Sexy Woman

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Not a diet, a lifestyle. Not for him, for me. Not for a day, but every day. Not to feel good in a dress, but to feel good in my skin. Not for the beach, but for my mind. Not for a competition, but for THE competition I have created for myself, by myself, to become a better version of myself. Every. Single. Day.

"We are the grandchildren of the witches you weren't able to burn," Cadence hissed as she plunged a "knife" into Josh Brolin's heart, the first scene she filmed for her first movie.

"We are the grandchildren of the witches you weren't able to burn," Cadence hissed as she plunged a "knife" into Josh Brolin's heart, the first scene she filmed for her first movie

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The video was stopped so that Ellen, Ramai, and Cadence could talk more about the Loki: God of Mischief film that they had been in with their now fiances. Both women smiled excitedly as they waited for Ellen's questions to begin.

"So, now that the movie is finally out, you two can talk about what it was like, right?" Ellen asked with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, we can so long as we don't reveal information about other films," Ramai smiled as both women nodded to the question.

"So, in this movie Thanos, played by Josh Brolin, is the villain, but in this one, he's not pulling strings from behind the scenes he's actually on earth causing war, what was that like?" Ellen asked, slightly leaning towards Cade and Ra.

"It was intense. Because Josh wasn't there for a brief amount of time like he was in the other films; Josh was on set every day for filming," Cadence smiled, remembering the whole filming process.

"I think the best part was that Cadence's character got to be the one to kill his character. This movie may have been a Loki movie. Still, I think Cadence's character was actually the main character," Ramai smiled, remembering how passionate Cade was while she was on set.

 Still, I think Cadence's character was actually the main character," Ramai smiled, remembering how passionate Cade was while she was on set

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"Aww, thanks, Ra!" Cadence smiled at her best friend, bumping her shoulder with hers.

"Now, is it true that you broke all of the horses that were in the movie?" Ellen asked with a curious smile.

"Yeah, I did. I am the type of person that doesn't fully trust other people's training when it comes to horses, and we conveniently filmed the majority of the movie on a friend's ranch. We actually were there when we did our screen tests, and I was in the middle of breaking babies. I trust those horses with my life because I trained them myself," Cadence replied with an honest smile.

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