Chapter: 21

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Bear with me ok? This chapter will have a lot of perspective changes but will always stay in 3rd POV. We've got a few filler chapters coming up so it'll move pretty slowly, just be warned.

Also to those of you that wanted a just Shoto chapter, I don't think that'll show up for awhile because the entrance exams are coming up and Izuku is still in a coma. Sorry tho

3rd POV

Shoto felt like - excuse his language - shit. Complete and utter shit.

He didn't want to raise alarm so he had been secretly taking some meds to help him feel better but throughout the day the world seemed to spin around him as time flew by in his little world when the reality was that in had only been an hour since he had awoken.

After making breakfast of eggs and pancakes for Denki plus a his usual breakfast smoothie for himself, he went back upstairs. That didn't alarm Denki too much, it was awfully early, but after hours it started to worry him.

Quietly making his way upstairs he walked into Shoto's room without knocking, finding the boy almost passed out while sitting in a comfortable arm chair.

"Sho, come on. It's already 7:30. Dads texted me and said they had already left which means we have the day to ourselves again. If you're going to train I'm training with you." Denki said, picking up a few stranded pieces of clothing and putting them in the hamper on his way to Shoto.

When Shoto didn't answer was when Denki actually made his way over to Shoto.

"Sho~?" Denki called, flicking his forehead.

Having not been in contact with Shoto's forehead for long he hadn't noticed how burning hot the poor boy was.

Shoto seemed only half aware of what was going on, trapped inside his own little world. Everything was burning as he tried to use his quirk to cool himself down but it only helped so much. Having someone poke at his overly sensitive forehead didn't seem to do much to help him either.

Denki noticed the odd behavior and actually checked the half and half boy's temperature this time.

His eyes widened as he went to the bathroom to get the fever checker thingy. (I don't know the name😂😭 Is it just a thermometer?!)

"Sho open your mouth."

Shoto half heartedly followed the instructions, opening his mouth only enough for the thingy to go under his tongue.

When the machine beeped, Denki's eyes widened further.


"Sho.." Denki whispered to himself.

How had this even happened? Sure fevers weren't always caused by a certain thing but Shoto had such a great immune system. He hadn't been sick for the entirety of him being here and even before that it was a rarity.

Denki sighed to himself and tried to think of what Aizawa would do in this situation. Only because he knew exactly what Yamada would do, panic and call for Aizawa.

"Alright Sho. Come on." Denki said more to himself than anything as he helped Shoto up, practically carrying Shoto to his bed.

It was rough because Denki was almost half a head shorter than Shoto but they got there.

Shoto seemed almost asleep by the time Denki got a blanket over him. "It's ok.." Denki kissed Shoto's forehead just as Shoto had done last night for him. "You'll be feeling better by tomorrow, I know it."


All Izuku could see was black. It was honestly hard to tell if his eyes were open or closed.

How did this happen?

A distant part of him seemed to remember Shinsou doing what he did but he didn't want to believe it. He wanted to believe it was all a dream, not reality. He didn't want to live in a reality where Shinsou betrayed him.

"Izuku." A soft voice called out.

Izuku has to block his eyes as sudden brightness shown and he was presented with two paths. One of light and peacefulness, and another that just lead to a door.

"Izuku." The same awfully familiar voice called out and Izuku didn't want to believe what he saw next.

"M-mom.." Izuku mumbled, his hand covering his mouth as he ran to her, meeting her half way on the pathway. He immediately embraced her in a tight hug.

He didn't listen to the part of him that was telling him this couldn't be happening. That knew something was going on.

"I've missed you so much Izuku." Inko said softly, rubbing her sons back.

Izuku pulled back from the hug suddenly, holding his mother at arms length. "Th-this can't be h-happening.. y-you died.. You and dad.. you died immediately upon i-impact.." Izuku continued to mumbled through this thoughts.

Inko smiled a soft smile and embraced her son again. "I'm right here Izuku. It's been so long, I've been watching you. A vigilante, really?" Inko asked with a playful tone as she feigned disappointment.

Izuku's eyes widened. "I-I just wanted to make the world a b-better place I swear!" He immediately defended, not wanting his green haired mother to be disappointed in him.

"I know you did Izu, but you've already gotten into so much trouble. Don't you think it's time you retire from you're vigilante life and come live with me. You don't have to deal with betrayal where I live. Come on, it'll be peaceful." Inko asked softly, pulling away from the hug and taking her son's hands into her own.

"I don't know.." Izuku was immediately hesitant, not taking the time to truly think about how weird this situation was. "Being a vigilante just comes so naturally to me. I've always wanted to be a hero and this way I'm like a hero who does his bidding in the dark." Izuku said, smiling his blinding smile. That was one of the few physical traits he got from his mother.

Izuku has also gotten used to loving emotions over the years with Shinsou.. but now Izuku didn't know how to feel about it.

"But you aren't a hero honey. Just come with me so we can have our life together again. You, me, your father. We can all be a happy family." Inko smiled again, slowly leading him down the light blinding path.

Izuku hesitated. "But you're dead."

"So are you sweetheart." Inko said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "How else would you be here. Now you're given a choice. You come and live with me, or you go through the bland door and feel all the pain you're truly in right now."

Izuku could've sworn his mother's eyes turned red for a split second but immediately went back to the normal green. Something didn't feel right but he slowly slowed his mother to lead him towards the open gate way of light.

Inko let go of his hand and walked to the other side of the gate. "Come on honey."

Izuku smiled and stepped through the gateway.

So for those of you who haven't read my post thingy, I'm going to be taking a break.

I know I've been taking a lot of breaks recently but this one needs to happen for mental health reasons so I'm sorry to leave you on such a cliff hanger but I'll probably be updating by the end of the week.

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