Chapter: 35

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Ight here y'all's  go

3rd POV

Izuku sighed in relief when Denki was brought back after only a few minutes. It felt like hours though.

"He's crazy.. he's absolutely crazy." Denki mumbled to Izuku as the guard walked away.

Of course, Shoto wasn't brought in for questioning so for the next hour it was silent, as the two conscious boys liked it. Though it was slightly refreshing to hear the familiar click of boots walk by every minute.

Izuku mind started to wonder. Going from the kiss (I accidentally typed kids and I'm laughing so hard and it took me like three reread before I finally realized) Izuku had given Shinsou last he had saw him, to the theories, to being caught after running off the UA, to random memories throughout the past 2 years.

Izuku started to think up some of his own theories but Shinsou's just couldn't leave his head.

He actually laughed a little bit, thinking about it.

There isn't any possible way there's someone like that out there.

But after another hour of silence and thinking about it..

There isn't.. there couldn't be..

He was beginning to fight with himself slightly.

Think about it..

But it makes no sense. There's no way I wouldn't have realized. I have all the files of villains that the police does after having hacked into their files long ago.

What if they didn't have this villain under a file? What if not even the police station knew about him?

There's no way someone could go around poisons random people without being noticed. Plus I'm the only one who's actually been poisoned.

What about Eri?

Eri? Eri as in Hitoshi's sister?

Izuku accidentally started muttering some of the things he was internally battling with himself about so Denki just scooted back a little bit, really thinking Izuku was going insane.


But she's in the hospital because her lung collapsed. No only that, she's half way across the planet! That's absurd.

There are plenty of chemicals that, if exposed to for an exponential amount of time, could cause such things to happen.

Izuku groaned.

Fighting with himself was giving him a headache.

But he supposed he did have a point. Plenty of chemicals caused irritation to the lungs and heart. Maybe if she was exposed to them for long enough, or exposed to the right amount of it, her lungs would collapse.

This is absurd. If our culprit really was someone who was going around poisons people on their list, they wouldn't travel half the world and back. Not to mention they couldn't have possibly done that in the amount of time it took for me to be poisoned and then Eri right after.

Maybe there isn't one villain. Maybe it's a group.

A group? Now that was ridiculous.

Not only would they have an awful time staying unnoticed by the police - which would be nearly impossible - they would have to have enough people to send over to America and keep some in Japan without being spread thin.

That just wasn't possible.

But there's the League of Villains-

Izuku stopped his train of thought. He really was going crazy if he truly thought that the League of Villains would ever help anyone.

They were just a low life group of thugs. Plus there weren't even that many of them. Barely four if you counted the mist guy. (Yes I know his name.)

Izuku was cut out of his thoughts as Denki cried out, looking down at Shoto who was gasping for air that he didn't seem to be getting.

Everything was shell shock for Denki after that.

He didn't realize he was screaming.

He didn't realize Izuku had called for help.

He didn't even realized when he had gotten up to follow the doctors who now had Shoto on a stretcher.

And he certainly hadn't noticed when Izuku held him back, pulling him into a long lasting hug.

The cuffs didn't matter anymore, they were taken off so they could help Shoto. Now they were just hugging, Izuku calming Denki down and Denki crying hysterically.


Shinsou shot out of his almost sleeping state at the sounds of screaming. It sounded pretty far away so he assumed it was all the way across the precinct.

Aizawa had shot up too and Yamada's worried voice was heard from a few cells away.

"What's happening?" Shinsou asked, a slight stutter to his voice.

Suddenly all thoughts of his parents were gone and his sights were set on making sure Izuku wasn't hurt. But of course he couldn't do that.

"It's nothing Shinsou. I'm sure it's nothing. Just try and get some sleep." Aizawa said quietly, but he was also secretly worrying.

What if that was Denki who was screaming? Or Shoto. What if they were hurt? What would he do then? What if Izuku was hurt? He knew Izuku wouldn't scream but Denki would and from what he got Izuku, Denki, and Shoto were all in the same, or near by, cells.

Yamada worried from down the hall as well.

He'd know that scream from anywhere, mostly because Denki screamed a lot more than not. Whether he was excited or terrified. (He got it from Yamada.)

"That's Denki.." Yamada mumbled.

He didn't want Shinsou to have to hear, but he needed Aizawa to hear so he was just going to have to bare the consequences of Shinsou knowing as well.

"That's Denki, Shota.."

Aizawa took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves. Shinsou looked like he was about to puke. It didn't matter if he didn't know the boy, the screams sounded terrible.

"Hey, it's alright kid. The screams are quieting down. Go back to bed. We'll be out of here in no time." Aizawa said quietly, helping Shinsou lay back down onto Aizawa's scarf pillow.

Thankfully, Shinsou had put on Aizawa's heavy duty jacket a long time ago. So to make it even more comfortable, Aizawa had made a small pillow out of his huge scarf.

It seemed to be working because Shinsou wasn't complaining.

Then again, Shinsou wasn't one to complain about much, just thankful for what he got.

"You promise?" Shinsou asked tiredly.

Aizawa hesitated buying when Hitoshi opened his eyes, he shined a small smile and said "I promise." without hesitation.

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