Chapter: 12

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I hope your day is going great 🥰

Shits getting real now..... we're almost to the climax of the book, I have a few ideas but I don't know which one to do. So we're gonna be surprised together!

3rd POV

"Tell me you didn't bring another kid to our house?! We already have one!" Hizashi whisper yelled so the boy upstairs couldn't hear.

Shota deadpanned. "For all we know, Endeavor could have downright abused and neglected the kid. There's an investigation going on involving his siblings and once it's clear what the answer is, Todoroki gets to either be put into a foster home, or he can stay here. Come on Hizashi, Todoroki is a good kid and he definitely didn't deserve the treatment he had gotten throughout the years, and no kid deserves to be put through the process of fostering, especially not at such a young age. And-"

"Ok, ok." Hizashi laughed a little. "I get it. Just give him the guest bedroom and we'll go from there." Hizashi said softly, smiling.

Shota smiled right back. "You're the best."

"I know~!" Hizashi called after the raven haired pro who was already going upstairs.

Shota walked into the guest room that was right next to the bedroom of their first adopted kid, finding Todoroki just standing there.

"This is your room now kid, feel free to sit where you want." Shota pointed out, noticing the only thing Todoroki had with him was a phone.

Todoroki still stood there awkwardly so Shota sighed, making his way towards a chair and sitting in it.

"There's an investigation going on, quite frankly it's been going on for quite a while. If you just told me what he's done to you, it would make this a lot easier."

Shota didn't want to get straight to the point but that seems to be the only thing Todoroki would respond to.

Todoroki looked into Shota's eyes in the most blank way possible. "You already know what he did, why do I have to be part of this?" He asked.

Shota gave Todoroki an empathetic look.

"In order to fully confirm what Endeavor is doing, you are the only one who can take the stand and say that he has done those things, and what he has done." Shota explained.

Todoroki gave a look of complete discomfort.

Aizawa noticed the look. "You don't have to tell me now, you don't even have to show up to the court case, but eventually it would help if you told the head detective." Aizawa said reassuringly. He didn't want to completely freak out the kid who could very possibly have high levels of trauma after years with the cold pro hero.

(I really don't want to say Shota because I'm so used to calling his Aizawa, but he and Hizashi ARE married I promise.)

Todoroki nodded and looked down. He still had his indifferent facade up but his not making eye contact made him seem smaller than he really was.

"Just a heads up, there is another kid living here. We took him in a few days ago and he has had PTSD for awhile now, so be careful around him. Other than that he's a great, enthusiastic kid. He usually spends his days at parks or babysitting little kids, but you'll meet him later." Aizawa said, walking to the door. "You might be staying here for a while Todoroki, so make the room yours."

(Before y'all come at me in the comments saying that they don't have a kid, or that the kid was never been around or whatever I'll explain in a later chapter, I promise.)

"Sh-Shoto." The half and half boy stuttered. "I don't like my father's name, so call me Shoto."

Aizawa smiled as he opened the door. "Dinner's at 5 Shoto."


"Have a great day."

Shinsou had been helping a old lady all day. She was blind and was given money from the government to take care of herself, but today she gave it to Shinsou.

Who knew he'd be so good at helping tidy up a small house and take care of someone. Along with that, he had managed to snag a job as a babysitter.

Needless to say, his morning had been busy.

He was walking down a street when he saw Endeavor and his son at a crime scene and rolled his eyes, continuing on.

Shinsou wanted to go home and tell Izuku all about what he had accomplished today, having no doubt that Izuku was home from his nightly patrol.

It was around noon when Shinsou finally made it back to the cave, walking inside. He smiled when he saw Izuku completely knocked out on the mattress.

Kissing Izuku's forehead, Shinsou stood and got to work on the old broken down computer. It was always logged into the police stations file so he had no trouble finding out where the crimes were and what cases were active.

He turned the volume up so he could here any of the stations radio channels Izuku had hacked into and sat and wait.

"What are you doing?"

Shinsou almost jumped out of his chair at the sound of Izuku's voice behind him.

"Morning sunshine." Shinsou said, shutting off the computer and standing.

Izuku grunted and hugged Shinsou's torso from behind and said "You didn't answer my question Hitoshi."

Shinsou smiled and turned around. "I have a question for you actually." Before Izuku could reject the idea of Shinsou asking a question completely, Shinsou started talking again. "How would you like to go out with me?" The purplette asked.

Izuku raised an eyebrow and look up at Shinsou.

"I thought we already were. Or whatever the equivalent of dating at 14 is." Izuku spoke, going back to hugging Shinsou.

Shinsou laughed. "I think we could call it dating. I think we're mature enough for that." He said, shrugging like this was an every day conversation. "Anyways, now that that's established, how was your first patrol back?" Shinsou asked jokingly.

"Oddly enough there was no Eraserhead following me and the crime was way lower than I expected for me being gone for 2 days total. How was your morning? Had to be doing something besides sitting on the computer." Izuku asked, raising an eyebrow.

Shinsou rolled his eyes and flopped onto the mattress, Izuku tentatively laying on Shinsou's chest, getting situated.

"I found two jobs and saw pro hero Endeavor in action." Shinsou said with a proud smile.

Izuku rolled his eyes at the mention of Endeavor.

"S-so um, anything else important going on? Like with the police?" Shinsou asked after a minute of silence.

Izuku took his head off of Shinsou's chest and titled it slightly, expressing his confusion. "You've never been too interested in the police before Shin, what's up with that? And you've been acting pretty weird all morning. Are you sick?" Izuku asked jokingly.

Shinsou gave a nervous smile. "I don't know, I just think that if I'm going to be working with you more often I'm have to know what's going on." Shinsou said, nervously chuckling.

"Well nothing too big I guess." Izuku said, laying his head back on Shinsou's chest. "There's a meeting that's expected to be ambushed on the 13th, there's a case going on about Endeavor right now, and there's a possible mole in the police station but that's it. Pretty boring if you ask me."

Shinsou awkwardly shuffled. "Yeah, boring."


"Shoto, dinner!" Aizawa called up the stairs.

Todoroki stopped writing in his journal and walked down stairs, finding a yellow haired boy already sitting at the table.

Said boy turned around, smiling. "I'm Denki!"

I'm sorry ok?!😂

I feel like I've been saying it a lot lately but jeez I couldn't resist, Denki is too perfect and energetic I had to add my boy.

Also, um, proceed with caution from here on cuz shits getting real after this....

Have a good day!

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