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This part of the city was more quiet and I breathed in as I walked back to the palace, partners had been switched once more and by the end of everything I couldn't find him

And I was left wondering if it had happened at all, but I know it did.

The festival was still in full swing when I opted to head back,  clen offered to follow but I declined, they were having fun and I didn't want to end that.

My mind keeps replaying what just happened moments ago, I had finally let myself accept that the emperor isn't the monster I always thought he would be, the realization brought no relief, it just made things harder for me.

Killing a monster for the greater good was just that, Killing a monster

Killing someone as good and as human as him, someone who has proved time and time again to be better, to be more than what he was born into, to be different,

amber eyes flashed before my minds eye, someone who I'd somehow grown fond of hurt me more than I'd like to admit.

I was in such a mess.

The world is still at war and he's still the emperor, I'm still zethnan and I was still sent here to kill him, the only difference now is me knowing in my heart of hearts that he doesn't deserve it.

I clutched my necklace tight, eyes closed

"mom, I'm so confused " I breathed. 

I couldn't return home without ending him, the elders won't have a chance to end this war if I don't, but now, now I wanted to keep the light in his eyes shining.  So much trouble. 

I released a shaky breath.

A shrill scream resounded in the alley and I froze, before my feet took off towards the direction,  I stopped a few meters away from the scene

The scream had come from a woman whose hand was tightly grasped by a man who had her pinned to the wall while two other men just stood and watched, I could see the fear in her eyes and I clenched my fists in irritation and anger.

"let me go!!" she yelled out, struggling against him and he only held on tighter

" feisty are we?  Good thing I like them like that " he said voice rancid and I gritted my jaw, the woman's eyes widened in fear and I clenched my fists.

"get off her " I said, turning their attention to me.

The two others turned to face me, surprise on their faces quickly turning into snarls, the woman's eyes found mine and they were still blown wide with fear.

"what are you doing there? "

The man holding her in place eyed me  small grin spreading across his face

" little lady wants in on the fun too? "

irritation pricked at my skin at his words

" I said let go of her " I repeated before he snickered and nodded at the two other guys who advanced towards me. I took a step back

"should have kept walking lady " one of them said before launching at me, I side stepped him, leg coming up and landing on his back, causing him to fall with a huff.

The others eyes widen and he knocks into me,  holding me in a tight grip, hands tight on my neck, I claw at his hands trying to free myself but his grip holds firm, 

I head butt him and he groans, I turn swiftly, kick him in the stomach and he ends up on the ground.

The woman let's out a startled scream bringing my attention back to the man who was holding her in place, eyes blazing with hatred, snarl on his face. 

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