Chapter: 14

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Hello, yes, this is like the fourth chapter I've written today but I'm having a blast so chill😂

I also don't know if you guys could tell yet but I'm going to try and alternate between Izuku/Shinsou's life and Aizawa/Denki/Todoroki/Yamada's life. Sometimes they'll clash but yeah.

I know this started out as a book surrounding Izuku, but sometimes it's fun to switch perspectives.

Also tiny blood warning. Nothing too much much yeah.

Anyways, enjoy.

3rd POV

Todoroki woke to the normal light in the hallway that seeped under the crack in his door. That was the signal Todoroki always got that Aizawa was coming upstairs to warn Todoroki about breakfast.

After a few minutes of no one coming up, Todoroki swung his legs over the bed and threw on a hoodie so he wasn't shirtless and slowly walked downstairs, squinting at the bright light.

Kaminari accidentally ran into the sleepy boy at the bottom of the staircase, but easily seemed just as tired as Todoroki.

"Sorry Sho.." Kaminari rubbed his eyes and yawned like a cat.

Todoroki waved it off and walked to the kitchen, Kaminari's right behind.

They were surprised when they only found Yamada, no Aizawa at his usual spot at the coffee table drinking his fifth cup of coffee.

"Where's dad?" Kaminari asked voicing to two teenage boys' questions.

Todoroki had warmed up to the two but he refrained from calling either dad. Only because that reminded him of his real father, but he certainly didn't call them by their names. He also made sure Aizawa and Yamada knew about his feeling so they didn't feel bad, and of course they fully excepted that.

Kaminari on the other hand was perfectly fine with calling the two men dad.

"He was called in last minute to work, an emergency apparently."

Todoroki frowned and Kaminari's spirit seemed to dwindle. It's not that the two boys didn't like Yamada just as much, but whenever one of the two heroes was called in last minute, it was usually something dangerous.

Yamada smiled at the two boys he had grown the love and adore. "Why don't you two come and get some breakfast."

Hours later, Aizawa came back his hand wrapped. Other than that there was no sign of injury. Kaminari and Todoroki visibly deflated, the tension leaving their bodies, before welcoming him home with a hug.

"I'm taking patrol tonight." Aizawa growled once him and Yamada were alone.

And that's how he got to where he was right now, following the young vigilante after their rooftop conversation. Izuku seemed completely unaware of his surroundings therefore Aizawa could easily follow the boy.

He couldn't jump to conclusion, maybe Izuku was right, maybe the purple haired boy - Shinsou he had found out - was innocent, but that didn't change the fact of what he had seen.

"Stop it, that's not worth it, I already told you-"

The purple haired boy didn't get much out before he was rushed away by one of the new and upcoming villains, Toga Himiko, after Aizawa dropped down.

If that wasn't evidence that Shinsou was into something shady then he didn't know what was. But he had to keep an open mind, he had to think of other possibilities.

Shinsou was a good kid, while following Izuku for all the years, he had also gotten a glimpse into Shinsou's life.

He was a sweet, shy boy who knew how to put up a facade around anyone but Izuku. But that also meant he was susceptible to manipulation.

What Gives You The Right? ~ ShinDeku حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن