middle ground

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I sit watching my brother and tera pack, legs tugged in and mind drifting.

After what happened with orlan, we haven't spoken or even seen each other, it's been just a day, but I don't know what to do.

I still don't understand what happened, or why he said what he said to me, it hurt, it still does and I'm not sure what's going on.

I'm supposed to leave tomorrow but I'm so confused

I'm not sure how to feel or what to do.

We need to talk, that much is obvious, but I feel like he's avoiding me and I don't know what to do.

The thought hurts my chest and I sigh, closing my eyes and resting my head, hand playing with my bracelet.

"all set " azumi says walking back into the room with tera and I force a smile, pushing myself up and acting like my heart wasnt in pieces.

"Let's go then " I say and we all step out of our quarters.

When we're out of the palace and on the perian street is when tera gently nudges me with her shoulder

"what happened between you and the emperor? " she asks and I look at her surprised

"what? " I ask and she sighs

"He wasn't over yesterday for the first time since the incident and you've been sulking, so what's wrong "

I blink at her, sometimes I forget how observant my best friend is, so I breathe in before telling her and it feels like unloading the jumbled mess in my chest.

She furrows her eyebrows

"Haven't you both talked about this? Living an ocean apart? " she asks and I bite my lip before shaking my head

She must see how nervous I am because her eyes soften

"What else is bothering you? "she says and I look at her in surprise, she just rolls her eyes

"hello, bestfriend remember? " she says cheekily and I smile

"I don't know where we stand " I finally admit and her eyes widen

"what!!?! You're both crazy about each other " she says looking completely offended

"I mean " I try to explain it the way it is in my head

"I have thought about the distance tera, and I know what I want, but I feel..."

"like you're walking on ice " Tera says in understanding and I sigh before nodding, her eyes soften.

"that man is madly in love with you kiara, I know he wants to be with you just as much as you want to be with him, stop over thinking it, do what makes you happy " she says kindly and I breathe out before nodding

"and talk to him about it, you also deserve an explanation for him freaking out on you like that " she says seriously and I smile before hugging her

"what would I do without you? " I ask playfully and she snickers

"deal with that big head alone " she says gesturing towards azumi who's walking ahead and swinging his arms every which way and I laugh

"yeah you're right "

My door comes open and I look up from my parchments to find song peaking in

"Bestfriend delivery services " he singsongs and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, he plops down infront of me and meets my eyes.

"what? " I ask and he rolls his eyes

"what's wrong? " he asks

"what?? " I repeat and he sighs

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