Chapter: 30

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I just now realized this but this is going to be a long book. We're 30 chapters in and still haven't even gotten to Denki and Shoto and Shinsou possibly getting into school.

Also, who do y'all want to be the bad kid in this book? Just someone who is a completely jerk.

3rd POV

Aizawa and Yamada knew something was off long before the knife was thrown. The minute the cameras spotted Izuku and Shinsou crouched on the ledge was the moment Aizawa renamed Izuku 'Problem Child' permanently.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Aizawa hissed, immediately standing in the break room the teachers were watching. "He's still injured, he should be in the hospital."

He forgot about the teachers around him, but luckily it was just Yamada, Kayama, Nezu, and Toshinori.

Nezu simply raised an eyebrow at Aizawa's distress, sipping his tea.

"Something wrong Aizawa?" He asked calmly.

Nezu knew everything so Aizawa wasn't particularly frightened by the possibility of Nezu knowing about everything that had happened throughout the last two years between him and Discord- he really wouldn't be surprised if Nezu knew Aizawa was Izuku's birth father.

"All do respect Sir, isn't Discord trespassing?" Kayama asked politely, not surprised by Aizawa's outburst.

No one was really. Aizawa had been tracking this particular vigilante for years.

"No he isn't." Aizawa mumbled, shoving his face in a pillow.

Nezu chuckled and continued the statement for Aizawa. "Aizawa is quite right, the school doors are open to everyone today. Anyone is allowed."

"Stupid stupid stupid-"

Yamada went wide eyed as he continued to watch the security monitors. "Shouta!"


Izuku dodged a throw of fire from Dabi.

"Did master let you off of your leash?" Izuku asked as dodged a second knife from the blondie of the group- Toga Himiko if he remembered correctly.

Dabi gave up with long distance moves and simply threw a punch towards Izuku's chest.

"Honestly, all this freedom, you'd think you'd be able to land a hit." Izuku mocked, dodging and bouncing around like this was a game.

Dabi growled. "I threw that knife idiot." Dabi landed a hit square in the stab wound for emphasis.

Izuku lost his breath but otherwise took the hit like a champ, getting up immediately. He started to take this a little more seriously.

Dabi and Izuku threw a few more punches before a knife whizzed past him once more. Loosing his balance he fell from the ledge. It was a long way down so he tried to move to where he would get the least amount of hurt from the fall.

When he finally came into contact with the ground he felt his should pop out. It was at that moment he learned his lesson about fighting with bad guys on roofs.

"Shit." He hissed, popping his shoulder back in his socket. "Definitely wasn't the best way to fall." He mumbled, ignoring the glare he was getting from Recovery Girl.

The villains jump down one by one and Recovery Girl evacuated them.

"For someone who talks a lot of shit, I was expected a real fight."

"It's hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence, Dabi. Really, highlight on my day." Izuku sneered, watching Dabi fire his fire again.

Eventually dodging became to much of a hassle and as he was about to shoot forward and knock Dabi out - or engage in another hand to hand fight - he was pulled out of the way just in time to watch a knife whiz past in from of him.

"Get out of here Midoriya." Aizawa mumbled as Yamada and Kayama stepped forward in their hero suits.

"You don't just back down from a fight Aizawa. You of all people should understand that." Izuku hissed, trying to ignore the disgusting feeling of hot sticky blood dripping down his torso.

"I do understand Midoriya, but you have a lackey up there, waiting for you to come back obediently." Aizawa hissed right back. "How would he feel if you died right in front of him?"

"He is not my lackey, I just don't want him fighting if he doesn't have to." Izuku glared at the raven haired hero.

"Does that even matter? Just take-.. whatever his vigilante name is, out of here! And go to Recovery Girl before she hunts you down herself!" Aizawa promptly moved them out of the way of a path of fire from a very enraged Dabi.

"You are aware they're only here for me right? It doesn't matter if I leave, they'll follow." Izuku said, moving Aizawa's hands off his shoulders.

Aizawa harshly glared. "We are pro heroes, we know how to hold our own. You are a child. No matter how much you try to mask that truth, you. just. are. Stop playing hero and get your friend out of here. It is not your responsibility to save the world Midoriya. Just stop."

Before Izuku could come up with some snarky response, Aizawa jumped back into battle.

He screamed with his mouth closed so it came off more as a muffled sound and was on top of the building by Shinsou in no time.

"I want you to be honest with me Hitoshi, did you tell them I would be here?" Izuku asked quietly.

He wouldn't move an inch until he knew the question's answer.

"What?! Of course not! I didn't even know we would be here until an hour ago!" Shinsou yelled defensively. Shinsou took a deep breath though, he knew Izuku had all rights to ask the simple question. He also knew it would just take a while until he could build up Izuku's trust again, but that would have to be ok.

Izuku smiled. "Alright. I just need to stop by and see Recovery Girl really quick and then we can go home." Replied the greenette.

Shinsou looked up hopefully. "Home? No more hospitals and white walls? No more stupid bleach counters and the smell of chemicals?"

"Home." Izuku smiled.

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