to like the little idea Connor came up with for today, so for the rest of the night Kian kept  one arm around my waist.

This year is going to be one intersting year... I can already tell.




Haha ok I got bored halfway into writing this and then that happend

But yes I have finally updated, suprise!

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