Chapter: 44

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So like 2 hours ago I said that I was just going to sit my ass down and write this chapter and then I ultimately got sidetracked about writing my Klance book in my drafts and so now I'm forcing myself to do this.

3rd POV

The masked man stayed in the dark room, sitting in a chair in the shadows as the two people he invited stepped into the building.

"Really? Another dark room?" Emi said exasperated. "Well, we came. Where are you?"

The male turned on his voice changer. "I didn't ask both of you here." He said, almost robotically.

"And I didn't ask to be here at all, but here we are." Emi said sighing. "And imagine my surprise when we are greeted by yet another wimpy villain who won't even show his face."

You could practically hear the eye roll.

The mystery man ignored Emi's tone. "Stay away from Shinsou Hitoshi." He said plainly.

Emi cackled, cackled like she was a witch from a tv show before realizing the shadow of a man was serious. She sobered up and replied "Sorry to say, but when your a mother of a child you have rights to do whatever you want."

The male stood and slowly walked towards the couple.

"Dear god this is so cliche, look I have to get back to the office and talk to Tsukauchi some more and you have to get back to doing whatever the hell it is you do. Bore people to death? Stab them? Honestly I don't care-"

Seconds later Hajime was on the ground, foam bubbling up from his mouth and unto the floor under him.

"Poison." The ominous man stepped out of the shadows.

"Excuse me?" Emi asked, unaffected by her husband's death.

"I poison people."


Shinsou shivered in the dark cell.

There was no one accompanying the cells around him so he was utterly alone in the aspect of people. In the aspect of thoughts? He was overwhelmingly surrounded.

Yaku and Lev has stopped by multiple times to see if he was alright and if he needed something. Now happened to be one of those times.

"Are you sure you don't need water? Maybe some food? I know it's been awhile since you were offered a decent meal." Lev offered.

Per usual, the aforementioned didn't answer. Only brought his knees to his chest, preserving the little warmth he had left before it possibly flickered out.

"Look kid," Yaku started as he stepped inside the cell so he could be directly across from Shinsou. "I'll do you a favor and put you a cell away from your friends. I just need you to drink a little bit of water and have some food."

Shinsou peeked up from where he had been burrowed in between his knees.

"My friends haven't had water or food since we got here either.." Shinsou hinted.

Now that he thought back to that.. how long ago was that really? It felt like an eternity but had it even been a week?

So much stuff had been going on that Shinsou honestly couldn't tell.

"We'll get them some food too. Come on, as long as you don't draw attention to yourself it should be fine." Yaku calmly helped the taller teen up lead him back across half the precinct. Shinsou couldn't count how many times he had been moved cell from cell.

Hushed whisperings, followed by cries and pleas following, became present the farther down the got.

Shinsou was put into the cell right next to his families and couldn't help but notice the half asleep sobbing Izuku and Yamada holding him, while Denki and Aizawa day back not knowing what to do.

Yaku mumbled something to Lev and they were off finding water and food for everyone.

Within seconds Shinsou was pressed up against the bars that led to his friend's cell.

"Izu.." Shinsou whispered.

Izuku head shot up at that alone and he subconsciously scooted backwards.

"I can ch-change! I can change I swear it!" Izuku sobbed, covering his mouth with his hand as to try as block some of the sounds coming out.

Shinsou shook his head, confused. "You don't need to change Izu, everything's alright." Shinsou said confused.

"No! No I promise!" Izuku seemed to be begging.

"Come over here Izuku." Shinsou said softly, reaching his left arm through the bars.

Izuku hesitantly crawled over, tears spilling without end as he took the hand extended to him.

"I don't know what happened, but I want you to listen to me now yeah?" Izuku nodded and sniffled as he look up into Shinsou's eyes with his own tear filled ones. "You don't need you change."


"No." Shinsou cut the boy off.

"But you said-"

"Nuh uh."

"B-but I-"

"Midoriya Izuku, listen to me. You do not get to change? Do you understand?" Shinsou asked pointedly as he watched Izuku take a breath a stop for a second, actually listening to Shinsou's words. "You are going to stay the same, because you are never ever going to change for anyone else, ok?" Shinsou asked again, but softer.

Surprisingly enough, talking all inspirational like this is something he pulled out of his ass. If he had known he could do it earlier he would've loved to hype up Izuku every time he got like this.

"Do you understand Izuku?" Shinsou asked once more. Izuku nodded. "What aren't you going to do?"

"Change. I'm never going to change for anyone else's benefit." Izuku breathed out.

The other stared in awe and amazement, if they had known that was all it took it would have saved them a frivolous half hour trying to calm him down.

Though they also had no doubt that it was just Shinsou's presence calming the boy.

Once Yaku and Lev finally made it back with the water bottles and food they had promised, they were pleasantly surprised to see Izuku and Shinsou sound asleep, everyone else close to it.

Yes, something is going to happen but I'm not in the correct head space to write at the moment, at least not daily updates. So I wrote this as to not leave you on a semi cliffhanger but from here on out my updates will likely be once or twice a week as school is starting tomorrow.

I hope you understand❤️

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