A new NEW chapter

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As I ran off the stage, I heard people talk in the microphones, " I hope you are all happy, you just made one of the most important people in my life upset!" Kian yelled in the microphone " I may be throwin shade at Lexi, but guys that was not cool." Andrea said, with anger in her voice. Hm, that was nice, maybe we could be friends if I don't leave the state.  I thought to my self. " Guy's we are cutting the panel short, thanks to that little stunt" Trevor said " I hope you all are happy"

I sat down in a corner and smiled a little, it was nice to finally have people in my life that cared. But then again half of the world now hates me. This new chapter was suppose to be drama free, in my new chapter I was suppose to make new friends, hit 1 million, and have an amazing career and boyfriend. 

But instead, I was sitting in a corner crying my eyes out at my first Vidcon. " Where could she have gone?' I hear Jc say " I have no idea, you go that way, I'll go this way" Kian says. I did not want to talk to them at the moment. I just wanted to go home and forget this ever happened.  Then go home, you have the keys I thought to my self. What did I have to lose? None of the fans wanted me here anyway. I quickly got up and sprinted to the elevators, I clicked floor 9, and grabbed my room key out. 

I opened my room, and packed up all my stuff, I sat down and quickly checked Twitter to see if I was all over the place getting hate, but instead I got this:

" @zoella: This was not a good way to welcome someone to the Youtube community! Lexi is such a wonderful girl, and she is beautiful in every way, shame on you all!

"@tyleroakley: If you hate on one of my best friends, your basically hating on me"                      

"@trevormoran: Before you ask  a question, make sure it isn't fucked up, thank you."                                

 " @andrearussett: I don't care how much I  hate you, when you get hate like that, I will stand beside you till it's all over"

 I smiled at how they were all defending me, but I was suppose to be here for the fans, not them, and if the fans don't want me here then I'm just going to leave. As I got up from the bed to grab my bags, the door swung open revealing Kian.


I felt horrible, I should have known it ment nothing, but Lexi is so beautuful that I feel like anyone could come and just take her. After she ran off the stage crying, the girl who asked the question was kicked out, and we cut the panel short to look for Lexi. 

As I opened the hotel door, I saw Lexi standing there with her luggage packed up " Thank god your ok" I say running up to her giving her a huge hug. " I'm sorry that I'm such a worthless piece of junk" She says crying " I'll see you back in L.A, I don't want to stay here, none of the fans want me here."  My heart broke when she called her self worthless, " Lexi Rose Sharp look at me in the eyes" I say lifting her head up " You are anything but worthless, we all want you here! Have you not seen Twitter?" I asked.

" Of course I have, and it was nice of the youtubers to defend me, but that doesn't change much" She says sniffiling "No Lex, the trends" I say opening my laptop. She sits down and looks at the trends, her face lights up when she sees " we love you lexi" trending worldwide number one. 

On the hashtag were photos of people writing " Stay Strong" and " we love lexi" on their wrists. A bunch of the tweets were telling her how amazing she was, and how she was a role model, and how she should stay.

Lexi looked up at me, it was the happiest I have ever seen her before. Her eyes sparkled, and she smiled as big as a 5 year old on Christmas morning! " So I should stay?" She asks, " Of course" I say giving her a hug. " I'm sorry for getting jelous, I just feel like your out of my leauge and stuff, so I feel like you will dump me for the next best thing" I say looking down. 

" Kian I wouldn't trade the world for you" She says kissing me " I want you and only you" She says poking my nose. I laughed and poked hers back " And I want you and only you!" I reply.

Suddenly, the door bursts open to reveal  Jc, Connor, and Trevor, . " Thank god your okay!" Connor says hugging her " I thought you were going to run away!" Trevor said " Well I wanted too..." She says pointing to her luggage. Trevor laughs and hugs her " I would have never let you do that!"

" Lex, ignore those girls, it takes a while to get use too. C'mon lets go show the world that Lexi Rose Sharp doesn't give a shit what anyone has to say!" Jc says giving her a high five. 

She giggled and agreed, so we all went back down stairs. When we got down to the lobby, there were hundreds of girls holding up " We love you Lexi" Signs. Lexi's eyes widened as she looked around the room." See Lex, they want you here" I say nudging her. As we walked to the resturant, Lexi stopped whenever she could to take a picuture, or to say thank you. This one girl even told Lexi that she helped her get through a rough time, which made Lexi's day knowing she helped someone.


The amount of love I was gettting was amazing, I've never felt so needed. When we got to the table eveyone else was there already like Sam, Jack, Jenn, RIcky, Shane, Lisa, Joey, Meghan, Korey, Tyler, Bethany, Lily, Jenna, Andrew, Colleen, Anthony, Rebbeca, Sawyer, Hannah, Nash, and all the British youtubers.

We sat down and ordered drinks, I talked a little with everyone, met some new people, and exchanged numbers. When our drinks came, I raised my glass " A toast"  I said loudly so everyone could hear " To a new new chapter!" We all clicked glasses and cheered. Maybe this wouldn't be that bad after all...



I feel like I should have had her run away to home, but that might have been over doing it... 

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