Chapter: 9

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3rd POV

The red and white haired boy stepped away from the alleyway, walking home with his hands in his pocket, his posture perfect.

He was out for a normal walk before his father had woken, only to accidentally overhear an entire argument between a, seemingly, 12 year old boy and the pro hero Eraserhead.



Aizawa silently walked down the streets, he wanted to go home but apparently his body had a different plan. He was heading in the exact opposite direction, towards a place he hadn't visited in a while.

Aizawa's breath hitched as he realized he was outside the apartments already.

Taking a deep breath he took a step forward, entering the apartment building. He walked right past the common room area and continued up the stairs, smiling fondly at the memory of the many times him and Inko had climbed these stairs together.

He reached Inko's apartment in no time. He never really knew what number she was, he just always remembered where to go. He walked in, the door being unlocked because no one bought the apartment.

Everyone thought it was haunted or bad luck because of the Midoriyas' gruesome death.

Everything was as it was the day Inko and Hisashi had brought their son to the doctor. He remembered dropping by to talk to her before she left. He even had the lasagna Izuku had pouted for. Aizawa had put it in the fridge and left only to be notified hours later that they all supposedly died.

"Oh Inko.."

————— Can y'all humor me and make theories about what you think happened and post them? I love readin theories😂 —————

Aizawa was home before he realized he had started walking. He had completely spaced out the entire time, thinking about the newly unmasked Midoriya Izuku.

"Baby, I made you some breakfast for before work!" Yamada called from their bedroom, most likely getting ready.

"Classes don't start for another few weeks, I don't have to be in early yet." Aizawa said in a normal tone, knowing Yamada would hear him either way.

He was too distracted to notice he had spaced out again until his husband hugged him. Yamada was significantly taller than Aizawa now, so Aizawa wrapped his arms around Yamada's torso.

"What's wrong babe?" Yamada asked, soothingly rubbing Aizawa's back.

Aizawa let himself take a deep breath and relax into Yamada's embrace. "Remember when I was telling you about the women I met at 18? She was a little older, 19, and we had both snuck into a bar.."

Aizawa walked into the bar, his usual fake ID got him in no problem, or maybe it was the dark bags under his eyes and already forming stubble that made him look older, who knows? 

He went straight to the bar, greeting a few other regulars that he sees a lot and the employees he passes, all of which know him.

"Shota, the regular?" The bar tender asked. Aizawa the grunted and nodded.

A shot of tequila was passed his way, which he downed immediately.

"Rough day huh?" He asked, drying the shot glasses and putting them away before getting someone else's order.

As soon as he was back, he filled Aizawa's shot glass once more.

"Rough day, rough week, rough month, rough year. It's all terrible." Aizawa grumbled.

What Gives You The Right? ~ ShinDeku Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora