Chapter: 2

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Chapter twoooooooooo

3rd POV

Shinsou woke up in a cold, dark place he didn't recognize.

Have I already been sold? Is this where I'm going to live now?

Shinsou showed no emotion towards his thoughts. This was normal. He was always being shown to potential buyers by his mother, sometimes his father. He was raised in the basement, raised to be a slave for other people's use.

He didn't know it was wrong until a few years ago when one of the potential buyers let it slip on accident.

By then, the damage had been done.

"Oh, you're awake?" A voice asked.

Shinsou took a second to evaluate the voice. It didn't sound like an adult's voice, in fact, the voice sounded like they hadn't even gone through puberty. It definitely didn't sound like a threat either.

Shinsou didn't answer on pure instinct.

"Oh sorry, I forgot that women said you don't talk." The voice spoke again, stepping out of the shadows with a black mask on. "You don't need permission, just so you know. Whenever you get comfortable with the idea of talking to me, you can."

The boy looked oddly familiar, like Shinsou knew him, but he didn't. Green hair, green eyes. He couldn't see anything else due to the mask, but the aura the boy was giving off, sad, but happy-ish? Empty, but full of opinions?

He didn't sound empty though. In fact, he looked like just another person.

Yeah, Shinsou got good at reading people after awhile.

"My name is.. uh.. just call me Izuku." The boy said, stumbling with his name.



Most likely.

Shinsou nodded, grabbing Izuku's hand. Izuku looked a little surprised but let it happened.

Shinsou started spelling something out onto Izuku's palm, pausing for a second before spelling another thing.

"Hitoshi or Hito?" Izuku asked.

Shinsou just nodded again.

"Well it's great to meet you Hito!" Izuku said happily, bouncing like a child. "Sorry if I'm a little loud, I haven't been around another person in years actually and I get quite excited easily, so just let me know if you don't feel comfortable and I'll calm down immediately." The greenette explained.

Again with that feeling, why did this boy seem so familiar?

The way he talked.. bounced around? What was it?

Shinsou just shook his head, signaling that it was fine.

"Oh, by the way, we're where I live right now. Sorry it isn't much, but ya know, better than nothing I guess." He rambled, giving a small tour, to which Shinsou just nodded.

Izuku paused for a second, looking at the boy who was currently wearing the hoodie Izuku put him in last night.

"For the record, I think a brainwashing quirk is pretty damn cool." Izuku said quietly, before leaving Shinsou alone.

Shinsou was actually shocked to tears.


"Oh, Aizawa, I'm glad to see you made it!" The bubbly principal at the head of the conference table said, greeting the grumpy adult.

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