Chapter: 39

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3rd POV

"Emi, Hajime. Welcome." A deep male voice welcomes the two purple haired parents.

Emi scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Hiding out? Really? What do you villains even do anyways? I worked for years under the radar, right under the police's noses. You guys are just fucking around. Let's go Hajime, this was obviously a waste of time."

Emi and Hajime were seconds from the door when the person spoke up again.

"Let's not get hasty. We both know the only way you managed to work in a slave business for all those years was because you know how to persuade the detective. He's completely wrapped around your finger."

"And how's that working out for me asshole? I get to do whatever I want." Emi answered angrily.

It was pissing her off that the room seemed to be as dark as possible. As if it might intimidate them. She rolled her eyes at the thought alone.

Hajime seemed a bit hesitant about this entire situation. His wife had always been the take charge kind of women. She knew what she wanted and she got exactly that. This was just beyond anything they had ever done.

"You didn't come here for disappointment and we didn't bring you here for argument. You're one of the most well respected underground market dealer there is. We just want you to work with us." A different - but equally as deep - voice said. He sounded slightly younger but Emi could care less if their were babies here.

"And what would I get out of this shit show? Don't tell me- you'll make me famous?" Emi outright laughed. "If you don't have cash to pay, then this turned out to be a waste of time after all."

"We don't have money." The second voice admitted. "But we know what you really want."

Emi rolled her eyes. "Mhm. And what's that?"

"You want Shinsou Hitoshi? Isn't that right?" The first voice stepped in again.

Emi gave a vaguely impressed look. "He wasn't on the top of the list of priorities but yeah, it'd be nice." She said.

She wasn't all too worried about Shinsou blabbing about her entire business, the detective was thoroughly convinced Shinsou was brainwashed.

She didn't even know if Shinsou knew about her underground work honestly.

"We think we know how you could get him back."

Emi rose an eyebrow and was suddenly completely invested in what the people were saying.



Sugawara stayed much longer than expected. Instead of pursuing the investigation to find out who poisoned Shoto, he left that for Daichi.

Sugawara told Tsukauchi that he should take the day off and Sugawara would 'question' everyone once more.

But it was clear he was doing anything but that.

By the time he had finished questioning everyone he got all the information he needed.

He could probably get all of the kids out for mental health reasons, all having not so subtle anxiety and possible depression. Suga wars would love to say it's just this generation of kids, but he's not that much older than the three kids. He knew it was just the parents.

Now Sugawara was back at his police precinct in his bosses office, only minutes away from Tsukauchi's precinct.

Why did Tokyo need two police stations?

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