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"Jisung, I've finished the lyrics for our next song. I also recorded a demo of it" I told Jisung who is munching his food at the moment. "I have to leave. Lock the studio after, alright?" I added.

"Ya! Hyung? Where are you going? Can't I listen to the song first?" he asked.

"Nope, not until Felix hears it" I said and sticked out my tongue to tease him.

"Love really makes people crazy, good thing I'm single. Whatever, Hyung. Go to your wife, I mean Felix, he's your wife if he likes you" Jisung replied and also sticked his tongue. He knows how to tease me back.

"I know it's only a week since we met again but I'm planning on something. Wish me luck, squirrel" I smiled.

"Fighting" Jisung cheered.

I'm on my way to Felix's university to fetch him. I want to see him so bad. I know I drove him off to his school a while ago but I miss him already. "What did you do to me, Yongbok-ah" I sighed.

I parked my car near the gate of the university. I stayed inside my car to wait for Felix. This is a crowded place, I don't want everyone to see me because that will cause commotion.

Felix knows my car so he will go here immediately. However, I saw him with a guy taller than him. That's not Jeongin. The guy put his hand on Felix's hair. "Shit! What does he think he's doing? He can't touch what's mine" I whined in my mind.

I went out of the car good thing I'm wearing a hoodie so I can hide somehow. I went closer to them and saw the guy put his hand on Felix's cheek. "What the hell?!" I whispered.

"Did I ever tell you, you are so cute? Your freckles too." the guy told Felix while touching his cheek. Shit! I can't take this anymore.

"I tell him that he is cute everyday since the first day we met. No need for you to remind him. In fact, those freckles are mine" I interrupted their conversation and removed this guy's hand off of my Felix.

"CB97?!" the guy screamed in disbelief causing the other students to look at our direction. Shit! I covered my face with my hoodie and hold onto Felix. "Get inside the car. Now!" I commanded him and we ran to my car.

"Why did you show yourself to the public, Chan hyung?" Felix asked me with worried eyes.

"Who the hell is that guy?! Why is he touching you?! And why did you let him?!" I yelled at Felix.

"He's S-Seungmin. I met him t-today and-"

"You just met him today and you let him touch you like that?! He's obviously flirting with you!" I yelled at him once again. I calmed down and felt guilty as I saw him getting teary-eyed.

"J-Jeongin was b-beaten up... today... and he helped us... sorry" Felix answered me and cried hard. Oh no. Did I make my Felix cry? Damn it Christopher Bang!

"Changbin and Hyunjin hired people to gang up against Jeongin. Seungmin managed to take a video of what happened. He wanted to be my friend and I feel like there's nothing wrong with that. Sorry, Chan hyung" Felix said in a cold tone.

"No, Felix. I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I was just"


"Jealous" I said and gave him a tight hug. "Lix, forgive me if I hurt your feelings. I just don't want others to touch you like that" I pet his hair and gave him comfort.

We hugged until he stopped crying, I just want to keep him like this. When everything was fine, I pulled out of our hug.

"Lix, I want you to listen to this" I said and gave him one of my airpods.

We started listening to the demo of the song I made. "Press the one entitled 'Felix' please" I told Felix.

(search for the english translation of Chan's I Hate to Admit then play the media above)

"The lyrics are so meaningful. It's so good, Channie~ but why is entitled with my name?" Felix asked.

"Remember when we promised back in Australia that we always got each other's back? And that we'll never leave each other? Lix, you broke that promise. I was really sad that time. You left without telling me. I know it wasn't your fault but I wanted to give up after I moved here in Korea. The first time I saw you, I already liked you not as a friend. I liked you more than that. I can't stop thinking about you, Lix. And now that I finally found you, I don't want to lose you again. That's why I reacted like that earlier. Lix, I don't want others to touch you" I cried my heart out while explaining to Felix the meaning of my song.


"Even after all these years, my feelings did not change, Lix. I want you to know that I love you. I know it has just been a week since we met again but give me a chance, can I court you?" I asked Felix.

"Yes, Mr. Bang" Felix replied which made me happy.

"Yes!!! So this means-" I was not able to continue what I'm saying when Felix kissed me on the cheeks.

"Yes, this means you are my future boyfriend" he said and hugged me again.

This is the best day of my life.

Chasing Stars | 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora