Chapter: 45

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So I decided against starting a new book, instead posting as many chapters of this as I can. But eventually I will start a Klance book.

Also Shoto probably won't show up for quite a while but I haven't forgotten about him.

3rd POV

Izuku awoke the next morning- or what he assumed was the next morning, confused as to the coldness surrounding his hand.

He looked down and found that it's source of warmth was gone, not only from holding his hand but his cell as well. There were also little packets of cafeteria food and water bottles waiting for him at the head of the cell he shared with three other people.

Groggily sitting up, happy with how refreshed he felt, he looked around finding everyone else awake and speaking in hushed voices.

"What's going on?" Izuku asked, grabbing a water bottle to quench his thirst.

Denki's looked towards the boy with sadness and pity in his eyes. The two hadn't known each other for long but he knew how much Shinsou meant to him.

"Shinsou's dad, he passed away yesterday." Denki said, a sad smile adorn his face.

"So, where's Shinsou?" Izuku asked.

"He was released for the funeral and set in the custody of his mother."


Shinsou whimpered as his mother harshly pushed him to the ground in front of incredibly sketchy people.

He knew this would happen the minute he was back with his mother. She wanted the money, and for someone as obedient and easily scared shitless as him, people would pay surprisingly high amounts.

Of course his mother hadn't said anything about his father but that was to be expected. They were business partners who only ever bonded over their love of hurting Shinsou. Their marriage was bound to end the second they realized they couldn't always use Shinsou.

"How much for him?" One person asked, asking no questions.

Emi found this slightly suspicious. "No questions? No insults? No doubts? You're just going to take it?" She asked.

"Look, a slave is a slave. If he isn't what I need then I'll make him be what I need. How much?" The same person asked.

Shinsou locked eyes with the second, much smaller person who's face was covered in a good. He sent pleading eyes. He didn't want this, he just wanting things to go back to how they used to. When him and Izuku were roaming the city on top of the rooftops, no League of Villains, no mother and father, no cops and cells. Just him and Izuku and the wind racing them atop the roofs.

The scrawny man just looked away.

Shinsou bit his lip as the not let out a sob as his mother took stacks of cash from the buyers and walked away, leaving him tied up and vulnerable to these people that may as well kill him.

"Get up." The first said.

Shinsou couldn't move do to the ropes around his legs. His mother had dragged him from the car to this alleyway.

"Get. up." The man said again, forcefully grabbing Shinsou by his hair and hauling him to his feet. Shinsou accidentally let the sob escape as he stood on his tippy toes, the only thing holding him up was the mans grip. "Let's go."

And just like that, Shinsou had been sold.


Izuku was dragged out of his cell.

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