Chapter: 43

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Talks of suicide.

3rd POV

It had been going on for what felt like days.

At this point, he lost the bit of sanity in the back of his head telling him this wasn't real. He couldn't think that anymore. All he could do was watch the one he loved experience things that looked real.

Looked so real they might as well have been classified as such.

Not too long ago, the nightmares had started going on repeat. Then, his mother had been added to the mix. Then Aizawa, and even the rest of his family.

But if was mostly Shinsou. It was Shinsou who was constantly getting killed, who was constantly being hurt, who was constantly-


There is was again, every single time Izuku saw Shinsou's chest stop rising and falling, he screamed out and couldn't stop himself from thrashing against the invisible restraints that stopped him.

And then of course the scene changed immediately, into something he hadn't seen yet.

And Izuku could only watch as his heart broke.

"Baby, we can't be doing this I have to go home to Izuku." Shinsou giggled as a random person pushed him against a wall, kissing him.

"Ugh, just dump him, love. He's so useless. You don't even like him." The person said, kissing at Shinsou's neck.

"I know babe, but he gives me everything I want. How could I not use that to my advantage?" Shinsou asked jokingly as he gently pushed the person off of him and onto the couch.

"I'd give you everything you want too sweetheart." The person mumbled, Shinsou now straddled the male's hips, kissing him again.

"It's different, I don't want you spending too much of your money. I'll just get everything we need from him and dump him last minute."

Shinsou giggled again as the person flipped the two over so the random person was on top.

Izuku didn't fight the restraints this time. Didn't even try. All he could do was watch as the person he loved kissed this random guy. All he could do was listen as Hitoshi said such things. All he could do was finally let tears slip as the torture continued.

"You're so beautiful, so gorgeous." The male mumbled, staring into Shinsou's eyes.

The small blush was prominent even as Shinsou tried to hide it.

Had Shinsou ever looked at Izuku like that? Maybe it was because Izuku never made enough time to pay attention to Shinsou. Maybe if Izuku had made more time.

"See love, Izuku doesn't ever treat you like this. He doesn't have love to spare for you so he gives you money and presents instead." The person said, running a steady hand through Shinsou's hair. "I actually love you."

Izuku had to watch as the situation escalated. Going from simple little kisses and words of praise to making out in a bedroom. And then them going all the way. All the while Shinsou muttering how Izuku couldn't take care of him like this random stranger could.

Every time Izuku looked away, the scene would reappear in front of him. He tried to close his eyes but he could still see it.

The greenette was driven to tears as it continued.

And then a different scene showed up, a fear Izuku hadn't even realized he had. 

It was the scene from when Izuku was having his flashbacks. Only a week or two after he had met Shinsou.

But instead of Shinsou helping him like had actually happened, Shinsou laughed.

Shinsou laughed and thanked the overseers for what they had done.

"Do you honestly think you hadn't deserved it?! You do nothing but harm villains and heroes, thinking it's the right thing to do!"

Shinsou continued on, bringing up the times Izuku had supposedly killed, and the times Izuku had landed someone in the hospital. It wasn't like he had meant to do all those things. He was just making the world a better place..

Because if heroes weren't going to then.. he would... right?

"Stop it.." Izuku muttered. But Shinsou didn't stop. He only kept screaming at the crying Izuku. 

"You don't deserve this world! You don't deserve the clothes on your back or the food you eat, or me! God didn't give you a quirk for a reason! Just take a swan dive off a roof and hope you get a quirk in your next life! Then maybe you won't be a completely failure!"

Izuku was struck dumb.

The scene changed again but Izuku endured it. He didn't even notice when it started, or ended.

Was that what Shinsou had wanted? Was Shinsou really in love with someone else? Did Shinsou really want him to kill himself? For Shinsou he would do it.

For Shinsou he would do anything-

Izuku gasped and shot up as the darkness and repeating scenes around him vanished and he was finally allowed into the real world again.

Denki was the one at his side and that made him feel slightly better and he continued to babble nonsense while crying about whatever that was.

Aizawa was next at Izuku's side.

"Midoriya, Midoriya breath." Aizawa tried.

Izuku only started to calm down when Yamada wrapped him into a gentle hug.

"Shhh, it's alright Midoriya. It's alright." Yamada whispered soothingly as he rocked him and Izuku back and forth subtly.


Yamada and Aizawa has been resting in the corner as Denki attended to Izuku.

They had laid him down and closed his eyes so he wouldn't look creepy. That's where he had been for the past few hours.

Denki mostly sat there and made sure Izuku didn't die when Izuku suddenly shot up gasping.

"I can- I can change! I swear I'll change!"

Denki didn't even know if Izuku was aware of his consistent mumbling.

After only seconds of Izuku's ragged breathing Yamada pulled Izuku into a tender hug.

Denki has to wonder what Izuku meant though. Change? Why would he need to change? What happened while the greenette was passed out?

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