The Adventure Begins

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I just want to take a minute to say thank you for always being there for me. Still believing in me when no one else did. I love you to death, and you're not just a best friend to me, you're a sister.

Cadence's POV

July 7th

As the sun began to shine through the curtains in the guest bedroom, I stretched with a yawn as the rising sun kissed my face. Oh, what a glorious day it was going to be since it would be a relaxed day of packing. Tomorrow we leave for California with Daimon and Caleb, and then we get to spend a week in San Diego having fun and being nerds at ComicCon. I slipped out of bed, grabbed my running shoes, and threw on my soccer shorts and sports bra. I grabbed my phone and headphones and jogged down the hall to Ramai's room to wake her up for our run.

"Ramai, let's go! In an hour, it will be too hot for a run!" I call into her room, knowing it wasn't going to get Ramai out of bed

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"Ramai, let's go! In an hour, it will be too hot for a run!" I call into her room, knowing it wasn't going to get Ramai out of bed.

She didn't stir one bit, which sent a smirk to my face. Looks like its time for drastic measures, I chuckled to myself. I waltzed into Ra's room, jumped in the center of her bed, and proceeded to jump up and down beside her knowing she would get annoyed with me.

"Ramai, get up! It's time for a run! Ramai, get up! Get up! Get up!" I yelled as I kept jumping next to her on her mattress.

She bolted up in bed and tried to sweep my legs out from under me; I backflipped off the mattress to piss her off and stood at the door waiting for her. I chuckled as she glared at me while she got ready.

"God, that wake-up call was awful! Why'd you do that to me?" Ramai whined as we jogged down the street just having left the house.

"You wouldn't wake up! You told me that if you didn't wake up to take drastic measures, so I did just that," I replied casually, continuing to jog at a pace I knew Ray wouldn't have an issue with.

We jogged two miles before turning to head home. On the last half back, Ramai started falling behind. I knew I had taken her for too long a run and should have done a two-mile run and not a four.

As I jogged backward, I yelled, trying to motivate Ray, "Move it, Ramai! You've worked hard for that body, don't give up now! We're halfway home!"

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As I jogged backward, I yelled, trying to motivate Ray, "Move it, Ramai! You've worked hard for that body, don't give up now! We're halfway home!"

She caught back up, and we continued home with Ray keeping pace with me as best she could. When the house was in sight, I was now a 1000% positive I'd run her too far because Ramai just might collapse.

It All Started at ComicCon.... or did it? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now