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Days after what happened, it's now Friday, Jeongin was discharged from being confined. His bruises and wounds are healed. He can now go back to studying. He met with Felix at their classroom.

"Lixieeeee!" Jeongin shouted and ran to Felix to give him a hug.

"Yaaaa! Fox! I'm glad you're fully recovered now. You must take care of yourself all the time, yeah?" Felix reminded the younger.

"You're the one who should take extra care. You know your ex and your ex best friend are kinda psycho but not red velvet. If you know what I mean? They even hired people to beat me up" Jeongin replied.

"Yeah but as much as I would like to keep an eye on them, I haven't seen them around lately. Are they planning something?" Felix asked.

"We'll never see them here at the university because they are expelled. I warned them the first time they touched me. They don't know who am I" said Jeongin and gave Felix a smirk.

"Who are you?"

"I am Who"

"You are who?"

"I am You"

"You are me?"

"I am Not"

"Yang Jeongin! My mind just blew up with our conversation!" Felix finally whined.

"My parents are the biggest shareholder in our University so after knowing what those to pathetic guys did to me, they immediately asked the head to kick them out. We got no worries anymore, Lixie" Jeongin explained.

"Wow! But hey, you did not tell me your parents are high-profile. I'm honoured my best friend is the son of the university's biggest shareholder" Felix teased his friend.

"Hey! It's not like something will change. I'm more & more, but not twice, honoured because my best friend is very close with the very famous celebrity CB97" Jeongin teased Felix back.

"Well you really should feel honoured since he's soon to be my boyfriend" Felix winked.

"What?! Hey! I need the details! Tell me or"

"Or what? You know I'm a bit hungry. I'll wait for you at the cafeteria, okay?" Felix left his friend who still has to fix his things.

When Jeongin was ready to go outside of their room, he found Seungmin entering with a bouquet of flowers.

"Seungmin hyung! What are you doing here?" Jeongin asked the older but says the opposite in his mind. "OMG! Did he bring those flowers for me because I got discharged? He's so sweet"

"Where's Felix?" Seungmin ignored Jeongin's question.

"Uhm, he left me already but he's waiting at the cafeteria. Do you want to join us? You can always join us, come on, it's my treat. It's also my way to thank you for helping us and-" Jeongin wasn't able to finish what he's saying when Seungmin interrupted.

"Can you please give these flowers to Felix? I still have a class that will start in a few minutes. Thanks, Jeongin. I'm glad you're fine. Bye!" Seungmin said and just gave Jeongin the bouquet and patted his head.

 Bye!" Seungmin said and just gave Jeongin the bouquet and patted his head

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Jeongin felt sad as Seungmin walks away. He went to the cafeteria to meet Felix.

"Hey, fox! What took you so long? Oh wait a second. You have a boyfriend already? Who gave those flowers to you?" Felix asked the younger.

"They are for you" Jeongin answered with a poker face and a cold voice.

Felix noticed that there's something wrong with Jeongin's way of speaking.

"Uhm are you alright, Jeonginnie?"

"These are from Seungmin"

"You like him, don't you?"

"What? No! What are you saying?!"

"It's obvious but I want to tell you that we shouldn't let a guy ruin our friendship. Besides, you want the details of me and CB97, right? Sit here."

Jeongin followed what Felix said and realised that he's acting wrong. He gave the bouquet to Felix and sat beside him.

"Sorry, Lix. I guess I'm just jealous. However, you are right. Our friendship must be stronger. Now tell me the tea between you and your CB97" Jeongin smiled.

Felix told Jeongin the incident between Seungmin and Chan in front of the university and how they ended inside Chan's car.

"He showed himself to the public for you?!" Jeongin screamed in disbelief.

"Ssshhh. The other students are looking at us. I feel like they know that CB97 and I are close" Felix warned his friend.

"So what happened when he told you to get inside the car?" Jeongin asked.

"He played the song he made for their next album and he said it was for me. He confessed his feelings to me, Jeongin-ah! It felt unreal but it was real. He asked if he can court me"


"I said yes and kissed his cheek" Felix whispered because he's shy.

"You what?! Oh My God! AAAAAAAA!" Jeongin screamed in dolphin.

"Hey, quiet. I'm so embarrassed right now. That's why you don't have to be sad because I don't like Seungmin"

After eating, they went back to studying. After their classes ended, Jeongin and Felix had to separate ways to go home. Jeongin left early since he still has follow-up check-ups.

Felix is heading outside the campus with the bouquet of flowers Seungmin gave him. He saw a trash bin nearby. He thought that he should get rid of the flowers since Chan might see them. When he was near the trash bin, Seungmin appeared.

"Hi, Felix. Did you like the flowers? I'm sorry I was not able to give them to you personally" Seungmin gave Felix a smile and touched his hair.

"Uh, y-yeah. I liked them. They're c-cute" Felix stuttered as he felt uncomfortable with Seungmin being touchy.

"I'm glad you liked them. Come on, I'll walk with you outside" Seungmin offered.

As soon as they got outside. Seungmin offered to drive Felix to his home.

"Hey, uhm can I drive you to your house? I'll drive carefully" Seungmin said while riding his motorcycle.

"I appreciate the offer but my friend will pick me up. You can go ahead. Take care, Seungmin" Felix emphasised the word hyung to simply tell Seungmin that he's just like a brother to him.

"Okay then next time? Bye, Felix" Seungmin left.

Felix looked for Chan's car and immediately went to where it is parked.

Felix opened the car and saw a mad Australian Broccoli guy inside.

"Look, I can explain" Felix tried to calm the beast inside Chan.

"Go on. I am not mad and If I'm mad, don't worry I don't bite unless you want me to" Chan smirked.

"Hey! Perv! Anyway, okay so Seungmin asked Jeongin to give me these. That time, Jeongin doesn't know about us yet. I was about to throw these away but he suddenly appeared so I had no choice but to keep them. He walked with me outside the university and offered to drive me home but I did not accept it since I have the famous CB97 to drive me off. Okay?" Felix explained while doing some cute gestures to ease Chan's anger.

"Okay" Chan gave a short reply and started to drive.

"Hey? One, that's your only reply after my long explanation and two, this is not the way to our house" Felix said.

"We are going to my house and don't you worry because I already told your mom. See that bag at the back? Your clothes are packed in there" Chan told Felix.

"What? We're going to your house?!"

"Yep. You'll spend the rest of the weekend at my place. You're lucky because my parents are not around" Chan winked at Felix and gave him a pervert smile.

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