Chapter: 46

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3rd POV

Shinsou whimpered at he was thrown into the car, laying sprawled across the back seat as he didn't have the energy or strength to get up.

The two didn't talk the entire 20 minutes they drove and it was slightly unnerving.

But it was even more terrifying when they finally stopped. Shinsou assumes they were at some sort of mansion where he would be staying for the rest of eternity, serving two knuckle heads.

The second man went around and surprised Shinsou, finding they were only just outside the city limits.

"Come on." He said quietly, helping him out of the ropes and covering him from being exposed in his boxers with his own jacket.

"I know you have a lot of questions so please ask."

His voice was timid, something he definitely didn't expect from someone who looked so rough in the alleyway.

"I'm confused." Shinsou said out right.

The man laughed. He didn't sound like he was any more than 20, so young. "We work for the FBI and go around, buying as many kids like you as we can so we can then let them go. Right now we're in the phase of letting you go." The shorter joked.

Letting me go?

The words rang in Shinsou's head. Letting him go. He didn't think that would ever happen. His fate was supposed to be set in stone, he was supposed to be reduced to nothing but a slave. He was being set free.

The ropes were off faster than Shinsou thought possible.

"Do you have somewhere you can go?" The male asked.

"I do.. I don't know how far away it is though." Shinsou mumbled, happy and sad tears mixing together as he continued to cry.

"Alright, we'll drive you."


When Izuku saw Shinsou again, he practically screamed with joy. He dropped the huge bag full of - likely - millions of dollars and jumped onto Shinsou, who caught him immediately.

"God, I was gone for less than an hour." Shinsou joked.

"What can I say, I'm clingy." Izuku breathed.

Ok, that's actually it this time, I'm ending the book here. There will be a sequel but I'm going to leave this up to you guys.

I've got several requests for books right now and here they are.
     *Mermaid AU (there's a little angst)
     *Kidnapped Keith (kinda angsty)
     *(Kinda) Abused Lance (lil angsty)

(Oml I'm terrible it looks like I can't survive without angst^)

     *I'll Love You For 1000 Years
     *Sold ~TodoBakuDeku
     *You Have The Right (sequel to this)

     *Devils Don't Fly ~ TodoDeku (sorry for holding off for so long)
Whichever you most like, let me know😂

Anyways that was the end, it was left unexplained on purpose because no matter what you vote all of those books will be getting done so I'm still going to do a sequel of this.

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