Chapter: 19

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Alright, I'm finally giving in and writing the chapter I've been waiting for.

The Shinsou chapter.

I'm curious to see where this goes, especially because I tend to go with the flow while writing but I have a plan. Let's do this! (Reading over it now it's a weak chapter, but there will definitely be more Shinsou chapters to make up for that)

(Also I'm really sorry this is so late, but I just spaced out yesterday AND today and forgot I was supposed to be writing..)

3rd POV

Dark. Everything was dark. Nearly a day after everything had happened, Shinsou had gotten Eri back to America, alerting the police of the situation.

And so now here he was, hiding behind a dumpster while wrapping his hand in a piece of fabric he ripped from the bottom of his pants.


It wasn't ever silent when he was with Izuku.. wasn't ever dark either. That ball of sunshine lit up Shinsou world like never before and where was he now?

Crouching in an overly filthy alleyway.

His non-injured hand went to the small bracelet around Shinsou's wrist. The one thing he had taken with.

It was nothing too big or fancy, a plain steel silver band, live a wedding ring but a bracelet form. Something Izuku had gotten him to represent their one year.

How Izuku got it, Shinsou hadn't ever asked but it wasn't his place.

Shinsou scaled the wall and climbed to the top of the building, crouching even though it was well past midnight. Therefore already pitch black.

You may be asking, well why keep the bracelet and not the ring.

Shinsou put that ring inside the envelope at the last minute, because he knew it was real. Shinsou was the one who had bought it, as a promise ring. Izuku had one identical.

And Shinsou knew that if Izuku was ever in trouble with money in the future, he wouldn't sell his ring. So having an extra one around would be helpful.

Plus, it was a promise ring. Shinsou has bought that as a promise. If he couldn't keep the promise, Shinsou didn't deserve the thing in general.

Shinsou continued to scope out the area.

If there was one thing Izuku had taught him, it was that there was always someone in need.

Not that he could do anything without getting caught though.

Shinsou gave it a rest and slouched down, sitting against the edge of the building. He was tired, it had been awhile since he hadn't gotten proper amount of rest seeing as Izuku was that one mom friend, always looking out for you. Having not slept for almost 36 hours now he was extremely ready to call it a night. Or a day. Or an afternoon- he didn't care what it was. He was simply that tired.

Messing with the bandages on his hand he tried to ignore his thoughts as his eyes glossed over.

I fucked up.

He knew he did. He was willing to take full responsibility for that. He had gotten word that Izuku was in a light coma due to the injuries and that only made it worse.

Thinking back, Shinsou wished he hadn't ever left to buy groceries that day, even though he knew he league wouldn't have contacted him any other way. He remembered the feeling he felt when he was first struck with a deal from the league. It physically hurt him to even think about betraying Izuku, but leaving Eri wasn't really in the question.

Shinsou thoughts shifted back to when he had asked Izuku out.

That was the first time he had had the confidence to do something that wasn't under the leagues orders. Luckily the league never really brought it up though.

Shinsou let his tears fall. He thought the worst thing that would happen was having to leave all together. He had already been planning on leaving. Where had he lost himself throughout the process to believe that harming Izuku in anyway was a good idea?

He supposed it was the first time he had seen Eri get hurt from the leagues doings. After he had refused an order.

From that moment forward he swore to himself he wouldn't ever let that happen again, but then again what were promises when he made them? He swore to keep Eri safe when he sent her away to America. He swore to always stay with Izuku. He swore he was telling the league all he knew.

Whether it was better or worse he was a liar, and a good one at that.

Shinsou stood abruptly, jumping down from the building and rolling smoothly to the ground in the alley. Giving in he looked up at one of the signs.

I can't believe I came back..

The sign read Masutafu, Japan.

Let's just hope I don't get caught.


Aizawa and Yamada came home very late into the night. Visiting hours went until midnight and now it was about 12:30 in the morning.

Walking in Aizawa wasn't too surprised to see the kitchen in pristine condition, now all the lights off. Usually the boys knew when to go to bed without needing reminder.

Yamada turned on the kitchen light and quietly set down his jacket. "I'm gonna go get ready for bed babe. Don't get lost." He joked, kissing Aizawa's cheek.

"It was one time and I'm not a natural when it comes to driving places! Sue me!" Aizawa quietly hissed to the laughing blonde walking out of the room.

Aizawa rolled his eyes and put down his own jacket, getting a cup of water and heading towards the piece of paper on the counter.

Picking it up he immediately recognized Shoto's handwriting.

Don't worry about the mess in the bathroom. Denki's flashbacks came back while you were gone. It's ok now, we went through the usual calm down routine and he fell asleep pretty early.


(PS I saved some brownies and ice cream for you, goodnight.)

Aizawa immediately felt a pang of guilt run through him for not being there during one of Denki's flashback episodes.

He took a deep breath and put down his cup and the note, walking up the hard wood stairs quietly, heading straight to Shoto's room.

Cracking the door slightly, Shoto stirred at the light but showed no signs of actually being awake.

Aizawa continued until he was completely inside of the room and walked up to the bed, leaning down to kiss both of the boys' forehead. Shoto smiled slightly and Aizawa smiled too, knowing Shoto thought it was part of his dream. Denki mumbled something and leaned further into Shoto's touch.

Aizawa quickly, while he had the chance, took a photo of the two cuddling - Denki's head on Shoto's chest and the two boys basically hugging - before standing back up.

He sighed again when he saw the bandages around Kaminari's arms and ran his hand over them lightly. He slipped out from the room before he got caught but silently plotted up plans of how to make it up to Denki.

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